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AR.Drone 2.0. Parrot new wi-fi quadricopter - - HD Camera - Parrot

AR.Drone 2.0. Parrot new wi-fi quadricopter - - HD Camera - Parrot
“Create high-quality and stable movie shots” The Director mode lets you program automaticmovements so that you can shoot great videos justlike a movie director. Choose your movement: traveling, pan, crane… Adjust speed and moves in real time to compose your video sequence Stabilization system and video post-processing to get clean smooth shots Tune camera settings such as white balance, exposure and luminosity Selection of key sequences in the video Video sharing on YouTube and AR.Drone Academy *In-app purchase on ar.freeflight Learn more Camera moves

Cell Phone SDK - Ultrasound The World's First Ultrasound Machine Based on a Cell Phone Time Magazine talks about the FDA-approved system in their Healthland section. FDA Approval: Mobisante receives FDA approval for their smartphone-based ultrasound system: MobiHealthNews Mobisante, a start-up in Seattle, WA, is commercializing this technology. It is currently under review by the FDA and they hope to sell the first units in 2011. Here is an interview on CNN with the CEO of Mobisante on November 29, 2010. We presented our work at the first mHealth Summit in Washington D.C. at the end of October, 2009. SDK Release UPDATE: While the SDK is still available, it is no longer being supported as Mobisante is commercializing this technology. Version 2.51 has been released to the public. An installer for the binary is also available and must be installed before working with the source code; this is to properly install the drivers and resources referenced by the application. In the News Washington University in St. Blogs

Flexible sensor paves way for electronic skin 10 July 2013 A new type of cheap, flexible sensor that could one day be used to create electronic skin has been discovered by a team from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. The device is capable of simultaneously detecting pressure, humidity and temperature with exceptional accuracy. The researchers say it could be used to monitor strain on bridges, create a better artificial skin to benefit amputees, or even give robots the ability to 'feel'. To create the sensor, the researchers placed layers on ultra small monolayer-capped nanoparticles on top of a substrate made of PET (flexible polyethylene terephthalate). They found that the resulting compound conducted electricity differently depending on how the substrate was bent (the bending motion brought some particles closer to others, increasing how quickly electrons could pass between them.) By varying how thick the substrate is, as well as what it is made of, the scientists have been able to modify the sensors sensitivity. Comments

Home L’applicazione IRIG nello Speciale NFC di Datacollection Nell' ultimo numero di DataCollection, spazio alla tecnologa NFC, in evidenza oltre ai nuovi sistemi di pagamento anche la nostra applicazione.... ecco il testo dell' Articolo: "I-Rig di Weflex è un sistema che integra la tecnologia RFID/ NEC, Mobile e Cloud Computing. Gli scopi sono molteplici e possono riguardare identificazione certa, autenticità, anticon-traffazione, protezione della X-Lovers a SMAU Mob App Award Bologna Un'altra verticalizzazione di Irig sta subito riscuotendo interesse e riconoscimenti: X-Lovers è il primo social network per oggetti “intelligenti”. Abbiamo rivisitato la creazione di oggetti personalizzati, pensandone una estensione virtuale in linea con le tendenze attuali, soprattutto tra i giovani. I-Rig su Toughpad JT-B1 Panasonic la soluzione NFC ideale per chi lavora A SMAU 2013 , Torino abbiamo provato l’applicazione I-Rig sui fantastici Toughpad di Panasonic. Chi Siamo

Lean Startup Machine Milan, September 20 - 22 What is Lean Startup? “Lean Startup” is a term coined by Eric Ries while an Advisor to the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. It’s based on the new management processes he employed while Chief Technology Officer at IMVU, one of Silicon Valley’s most successful startups. What is Customer Development? “Customer Development” is a process pioneered by Steve Blank and written about extensively in Four Steps to the Epiphany. What is Lean Startup Machine’s relationship with Eric Ries? Eric Ries is heavily involved as an advisor to Lean Startup Machine. Is Lean Startup Machine a hackathon? Lean Startup Machine is a workshop & educational series. What is your relationship with Startup Weekend? We love Startup Weekend but unfortunately do not have any official relationship. Can I participate if I don’t already have a team? Yes. Can I participate if I don’t already have an idea? Yes. Can I participate without previous startup or technology experience? Yes. How much does Lean Startup Machine cost?

EyeGuide® | Grinbath Products | Grinbath Grinbath's Newest Wireless Eye Tracking System Offers Live Research and Control. Coming Soon! The EyeGuide® Mobile Tracker is truly a groundbreaking eye tracking system that promises to change the way we see and control our world. EyeGuide® Mobile Tracker makes it possible for the first time to see what users see as they see it, live. ose patients, affordably and effectively. Just as innovative is the fact that EyeGuide® Mobile Tracker makes use of patent-pending technology to blend together head and eye movement for a new way to control objects on screen. But most amazing of all is that EyeGuide® Mobile Tracker will allow users to control objects beyond the screen. Find out more about its technical details. Looking for the original EyeGuide Eye Tracker System?

ibitz™ Playground - TutorialWired Ritorna a Playground Italiano Come costruire un Joystick per PC/Mac con una Leonardo per giocare a SuperTuxKartCosm: un database a cui collegare Arduino e controllare l'andamento dei sensori dal web Twitting Plant La pianta che twitta quando ha sete. [Internet of Things]Lampada twitter: una lampada che cambia colore seguendo un certo hashtag o un account. Come costruire un Joystick per PC/Mac con una Leonardo per giocare a SuperTuxKart Collegamenti Rappresentazione Fritzing dei collegamenti con una breadboard Schema elettico dei collegamenti Sketch #define KeysNum 9 // Numero di tasti necessari per usare tutti // i comandi di tuxkart per ogni giocatore //Soglia massima e minima per interpretare il joystick come input digitale#define joy_leftThreshold 600#define joy_rightThreshold 300#define joy_upThreshold 600#define joy_downThreshold 300 // serve per creare una lista, in pratica sostituisce i numeri con dei nomi// molto figo, non strettamente necessario. Serial.begin(9600);} Cosm Il codice:

Top 10 innovations of the year Photos | Pictures Oops! Sorry, the page you requested either doesn't exist or isn't available right now! Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. Please try Yahoo Help Central if you need more assistance. Today on Yahoo! 1 - 6 of 39 prev next Tessel Use your web development skills to make hardware devices with Tessel. Tessel is an open-source microcontroller that is programmable in JavaScript and compatible with Node.js. We founded Technical Machine to make hardware development as fast and flexible as developing for the web. Tessel is the first step in that mission. Tessel is optimized for the creation of new experiences and internet-connected devices. If our campaign reaches its goal, we’ll begin building out Tessel's ecosystem with processes to take a Tesselation from prototype to a beta-testable device, and first-party services for aggregating usage data, firmware deployment and management, and enterprise-class security. Developing for Tessel is just like web development: write your JavaScript code and deploy it with a simple push command – just like pushing to a server. We know innovation doesn’t come from managing drivers and configuration, but from how fast you can develop new experiences. Class A modules: Class B modules:

Intoino, startup per inventori Avreste sempre voluto inventarvi qualcosa ma la mancanza di fondamenti del linguaggio informatico ve lo impediva? Tra poco potrebbero bastare spirito d’iniziativa, immaginazione e intraprendenza. La scatola degli attrezzi invece ce la mette Intoino, una app dedicata allo sviluppo di progetti basati su Arduino. La startup del torinese Marco Bestonzo è la più giovane in corsa per il LeWeb 2012. Giovane perché nata solo quattro mesi fa, e giovane perché fondata da un team che ha in media 26 anni. Come è nata l’idea di Intoino? “Intoino nasce dalla visione che tutti, dall’ingegnere del Mit al bambino del paesino più sperduto, possono avere idee in grado di cambiare il mondo. Ci spieghi come funziona? “Si tratta di un’app connessa in modalità wireless con le schede Arduino tramite una speciale antenna a forma di lampadina (Intoino Bulb). Ci fai qualche esempio pratico di cosa si potrà realizzare? “Tutto quello che un processore e la sensoristica avanzata permettono.

Il futuro delle macchine comandate col pensiero I poteri mentali di Yoda, maestro Jedi di Star Wars, e del professor Xavier degli X-Men non sono ancora termini di paragone da prendere in considerazione. E forse non saranno mai eguagliati da noi semplici esseri umani. Tuttavia i ricercatori che studiano le interfaccia cervello-macchina (Bci), ovvero la possibilità di controllare alcuni dispositivi elettronici attraverso l' attività cerebrale, stanno cominciando a ottenere risultati interessanti. Non parliamo delle grandi potenzialità dei sensori impiantati dentro il cranio attraverso i quali, per esempio, pazienti immobilizzati riescono a manipolare bracci robotici o cursori di computer: sottoporsi a un intervento chirurgico di questo tipo solo per controllare gli apparecchi elettronici di tutti i giorni è una contropartita ancora poco conveniente. Star Wars Science Force Trainer (35$) Un set di cuffie wireless, un ventilatore e un tubo di plastica dentro il quale far sollevare una pallina da ping pong con il potere della mente.
