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Web-based Version of Blooms Taxonomy (30+ digital tools )

Web-based Version of Blooms Taxonomy (30+ digital tools )

Awesome Poster on Bloom's Revised Taxonomy Our Bloom's Taxonomy section here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is growing richer in materials and resources. I am so grateful to everyone of you for generously contributing with your ideas and links. I just got this poster from a fellow teacher featuring the 6 thinking skills as outlined in the revised taxonomy. I will let you have a look at this awesome revised taxonomy poster and looking forward to your comments and feedback.

20 Great Rubrics for Integrating Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in Your Teaching June 15, 2014 I have always been inspired by the great work of Andrew Church. This guy has been one of my authority sources for everything related to Bloom's digital taxonomy. Andrew provided a detailed account of how teachers can align the thinking levels of Bloom's original taxonomy with the different digital tools. I have already shared here several examples of web tools and mobile apps that can be used to promote Bloom's digital thinking skills; but today I am sharing with you some wonderful rubrics to help you integrate Bloom's digital taxonomy into your teaching. These rubrics are designed by Andrew Church and are available for free download from this page. Each of these rubrics is related to a tinkling stage of Bloom's taxonomy. Here is a quick round-up of all the Bloom's digital taxonomy rubrics created by Andrew: Remembering:

Blooms, SAMR & the 3 C's - iSupport All the apps you’ll ever need As I prepared for an upcoming presentation at a local University I unloaded my test iPad of all its applications and created a new iPad, complete only with apps which I use at school every week. This iPad would become my “essentials” iPad, strategically and efficiently full of apps I wholly recommend to every educator I meet. I went through the apps and I developed a list, indicating the apps purpose. I found that these purposes consistently fell into 3 categories: Consumption, Creation and Collaboration. I found I had many educational gaming type apps (gamification of learning) which fitted into the Consumption category. Today I chose to focus on these 3 “C’s” activities, and it was clear that they could be easily aligned to Blooms Taxonomy objectives. When you are considering your teaching tool kit, consider a concise balance between these apps. Which apps are you consuming (researching, learning specific facts) with?
