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Introduction to using openFrameworks with Arduino Introduction to using openFrameworks with Arduino Skill Level: Intermediate by CTaylor | January 26, 2012 | 1 comment What is openFrameworks? openFrameworks is a very handy software library written in C++ that is written for the sole purpose of reducing the software development overhead faced by designers and artists that would like to create pieces that use various media (graphics, sound, video, electronics, etc.). For some great examples of projects that use Arduino and the oF libraries, be sure to check out the openFrameworks section of the Arduino Blog. Very impressive fluid dress concept by Charlie Bucket What will we do in this tutorial? This tutorial will go step-by-step through the process of installing openFrameworks, getting programs running with it and then using the oF software libraries to communicate over USB with an Arduino UNO. This tutorial assumes that: You know the programming and basic use of Arduino. Step 1: Install openFrameworks and Code::Blocks Now install Code::Blocks ...

Usinage CNC amateur Sneak Preview of Maker Faire Rome Projects - ( Originally published in Make) In early July we spent a couple of days going through all of the submissions received to participate in Maker Faire Rome — the European Edition, taking place Oct. 3-6 in Italy. It was a great experience for us to discover makers’ projects from all around Europe, and the MakerTour gave us the chance to meet some of them and to produce 69 video clips to share this experience with all of you. You can watch the videos on the Maker Faire Rome channel on YouTube. Among those is a video of a visit to the Arduino factory in Ivrea. On the blog we said thank you 320 times to everyone who submitted her or his ideas to Maker Faire Rome, and we published a map showing a total of 200 Italian projects and 120 from other countries participating in the Call for Makers, which ended on June 30. Shhh. FabSkate is a project designed as a proof of concept for digital manufacturing and developed by Luciano Betoldi with Fablab Barcelona team, in Spain. An early FabSkate design.

CNCLoisirs Control your HVAC Infrared Devices from the Internet with IR Remote (Arduino / Raspberry Pi Compatible) IR Remote is a small shield that allows you to record any infrared command sent by a remote control and resend it from the Internet. It works connected to Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and let us to control any HVAC system including heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and thermostats from the Cloud. We offer 6 different wireless interfaces to connect Arduino and Raspberry Pi to the Internet: WiFi, 3G, GPRS, Bluetooth and 802.15.4 / ZigBee. With IR Remote you can easily control our home HVAC system from a laptop, a webserver or even from your smartphone. The shield is compatible with both Arduino and Raspberry Pi so you can choose your favourite platform to automate your home. IR Remote Shield over Arduino (left) Raspberry Pi with the connection bridge (right) HVAC applications Your home's HVAC system includes a number of heating, cooling, and ventilation components controlled with infrared technology that all work together to make your indoor living spaces more comfortable. Features Show Code

Fraiseuse sur tour à bois Je me suis dis que l'ordinateur et les automates sont présent partout dans la vie courante, je ne vois pas pourquoi il faudrait se passer d'un moyen moderne et actuel au service de la créativité. Les fraiseuses numériques sont des machines très chères réservées aux professionnels de l'industrie pour executer des pièces en séries. Cette fraiseuse est inspirée des machines utilisées par les modélistes de tous genres ( cncloisir / aeromaniacs ), pour construire leurs avions, bateaux, locomotives, batiments. Ici pas question de series ni de tournage numérique, mais utiliser la machine pour faire du fraisage sur des pièces façonnées en tournage traditionel. La pièce n'est pas numérisé, c'est en quelque sorte des torsades ou du guillochis plaqués autour de celle-ci avec des déformations par rapport au dessin d'origine qui lui est à plat, bref du bricolage quoi!

PROJECTS Microcontrollers as Material We’ve developed a set of tools and techniques that make it easy to use microcontrollers as an art or craft material, embedding them directly into drawings or other artifacts. We use the ATtiny45 from Atmel, a small and cheap (~$1) microcontroller that can be glued directly to paper or other objects. We then construct circuits [...] Codeable Objects Codeable Objects is a library for Processing that enables novice coders, designers and artists to rapidly design, customize and construct an artifact using geometric computation using geometric computation and digital fabrication The programming methods provided by the library allow the user to program a variety of structures and designs with simple code and geometry. DIY Cellphone An exploration into the possibilities for individual construction and customization of the most ubiquitous of electronic devices, the cellphone. Pu Gong Ying Tu (Dandelion Painting) Computational Textiles Curriculum LilyTiny Animated Vines

DIY CNC Intro.. I've wanted to make a CNC router for some time now. I first used a cnc router a few years ago when I worked for a jigsaw making business, we had one cnc router and two small laser cutters. The router was capable of machining aluminum, but we mainly used it for making timber signs and the occasional engraving job. On the weekends I used the laser cutters and router to make all sorts of things, from speaker boxes to windmill parts. UPDATE... Multicam CNC router, 1200X1200 bed, vacuum table. I left the business to work for a larger engineering company to manage their new 5kW laser cutter, but I missed the CNC router. Another of my hobbies, windmills, meant I spent some time searching the internet for windmill related web sites, and I stumbled across Terrys windmill site. So I started some internet research into other home made cnc routers, and soon realised there was a lot more to home made routers than I first thought. My own CNC router

Back to basics: Using 1 shift register At it's core the 74HC595 shift register is simply a way to turn on 8 signals at one time. To do this only 5 wires need to be run from the Arduino board. So you save 3 pins, "so what, I have plenty of pins" you ask? While this is true, the magic really happens when you want to use 16 signals, or, even 64 or more. Guess what? A couple of entries ago, I dove into an overly aggressive project, attempting to wire 4 shift registers to control both the anode and cathode wires of my, now infamous, 8x8 RGB LED matrix. I full-heartedly dove right in wiring this together, borrowing some code that I found on-line, I compiled my masterpiece, watched as the transmit/receive LEDs lit up on my Arduino board as the code was transferred and watched, in horror, as absolutely nothing happened. [insert expletive here] I felt I understood the wiring but, admittedly, didn't understand the code at all. That's why I find myself here, now. Whew! Clear now? Now, I added my other components. Now we wire the LEDs.

CNC Après le petit tutoriel de ce matin, voici un post qui résume le « flux de production » de mes fichiers GCODE. La base Tout commence par l’objet indipensable à la prise de mesure: le pied à coulisse. Les matériaux Une fois l’objet à créer correctement dimensionné, il faut trouver le matériau dans lequel on va le créer. Pour le bois, je prends en général du MDF ou du contreplaqué qui peuvent faire entre 3 et 15 mm.Pour le plastique j’utilise beaucoup le PVC qui a un bon rapport qualité / prix ainsi que du PEHD ( c’est ce qui est utilisé pour les plaques à découper dans votre cuisine ;-) ou encore du DELRIN (qui est excellent mais cher) Le choix du matériau est fait, maintenant les logiciels ! Les logiciels de CAO Pour dessiner des pièces à usiner, celui que j’utilise le plus, c’est LibreCAD. Quand il s’agit de graver des dessins ou du texte, rien de vaut inkscape qui n’est plus à présenter. Les logiciels de création du GCODE Ici, seulement deux logiciels sont utilisés: Pilotage de la CNC

blender, burster, arduino, processing, 3d scanning, programming Arduino to Blender(010; 28.07.2009; arduino, blender) Arduino to Blender 1.0 from MyInventions on Vimeo. Required: Blender 2.49a ( Python 2.6.2 ( pywin32-214 (pywin32-214.win32-py2.6.exe; pySerial 2.4 (pyserial-2.4.win32.exe ; Pythona 2.6.2 is required for Blender 2.49a. Pywin32 library incerease Python options for Windows. PySerial library let us Serial communication. Reciving informations from serial port in Blender. 01.import serial 03.serialport = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600) 05.for i in range(1, 20): 06. x = 07. y = ord(x) 08. print "y=", y 10.else: 11. serialport.close() Put it in Blender Text Editor. Download: SerialTest.blendEdit Blender object with script. Translate and rotate object with serial port: 02.import Blender 04.serialport = serial.Serial('COM4', 9600) 10. y = 0.01*ord(x) 15.

Processing + EPOC via OSC | hyperRitual Related articles: AffectCircles How would you like to create interactive art that responds to your thoughts, moods, and facial expressions? Thanks to Mind Your OSCs and oscP5, interpreting the Emotiv EPOC‘s data within a Processing sketch (and by extension, Arduino) could not be easier, even with the consumer (i.e. most affordable) version of the EPOC. This effectively allows anyone to develop a great variety of (open-source, if desired) EPOC applications including physical computing, even if they have only the consumer headset [1]. Here is how it works. To begin, you need an Emotiv EPOC and the Mind Your OSCs application which you can download for free from the Emotiv store. In the right-hand side of the Mind Your OSCs window, you can see the IP address and port number for data going out of Mind Your OSCs (connection info for data coming into Mind Your OSCs from the EPOC device or an emulator, etc., is displayed on the left-hand side of the window):

Teensy USB Development Board The Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontroller development system, in a very small footprint, capable of implementing many types of projects. All programming is done via the USB port. No special programmer is needed, only a standard "Mini-B" USB cable and a PC or Macintosh with a USB port. Update: Discussion / Support Forum Teensy 3.1 changes from Teensy 3.0 Teensy Loader Application Software Development Tools WinAVR C compiler. Teensyduino, add-on for Arduino IDE. Simplified USB Examples or Dean Camera's LUFA library. Breadboard Usage The Teensy is available with header pins, for direct no-soldering-required use on a breadboard, which can also be run from the +5 volt from the USB cable. The 128x64 Graphics LCD can be used with Teensy 2.0 and Teensy++ 2.0 and Teensyduino using this GLCD library.

Simulator for Arduino Pro version licence $14.99 (support until Dec2014) Prev<< --- >>Next "This is a life saver and honestly an excellent software." "I've just bought your wonderfull product. Keep up the good work! " "Thanks! Simulator for Arduino is the most full featured Arduino Simulator available at the present time (watch the latest video below). The benefits and features of the Arduino Simulator are: The ability to teach and demonstrate the inner workings of an Arduino sketch Test out a sketch without the hardware, or prior to purchasing hardware Debug a sketch Demonstrate a project to a potential customer Develop a complicated sketch faster than using the hardware Download the free version below with a short delay timer on loading a sketch, and when ready upgrade to the Pro Version. Steps through the program line by line. Limitations : Simulator for Arduino Datasheet Simulator for Arduino WebHelp The list price for Simulator for Arduino will be around $50 for v1.00. Watch the training video here:
