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20 Uses for Garlic : EcoSalon

20 Uses for Garlic : EcoSalon
Pungent and powerful, garlic has dozens of health and household uses. Chew up a raw clove of garlic and you might exhale noxious, eye-watering clouds of stink all day, but you’ll also repel mosquitoes (and vampires), increase your immunity, heal cold sores, expel parasites and maybe even get in the mood. Garlic is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, killing bacteria, fungus, viruses and mold, so it’s an important ally for natural health. Check out these 20 unusual and sometimes strange alternative uses for garlic.Acne Slice open a clove of raw, fresh garlic and apply it to breakouts as a home remedy for acne. Pesticide Whiteflies, aphids, cabbage loopers and squash bugs. Cold sore treatment These unsightly lesions always seem to pop up at the most inopportune times, like the morning before a big date. Mosquito repellent If you don’t mind smelling like Italian dressing, garlic can work wonders in warding off pesky mosquitoes without the use of DEET and other potentially toxic chemicals. Fish bait Related:  Gardening and ForagingALIMENTACIÓNGarlik

How to Grow Ginger | How To Grow Stuff Ginger is popular in American food, but it’s practically a staple in Asian cuisine. Not only is it easy to grow and delicious in recipes, but studies show that ginger packs powerful health benefits. Although it is a tropical plant, it will adapt easily to indoor and container planting, making it possible for anyone to enjoy fresh ginger throughout much of the year. Before You Plant Choose the Right Type of Ginger: For practical purposes, ginger is most often home-grown from tubers. Find a Suitable Place: Plan to grow ginger indoors unless you live in the extreme southern portions of the U.S. or in one of the desert states. Prepare the soil: Mix organic material or prepared compost into soil to fill the container (or amend garden soil in the same manner).Ginger will grow quite well in commercially prepared potting soil. Planting/Growing Ginger What You Will Need: Ginger rootPrepared soil How to Plant Ginger: Harvesting/Pruning Ginger Ginger requires very little maintenance. Related Posts

GRAVIOLA AND CANCER ~ Graviola fights cancer The National Cancer Institute first noted the anticancer activity of graviola leaves in 1976, in an internal study not publicly released. Much of the subsequent research has been conducted at Purdue University in Indiana [source: Bluestein]. The studies concentrate on the antitumor properties and selective toxicity of annonaceous acetogenins. In 1997, the Purdue team announced that these phytochemicals, in studies, appeared especially effective at destroying cells that had survived chemotherapy. Such cells can develop resistance to several anti-cancer agents, earning the name multi-drug resistant (MDR). These research findings have generated tremendous excitement, as well as an effort to market graviola supplements. Pharmaceutical companies have succeeded in reproducing several annonaceous acetogenins in the laboratory. More from Graviola Secret

Syrop czosnkowy 10 razy bardziej wydajny od antybiotyków, który wyleczy wiele chorób, w tym raka Jeśli chodzi o infekcje bakteryjne, antybiotyki są zawsze pierwszym wyborem, który podejmuje lekarz. Jednak oprócz wielu skutków ubocznych, większość antybiotyków nie może stawić czoła pewnym wirusom opornym na dany lek. Dlatego zaleca się zawsze używać naturalnych składników w celu wzmocnienia układu odpornościowego, jak również przywrócenia zdrowia. W tym artykule dzielimy się przepisem, który jest 10 razy skuteczniejszy niż antybiotyk w leczeniu infekcji dróg oddechowych, przewlekłego kaszlu, bólu gardła, astmy, problemów z oddychaniem i przewlekłego zapalenia oskrzeli. Składniki : 6-8 ząbków czosnku½ szklanki wody½ szklanki miodu ¼ szklanki octu jabłkowego Przygotowanie: Posiekaj ząbki czosnku, umieść je w misce, dodaj pozostałe składniki i dokładnie wymieszaj. Stosowanie: Jeśli zachorujesz, weź jedną łyżkę tego leku co kilka godzin, tak długo, aż stan zdrowia się poprawi. Korzyści zdrowotne składników

The 16 Best Healthy, Edible Plants to Grow Indoors From farmers’ markets and Community Supported Agriculture, to urban farms and rooftop gardens, to produce delivery services, more and more people across the U.S. are embracing farm-fresh food. And for good reason: Locally grown produce tends to be better for the environment and for local communities than its store-bought counterparts. Growing food at home also ensures that growers know exactly where their food comes from and how it was grown (no need to worry about deceptive food labeling). If you’re not whipping out the pruning shears yet, consider this: Learning new skills is good for our brains. Luckily, you don’t need to be a farmer (or even live near a farm) in order to reap the benefits of home-grown produce. If you have a sunny window (or two, or five) and a bit of extra time on your hands, then you’re capable of growing your own food right at home. General Growing Tips Fruits and Veggies Photo: Alpha 1. 2. 3. 4. How to Harvest: Most lemons will ripen in six to nine months. 5. 6. 7.

What Consuming Just One Ounce of Coconut Oil Per Day Does To Your Body Over A Period Of Time by Eddie Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can actually be classified as a super food. There is such a hype surrounding the product that it really makes you wonder what the sudden ubiquitous of this tropical plant is all about. It contains a unique combination of fatty acids with powerful medicinal properties Coconut oil contains what is known as medium chain fatty triglycerides, which are fatty acids of a medium length. Places that eat coconut oil are considered to be the healthiest on the planet Coconut oil is still considered to be an exotic food in our Western Society, primarily consumed by health conscious people. Helps to control weight One 2009 Study looked at the weight loss link between consumption of coconut oil and found that it reduced abdominal obesity. Good Source of Lauric Acid The lauric acid in coconut oil can kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and help stave off infections. They can reduce seizures Ease Digestion Helps to Manage Type 2 Diabetes Cooks at high temperatures

Tybetańska nalewka czosnkowa W 1971 roku podczas wyprawy UNESCO, w jednym z tybetańskich klasztorów została odnaleziona receptura Eliksiru młodości – nalewki czosnkowej, datowana na IV-V wiek p.n.e Tybetańska nalewka czosnkowa oczyszcza organizm z odkładającego się tłuszczu, wypłukuje nierozpuszczony wapń, gwałtownie poprawia przemianę materii, oczyszcza naczynia krwionośne, zapobiega zawałowi serca, miażdżycy oraz paraliżowi, tworzeniu się nowotworów, likwiduje szum w głowie, poprawia wzrok, odmładza i bardzo wzmacnia organizm. Tybetańska nalewka czosnkowa przepis Składniki: 350 g obranego czosnku najlepiej polskiego 200 ml czystego spirytusu spożywczego Przygotowanie: Przygotować naczynie, które można zamknąć, najlepiej słoik. Stosowanie: UWAGA: podajemy dawkowanie po najnowszej modyfikacji dokonanej przez pana Profesora Tombaka, w związku z współczesnym trybem życia ludzi: Michał Tombak Dodaj do ulubionych: Lubię Wczytywanie...

How to Grow Garlic: Organic Gardening Soil preparation: Garlic will tolerate some shade but prefers full sun. While I've seen cloves sprout in gravel pits, garlic responds best in well-drained, rich, loamy soil amended with lots of organic matter. Raised beds are ideal, except in very dry regions. Planting: To grow garlic, you plant the cloves, the sections of the bulb; each clove will produce a new bulb. The largest cloves generally yield the biggest bulbs. Spacing: Place cloves in a hole or furrow with the flat or root end down and pointed end up, with each tip 2 inches beneath the soil. Watering: Garlic needs about an inch of water each week during spring growth. Scape Sacrifice: By mid-June, your garlic will begin sprouting flowery tops that curl as they mature and ultimately straighten out into long spiky tendrils. Harvesting Hints When half to three-quarters of the leaves turn yellow-brown, typically in late June or early July (depending on the variety and the weather), it's harvest time.

How Monsanto is Destroying the Brains and Health of Everyone Dr. Matthew Buckley, PSc.D., Waking Times One of my most recent blog entries(1) summarized roughly 10 years of research related to the consequences of inflammatory processes in the periphery of the body, such as the gut, and how this was driving brain degenerative inflammatory processes within the brain. One of the key findings from that research was how pathogenic bacterial waste products known as “lipopolysaccharides” , (LPS) would trigger an immune response, and this immune response would then trigger the brains immune cells, the microglia, to become overly active and degrade brain cells. (LPS is basically small parts of the cell wall of the bad bacteria.) In short, the process can work like this (note there are other ways to trigger this): 1) Pathogenic bacteria overg row in intestines and create waste products (LPS) which activate the immune system to respond and produce a chemical called “Interleukin 1b”. So how does Monsanto contribute to this? So what does this all mean? Dr.

Czosnek przepisy kulinarne i lecznicze Czosnek niejednego uchronił od ciężkiej choroby Właściwości czosnku znali już starożytni Egipcjanie co najmniej 4500 lat temu. Budowniczowie piramid otrzymywali stałym przydział czosnku by zachować siły i zdrowie. Francuzi do dziś wspominają jak czosnek uratował kilku rabusiów w 1926r podczas straszliwej epidemii grypy w Marsylii, kiedy ludzie marli jak muchy. Owi młodzieńcy włamali się do cudzej piwnicy i znaleźli tam wino macerowane na czosnku i wieńce zbawiennych ząbków. Czosnek jest naturalnym antybiotykiem, niszczy bakterie, wirusy, grzyby i drożdże, obniża ciśnienie krwi, wzmacnia serce, oczyszcza, opóźnia proces starzenia się komórek i działa przeciwnowotworowo – to tylko niektóre z jego zalet więc warto go włączyć do diety, bo dodatkowo poprawia smak potraw. Surowy czosnek zabija patogeny wspiera więc układ odpornościowy i przeciwdziała chorobom nowotworowym. Jest idealny do niesłodzonych przetworów nie tylko dlatego, że wzbogaca ich smak. Pasta z awokado à la guacamole a

101 Gardening Secrets The Experts Never Tell You I like to use natural top soil to start my garden seedlings in. I usually don't use potting soil because it generally does not produce the results I want. I usually fill a large, deep baking pan I have with top soil and bake it for thirty minutes at 350 degrees. This sanitizes the soil and makes sure that no weeds or grass come up in your soil. I usually start on this project in the winter and I fill up a couple of large plastic barrels with lids with the sanitized soil. I fill my trays up with my potting soil and then I plant my seeds. I cover each seedling with a clear plastic cup that I wash and reuse. If you want to root a plant or cutting in water, add a aspirin or two to the water. If you plant your seeds outdoors sprinkle flavored powdered gelatin in the soil with the seeds. Transplanting Tomatoes Or Pepper Plants When planting any type of tomato or pepper plant, pinch off all but the top leaves of the plant. Then carefully fill the hole with dirt and pack the dirt down tight. 1.

The Top Four Cancer-Fighting Spices Oregano, Garlic, Cayenne, Turmeric These four cancer-fighting spices have powerful health benefits and were part of my daily regimen to heal cancer without chemo. They are common, but not commonly found in American cuisine, so I had to be very deliberate about adding them to my food. I took copious amounts of these four spices and still do today. They are (organically grown): Oregano, Garlic, Cayenne Pepper, and Turmeric. The Turmeric plant is a relative of Ginger and has been used for thousands of years in Indian Ayurvedic medicine (the science of long life) as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent to treat infection, inflammation, wound healing, poor digestion, etc. Turmeric is the business because it contains the powerful cancer-fighting polyphenol Curcumin. Curcumin has been clinically shown to inhibit growth of various cancer cells including: Bone Cancer, Breast Cancer, Brain Tumors, Colon, Liver, Pancreatic, Stomach, Bladder, Kidney, Prostate, Leukemia, Ovarian, Melanoma, and more!

Uzdrawiająca zupa czosnkowa zamiast antybiotyku Uzdrawiająca zupa czosnkowa według starych wschodnich przepisów sięgających czasów sprzed I wojny światowej. W zależności od dostępności składników była nieco modyfikowana, jednak głównym komponentem był pieczony czosnek, wywar rosołowy i przyprawy. Leczono nią wszelkie infekcje, choroby wirusowe i bakteryjne, a nawet ciężkie zapalenia płuc w czasach kiedy nie było antybiotyków. Wielu zesłanym Polakom żyjącym w ekstremalnie trudnych warunkach na Syberii zupa uratowała życie. Składniki: 2 litry domowego rosołu 40-50 ząbków pieczonego czosnku 2 łyżki masła 2 łyżki oleju nierafinowanego np rzepakowy lub innego tłuszczu 2 duże czerwone cebule 1 łyżka posiekanej macierzanki piaskowej Świeże lub suszone zioła i przyprawy – natka pietruszki, tymianek, liście laurowe, ziele angielskie, pieprz 1 szklanka ugotowanej kaszy jaglanej Bardzo powoli, przez kilka godzin na wolnym ogniu gotować rosół z włoszczyzną na kurze, kościach wołowych, kozinie, baraninie lub dziczyźnie. W międzyczasie obrać czosnek.

HOW TO GROW A PINEAPPLE FROM SEED |The Garden of Eaden The pineapple fruit - Ananas comosus, is a common sight in most supermarket fresh produce aisles, but as familiar as it is today the pineapple is steeped in history and was once considered to be the most coveted of all fruit. Discovered in 1493 by Christopher Columbus during his voyages to the Americas, the pineapple became an instant hit when it was introduced to Europe. Unfortunately the pineapple has a notoriously short shelf life and the 1-2 month sea voyage it made obtaining one was almost impossible. Its extreme rarity meant that the pineapple quickly became a symbol of wealth and luxury, but despite the best efforts of European gardeners it was almost two centuries before they were able to mimic the conditions required to bring a pineapple plant to fruition. In order to get your hands on some seed cut a fresh and fully ripe pineapple into slices and remove the small, black seeds in the fruit's flesh. You will find them nearest the skin.
