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What do you do every day?

What do you do every day?
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5 repositorios de vídeos didácticos para utilizar en el aula o en casa Cinco webs con vídeos didácticos sobre diferentes temas (Matemáticas, Historia, Ciencias…) y que pueden utilizarse en el aula o en casa. Closertotruth: entrevistas con expertos sobre el cosmos, la conciencia, la filosofía y la religión. Producida por la Fundación Kuhn y Getzels Gordon Productions, este repositorio incluye los vídeos –de 30 minutos de duración cada uno- emitidos en la serie de televisión ‘Closer to truth’, cuyo objetivo es explorar cuestiones fundamentales del universo y del cerebro/la mente. Educatina: con más de 3.000 vídeos, también incluye ejercicios para confirmar si se ha asimilado lo aprendido. Permite consultar su biblioteca de vídeos educativos por materias: Matemáticas, Física, Geografía, Derecho, Música, Salud… Y así hasta un total de más de 25 áreas, incluidas Antropología, Economía o Medio Ambiente. Khan Academy en español: esta organización sin ánimo de lucro tiene como objetivo mejorar la educación.

Lesson Plan Daily Routines Level: Beginners Aim: at the end of the class the students will be able to share some information about their daily routines with their partners. New Vocabulary Wash my hands Wash my face Wake up Eat breakfast Get dressed Comb my hair Have lunch Go to bed Simon says How to play: 1 player takes the role of 'Simon' and issues instructions (usually physical actions such as jump or stick out your tongue) to the other players, which should only be followed if prefaced with the phrase 'Simple Simon says', for example 'Simon says jump. - The teacher explans the studetns that they are going to learn about daily routines. - The teacher show the students a picture about the daily routines. - The teacher pronounce the phrases several times and asks the students to repeat too. Listen the following song about Daily Routines. - Now the teacher shares to the students a hand out with a text on it. - The teacher asks the studets to read the text and complete the task. Put the sentences together

“Solo Respira”; el original cortometraje que ayuda a los niños a lidiar con las emociones Porque no solos los adultos puedes estar estresados, dolidos o irritados. Julie Bayer Salzman y Josh Salzman le hablan a distintos chicas y chicos acerca de sus emociones y cómo se sienten. Este ejercicio te hará entender lo bueno que es mantener la atención en los niños para que estén emocionalmente saludables: Es difícil expresar las emociones a cualquier edad. Ambos crearon este video porque se inspiraron en una conversación que escucharon de su hijo de 5 años. Fue ahí cuando se dieron cuenta de que tenían que divulgar este tema para lograr que todas las escuelas le enseñen a los niños este significado social tan importante. ¿Cómo concilias tus emociones cuando estás triste o enojado?

Valentine's Day Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the UK on February 14th. It is a celebration of love between husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends and sometimes just friends together! We celebrate Valentine’s Day in a variety of ways, and it is often celebrated by people whether they have a boyfriend or girlfriend, or not! Here are some of the ways in which we celebrate Valentine’s Day in England. Cards Many people send and receive cards from their loved ones. Poems Often, you can find love poems written inside a Valentine’s card. you can buy cards with a poem already written inside, or some people make them up to describe the special love between them and their partner. by William Shakespeare, sonnet 18 In this poem, Shakespeare talks about how the woman he loves is more beautiful than a summer’s day - she is too lovely to use this metaphor. Even from a young age, children write poems for Valentine’s Day. Presents As well as cards, people often send and receive gifts from their loved ones.

Where to Find Good Educational Videos There’s a right and a wrong way to use videos in the classroom. Not all videos are primed for instructional use, and not all instruction lends itself to video. However, pairing a great video with the tools students need to engage with it can lead to a deeper understanding of or alternate perspective on what’s being taught. Check out the September Education Update article “Showing Videos in the Classroom: What’s the Purpose?” to learn three criteria for selecting an effective video and find tips for helping your students “make the shift from vegging out to tuning in for learning.” Once you have identified the criteria to look for, there are tons of places to find both instructional and supplemental videos on whatever topic you’re teaching. General Topics History/Current Events Science Art/Making To learn more about how to effectively incorporate videos into your classroom instruction, read “Showing Videos in the Classroom: What’s the Purpose?”

Valentine's Day February 14th is traditionally a celebration of love, so how do people in the UK mark the occasion? Cards Sending a Valentine's card to a loved one is a custom that started more than a century ago. Couples give cards to each other, but it is also traditional to send an anonymous card to anyone you secretly love. This practice is particularly common in schools and can be a source of great amusement and embarrassment as everyone tries to work out who sent a card and who has a secret admirer! Poems The card might also feature a poem. Roses are red, violets are blue, Honey is sweet, and so are you. There are some ironic variations on this poem such as: Roses are red, violets are blue, You look like a monkey and smell like one too! Mobile love Millions of people use digital means of creating and sending Valentine's Day greeting messages such as e-cards, or printable greeting cards. Flowers and chocolates As well as cards, February 14th is also a day for giving gifts. Unusual gifts Love it!

5 Ways to Share YouTube Videos Safely and Privately (Without the Distractions) Do you want to be able to use YouTube in your class, but are concerned about exposing students to the distractions that surround it? Worse yet, inappropriate content may be displayed, which is a huge concern for younger students in particular. Well I am here to provide a few approaches to solving that problem. You can use YouTube to host and deliver videos safely, without the distractions. This Image is Licensed CC BY SA 3.0 Concerns about this come up whenever I teach Flipped Class techniques. Another consideration that is also often voiced is privacy. The following tools and techniques offer a mix of privacy and safe delivery approaches that should help you meet your needs. Technique Number 1: Unlisted and Embedded One approach to providing some level of privacy and limiting distractions is to deliver a YouTube video in a private tool like an LMS or other member-based environment where you can embed YouTube code (if you aren’t sure how to use embed code, this video will help).

Valentine by Carol Ann Duffy – a lesson It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow, and although I don’t normally do anything for it, I thought that this year I would take the opportunity to share one of my favourite poems with my students. Here’s the plan in case you want to do it too. Ask your students what day it is, and whether anything special happens on this day in their country. What do they know about Valentine’s Day in the UK? What kind of gifts do people normally give for Valentine’s Day? Give each group the word cloud. Show them an onion. Ask the students to close their eyes and put their heads on the desk (but try not to fall asleep!). Ask them to discuss how similar the poem was to their ideas. You can then do some pronunciation/speaking work. They talk about why you pause in those places – it’s because of line/stanza breaks, and also phrases within the lines. They can chose whether to read Valentine, or an anti-Valentine poem. In groups with other students who have chosen the same poem, they practise reading it. Like this:

Canales con vídeos educativos en YouTube Matemáticas, educación sexual, Física, seguridad vial, Lengua… Tanto en YouTube EDU como en el propio YouTube, es posible encontrar miles de vídeos educativos para utilizar en el día a día en clase o en casa. Hay cientos de canales, aunque a continuación te dejamos una selección de los 30 más interesantes. Una docente de Inglés como segundo lenguaje busca en este canal alternativas para hacer del aprendizaje de este idioma una tarea divertida. Utiliza los muñecos favoritos de sus alumnos para crear historias en inglés, con frases sencillas y un lenguaje adaptado, y con subtítulos opcionales. Para ayudar con los problemas de matemáticas relacionados con aritmética o cálculo, entre otros. Reúne todos los vídeos didácticos y pedagógicos del proyecto con el mismo nombre. Es una iniciativa de un grupo de fonoaudiólogas dedicadas a producir canciones para enseñar a los niños a hablar y hacerlo correctamente. ¿Quién no ha visto alguna vez este programa de la televisión?

Christmas Letters | Free |Christmas Decorations | Alphabet Coloring | Christmas Good for Scrapbooks - Greeting Cards - Kids Christmas Day Projectss Christmas Letters To Print Out Christmas Holiday Letters For Bulletin Boards and Classrooms Chart of Alphabets Coloring Sheet For StudyIndividual Letters to Print OffNumbers Work Chart and Individual Numerals For Arts and CraftsQuestion Mark and Exclamation Mark Symbols To Print and Color In Each coloring picture opens in a new safe window. Print Picture of The Snowman Alphabet A Free Printable Of Christmas Snowman Letter A Christmas Day Activities For KidsChristmas Lettering: A B C D and E Free Coloring Pages Of Christmas Snowman Letter B Free Coloring Pages Of Christmas Snowman Letter C Free Coloring Pages Of Christmas Snowman Letter D Free Coloring Pages Of Christmas Snowman Letter E To Pin Larger Pictures MouseClick It's Thumbnail. Christmas Holiday Alphabet Letters Chart Christmas Day Letters Alphabet Chart Easy Christmas Printables of Letters For Party DecorationsPrint Out Letters F G H and I Christmas Alfabet F Coloring Pages

4 Great YouTube Channels That Provide Intelligent Content for Students April 5, 2015 For today’s post, we have curated for you 4 interesting YouTube channels to recommend to your students.These popular educational channels feature educative videos ideal for inclusion in classroom instruction. Students can use them independently to expand their knowledge and push the limits of their intellectual curiosity. The content shared on these channels is adequately challenging for students and will definitely benefit their cognitive growth and raise their critical awareness to a wide range of topical subjects. 1- Crash Course In this channel, teachers John and Hank Green provide some excellent video explanations and tutorials on a variety of topics related to World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, Chemistry, and US History. 2- Minute Physics This is one of the most popular educational channels on YouTube with over 2 millions subscribers. 3- Smarter Every Day 4- SciShow

Christmas – Learn English with videos Children's animation. A brother and sister deal with topics that affect their everyday lives. Lola is excited because Christmas is coming, and she and Charlie are taking turns to open the advent calendar. Everything is set for the perfect Christmas, until Lola discovers that there is no door for Christmas day. Script A drama that focuses on the period in Mary and Joseph's life where they journeyed to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. If angels sang... they would sing like this. Many children love sitting on Santa's lap and tell him everything they want for Christmas. Love thy neighbour... and thy enemy.

10 Cortometrajes para trabajar la Educación Emocional en el Aula Con la llegada de la LOMCE el próximo curso escolar, los centros escolares públicos de Canarias podrán impartir a partir del próximo curso en educación Primaria la asignatura de Educación Emocional y para la Creatividad EMOCREA #EMOCREA. La educación emocional #EducaciónEmocional, como proceso continuo y permanente, debe estar presente durante todo el proceso educativo de nuestros alumnos, durante la educación infantil, primaria, secundaria y superior. Los docentes en el aula, debemos favorecer mediante actividades la comunicación oral y desarrollar el lenguaje emocional. De esa manera les damos la oportunidad de hablar sobre sus emociones y libertad para expresarlas. La educación emocional sigue una metodología eminentemente práctica y para apoyar la labor de los docentes desde Inevery Crea queremos compartir cortometrajes enfocados al desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional y las competencias emocionales: Ver Más Mi lado de la bufanda: ​Cuento sobre la amistad de dos amigos.
