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12 Essential Plugins that Extend WordPress as a CMS

12 Essential Plugins that Extend WordPress as a CMS
Over the past couple of years WordPress has grown into much more than just a blogging platform. People are now using it as a CMS (Content Management System) to power many different types of websites. Using WordPress more as a standard CMS often requires some creative thinking when building themes and setting up the structure of categories and content. In this article we present to you 12 very useful plugins that will give your WordPress install extended CMS functionality. Pods CMS Pods is a CMS framework for WordPress. Flutter Flutter is a plugin that gives the administrator custom write panels with the ability to add radio buttons, file uploads, image uploads, checkboxes, etc. WP-CMS Post Control WP-CMS Post Control not only allows you to hides unwanted items like custom fields, trackbacks, revisions etc. but also gives you a whole lot more control over how WordPress deals with creating content! PageMash Role Scoper CForms II Scissors TinyMCE Advanced Side Content Multi-level Navigation

20 Tutorials to Develop Wordpress Plugin | How-To | WordPress plugin developers are earning good amount online. Most of them release two versions of plugin, one is free version and other is premium with some enhanced features. If you are new to plugin development or want to extend your experience this article is best for you. WordPress has become more important application for bloggers and even for those who need small web site. To extend its functionality beyond the basic features there are too many plugins. You can do almost anything with WordPress using different plugins. I have compiled 20 tutorials for developers to know how to develop wordpress plugin. 1. Here it is, a video guide to creating your first WordPress plugin (in under 5 minutes!). First WP Plugin 2. Writing your own WordPress plugin is not that difficult if you are a web developer with basic PHP skills. Create a WP Plugin 3. For any WordPress user, plugins are essential. Write a WordPress Plugin 4. Custom WordPress Plugin 5. Anatomy of WordPress Plugin 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Aus WordPress ein Social Media Network machen auf WordPress bie­tet immer wie­der fas­zi­nie­rende neue Möglichkeiten und bleibt dank der Kreativität und Power der Open Source Community so sehr am Puls der Zeit, dass “kom­mer­zi­elle” Produkte kaum mehr mit­hal­ten kön­nen. Die ehe­ma­lige Weblog-Only Software hat sich zum aus­ge­wach­se­nen CMS mit hun­der­ten Erweiterungen in Form von Plugins ent­wi­ckelt. Zwei neue Plugins ermög­li­chen es nun, die eigene WordPress–Installation mit Social Network Features aus­zu­stat­ten. Obwohl beide Plugins grund­sätz­lich ähnli­che Funktionen bereit stel­len, unter­schei­den sie sich vom Einsatzzweck her gra­vie­rend. Wozu der ganze Social Network Aufwand? Diese Frage drängt sich in der Tag auf: zum einen erfor­dert die klas­si­sche Blognutzung kei­ner­lei Registrierung, zum ande­ren erschließt sich Sinn und Zweck von Userprofilen nicht auf den ers­ten Blick. Um Missverständnissen vor­zu­beu­gen: ich spre­che hier nicht von quan­ti­ta­ti­ven Faktoren. auf: auf daten­schmutz regis­trie­ren

Evernote Site Memory Plugin for Wordpress | Slocum Design Studio September 17, 2010 - Announcements, Blog, Portfolio, Web Portfolio - 24 Comments inShare0 The Slocum Design Studio development team is excited to announce the availability of our newly developed WP Evernote Site Memory plugin for WordPress! Last week, Evernote announced the availability of their Site Memory Button. Evernote is a great service that the entire Slocum Design Studio team uses. Although the folks at Evernote have made the Site Memory button as simple to configure as possible, not everyone knows how to code HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. At SDS, we use WordPress for clients in search of Blogs and CMS web design; we’re happy to give back to the WordPress and Evernote communities by developing the WP Evernote Site Memory plugin. [nggallery id=20] Follow us on twitter for updates about plugin news, releases, and features. Features WP Evernote Site Memory gives you the ability to customize the following options: Installation You can also further customize the button with css styles.
