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Gospel of Mark

Gospel of Mark
The Gospel According to Mark (Greek: τὸ κατὰ Μᾶρκον εὐαγγέλιον, to kata Markon euangelion), the second book of the New Testament, is one of the four canonical gospels and the three synoptic gospels. It was traditionally thought to be an epitome (summary) of Matthew, which accounts for its place as the second gospel in the Bible, but most contemporary scholars now regard it as the earliest of the gospels. Most modern scholars reject the tradition which ascribes it to Mark the Evangelist, the companion of Peter, and regard it as the work of an unknown author working with various sources including collections of miracle stories, controversy stories, parables, and a passion narrative. Composition and setting[edit] Composition[edit] The two-source hypothesis: Most scholars agree that Mark was the first of the gospels to be composed, and that the authors of Matthew and Luke used it plus a second document called the Q source when composing their own gospels. Setting[edit] Structure[edit] 1.

Gospel of Luke The Gospel According to Luke (Greek: Τὸ κατὰ Λουκᾶν εὐαγγέλιον, to kata Loukan euangelion), commonly shortened to the Gospel of Luke or simply Luke, is the third and longest of the four Gospels. This synoptic gospel is an account of the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. It details his story from the events of his birth to his Ascension. According to the preface,[1] the purpose of Luke is to write an historical account,[2] while bringing out the theological significance of the history.[3] Nevertheless, ancient authors emphasized plausibility rather than truth and mixed intentional fiction in with their biography; the claim that the evangelist wrote with historical intentions does not guarantee the preservation of historical facts. Most modern critical scholarship concludes that Luke used the Gospel of Mark for his chronology and a hypothetical sayings source Q document for many of Jesus's teachings. Title[edit] Composition[edit] Synoptic Gospels[edit] Sources[edit] L source[edit]

Gospel of Matthew The Gospel According to Matthew (Greek: κατὰ Ματθαῖον εὐαγγέλιον, kata Matthaion euangelion, τὸ εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Ματθαῖον, to euangelion kata Matthaion) (Gospel of Matthew or simply Matthew) is one of the four canonical gospels, one of the three synoptic gospels, and the first book of the New Testament. The narrative tells how the Messiah, Jesus, rejected by Israel, finally sends the disciples to preach his Gospel to the whole world. The Gospel of Matthew is generally believed to have been composed between 70 and 110, with most scholars preferring the period 80–90; a pre-70 date remains a minority view, but has been strongly supported. The anonymous author was probably a highly educated Jew, intimately familiar with the technical aspects of Jewish law, and the disciple Matthew was probably honored within his circle. Composition and setting[edit] Evangelist Mathäus und der Engel by Rembrandt Composition[edit] Setting[edit] Structure and content[edit] Structure[edit] Theology[edit]

LEARN ASTROLOGY: Free Step-by-Step Lessons & Exams Step-by-Step It’s fun and easy to learn astrology if you take it one step at a time. What is Astrology? Astrology is the science of finding connection between those of us on the Earth and the Cosmos. It follows the patterns of movement by the planets and stars and assigns meanings to them that relate to human motivation and consciousness. Preliminary Reading: Before you begin learning astrology it is highly recommended that you read: The history of Astrology Step 1 - Learn Astrology Symbols Symbols constitute Astrology’s primary language. Learn Astrology by learning the Astrology Symbols Step 2 - Learn Astrology by Classifying the Zodiac Signs Zodiac Signs fall into several categories. Learn more about classifying Zodiac Signs. Step 3 - Learn Astrology by interpreting the Zodiac Signs In step 2 you learned how to classify each Sign. To learn about the Zodiac Signs from the 12 dice face dot patterns visit Step 4 - Exam 1 Exam #1 Step 5 - Learn the Planets in Astrology Step 8-Exam 2

Gospel of John The Gospel of John (also referred to as the Gospel According to John, the Fourth Gospel, or simply John) is one of the four canonical gospels in the Christian Bible. In the New Testament it traditionally appears fourth, after the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. John begins with the witness and affirmation of John the Baptist and concludes with the death, burial, resurrection, and post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. Chapter 21 states that the book derives from the testimony of the "disciple whom Jesus loved" and early church tradition identified him as John the Apostle, one of Jesus' Twelve Apostles. Raymond E. Composition[edit] Authorship[edit] The gospel identifies its author as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." The earliest manuscripts to contain the beginning of the gospel (Papyrus 66 and Papyrus 75), dating from around the year 200, entitle the gospel "The Gospel according to John". Sources[edit] Order of material[edit] Signs Gospel[edit] Discourses[edit] Inspiration[edit]

Gospel A gospel is an account that describes the life of Jesus of Nazareth . The most widely known examples are the four canonical gospels of Matthew , Mark , Luke , and John , but the term is also used to refer to the apocryphal gospels , the non-canonical gospels , the Jewish-Christian gospels and the gnostic gospels . Christianity traditionally places a high value on the four canonical gospels, which it considers to be a revelation from God and central to its belief system. [ 1 ] Christians teach that the four canonical gospels are an accurate and authoritative representation of the life of Jesus, [ 2 ] but many scholars agree that not everything contained in the gospels is historically reliable. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] In Islam the Injil ( Arabic : إنجيل ‎) is the Arabic term for a book given to Jesus. Etymology [ edit ] The word gospel derives from the Old English gōd-spell [ 11 ] (rarely godspel ), meaning "good news" or "glad tidings". Usage [ edit ] Origin [ edit ]

The Corinthians in Corinthians Figure Analysis The Corinthians sure get lots of screen time in the Bible, but just who were they? And why does Paul spend so much time writing letters to their little neck of the woods? The Corinth of Old Ancient Corinth was a lovely little town, which was located in the southern part of Greece on the Isthmus of Corinth. See, Corinth was pretty cosmopolitan at the time (for a place that didn't have flushing toilets, that is): Corinth was home to major seaports, which meant its exports of bronze and terra cotta always sold well.It was a major manufacturing and commercial hub of the ancient world. Paul's Arrival in Greece So Paul hits Corinth and establishes a church pretty quickly. Not quite. Sin's Really Got a Hold on Them The Corinthians get a bad wrap for being a bunch of ancient sinners and sex freaks. "Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers […] this is what some of you used to be" (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Wrong:

Apostle (Christian) The Twelve Apostles are the twelve primary disciples of Jesus Christ, and they were his closest followers and the primary teachers of the gospel message of Jesus. The count of twelve is ambiguous, as described below. Any subsequent teacher who spread the Christian message to a people, country, or nation, may also have been recognized as an apostle to that people. The commissioning of the Twelve Apostles during the ministry of Jesus is recorded in the Synoptic Gospels. Paul the Apostle (Saul of Tarsus), not one of the Twelve or the Seventy but a later convert, "the apostle of the Gentiles",[Romans 11:13] claimed a special commission from the resurrected Jesus, separate from the Great Commission given to the Twelve. The period of Early Christianity during the lifetimes of the apostles is called the Apostolic Age.[1] In the 2nd century, association with the apostles was esteemed as evidence of authority and such churches are known as Apostolic Sees. The Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles.

First Council of Nicaea The First Council of Nicaea (/naɪ'si:ə/; Greek: Νίκαια /'ni:kaɪja/ Turkish: Iznik) was a council of Christian bishops convened in Nicaea in Bithynia by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. This first ecumenical council was the first effort to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all of Christendom.[5] Its main accomplishments were settlement of the Christological issue of the nature of the Son of God and his relationship to God the Father,[3] the construction of the first part of the Creed of Nicaea, establishing uniform observance of the date of Easter,[6] and promulgation of early canon law.[4][7] Overview[edit] Eastern Orthodox icon depicting the First Council of Nicaea The First Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council of the Church. Another result of the council was an agreement on when to celebrate Easter, the most important feast of the ecclesiastical calendar, decreed in an epistle to the Church of Alexandria in which is simply stated:

The Four Gospels The Four Gospels may refer to: Canonical gospels, the four Christian gospels included in the New Testament Four Gospels of Ivan Alexander, a 14th-century illuminated manuscript prepared and illustrated during the rule of Tsar Ivan AlexanderVani Four Gospels, a 12th to 14th-century illuminated manuscript of the gospels in the Georgian Nuskhuri scriptЧетвероевангеліе (The Four Gospels), a manuscript of the canonical Gospels printed by Pyotr Mstislavets in 1574–1575The Four Gospels: A Study of Origins, a 1924 book of biblical scholarship by Burnett Hillman StreeterGospel harmony, attempts to compile the canonical gospels into a single accountFour Evangelists, the authors of the canonical gospels

Psychology and Alchemy Psychology and Alchemy is Volume 12 in The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, a series of books published by Princeton University Press in the U.S. and Routledge & Kegan Paul in the U.K. It is study of the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma, and psychological symbolism.[1] Detailed abstracts of each chapter are available online.[3] Overview[edit] In this book, Jung argues for a reevaluation of the symbolism of Alchemy as being intimately related to the psychoanalytical process. In drawing these parallels Jung reinforces the universal nature of his theory of the archetype and makes an impassioned argument for the importance of spirituality in the psychic health of the modern man. Also interesting about this book is that patient whose dreams are being analyzed in the second section is the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who would go on to collaborate with Jung on such ideas as the acausal connection principle of synchronicity. Content[edit] Part I. Part II. Chapter 1 - Introduction[edit]

Tetraevangelia of Ivan Alexander A miniature from the Tetraevangelia depicting the tsar and the royal family The Tetraevangelia of Ivan Alexander, Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander, or Four Gospels of Ivan Alexander (Bulgarian: Четвероевангелие на (цар) Иван Александър, transliterated as Chetveroevangelie na (tsar) Ivan Aleksandar) is a 14th-century illuminated manuscript Gospel Book in Middle Bulgarian, prepared and illustrated during the rule of Tsar Ivan Alexander in the Second Bulgarian Empire. The manuscript is regarded as one of the most important manuscripts of medieval Bulgarian culture. History[edit] The manuscript was written by a monk named Simeon in 1355–1356 on the orders of Ivan Alexander, probably for use in his private chapel. After the fall of Tarnovo to the Ottomans in 1393, the manuscript was transported to Moldavia possibly by a Bulgarian fugitive. Curzon released an inventory of his collection of manuscripts in 1849, the first time the Tetraevangelia was presented to the academic world. See also[edit]
