The World's Most Spoken Languages And Where They Are Spoken This beautifully illustrated infographic (above), designed by South China Morning Post’s graphics director Alberto Lucas Lopéz, shows the most spoken known languages in the world and where they’re spoken by the 6.3 billion people included in the study. Based on records collated from the database Ethnologue, the infographic illustrates the wide-ranging facts and figures of the world’s living languages catalogued since 1951. “There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. “We represent each language within black borders and then provide the numbers of native speakers (in millions) by country. You can see the full pie chart in all its technicolor glory here. [H/T: ZME Science] Read this next: Blood Donors In Sweden Get A Text Whenever They Save A Life
Recursos para traductores. El espa�ol, lengua de traducci�n La asociación El Español, Lengua de Traducción (ESLETRA) está dedicada al análisis y la difusión de la traducción institucional desde su fundación, en Bruselas, en el año 2002. Su actividad principal es la organización de congresos internacionales donde se debaten todas las cuestiones relacionadas con el mundo de la traducción. Hieronymus Complutensis Este espacio recoge los once tomos publicados hasta hoy de Hieronymus Complutensis, la revista del Instituto Universitario de Lenguas Modernas y Traductores (IULMYT) de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. China en Espa�a. Peque�a recopilaci�n de trabajos sobre las relaciones culturales mantenidas desde el siglo xvii entre los dos pa�ses y, especialmente, sobre la relevancia, la historia y las dificultades de la traducci�n entre sus dos lenguas, tarea que marca, desde siempre, sus intercambios. El atril del traductor Franc�s Alem�n Foro TIC Banco de neologismos El Trujam�n AETER.
Tutorials and projects » 20 Free PowerPoint Templates that Don't Suck Not satisfied? You can look for more free templates at these web sites (or if you’re game to design your own, here are some tips to keep in mind). If there are any sites that you like to use, don’t forget to post them in the comments section below! This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 9th, 2010 at 2:11 am and is filed under Tutorials. Blancer
Oteador. Índice temático en español | Ayuda | Buzón | | Portada del CVC | | Obras de referencia | Actos culturales | Foros | Aula de lengua | Oteador | | Rinconete | El trujamán | | Enviar comentarios | Recently added - word meanings Inicio Biblioteca Digital Mundial 99 Sites That Every Professional Should Know About and Use With an endless number of sites, tools, and resources out there, how do you know what’s worth your time? Well, we know just how busy you are, so we did the legwork for you and found 99 websites that’ll add value to your life and your career, guaranteed. From productivity advice to places to go when you need a distraction, these sites will change the way you do things, inspire you, and, well, generally just blow your mind. Organize Your Work 1. Trello helps you manage all your ideas and due dates and keeps track of what you’re in the process of completing. 2. Like collaboration? 3. What is it about a coffee shop that gives you such laser focus? 4. FaxZero lets you send and receive faxes through your email—because nobody likes the fax machine. 5. RescueTime lets you monitor how you spend your time on your computer and mobile devices. 6. You know all those email newsletters that you accidentally opted into, but don’t really read? 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. How does that email (or any of your writing!)
5 Great Infographics for Language Teachers and Learners Infographics are great learning materials. The colourful graphics, clear text and their size make them ideal for classroom integration. I have been posting some of the ones I deem educationl to help teachers leverage this resource to create engaging, relevant and personalized learning experiences in their classes. In this regard, I am introducing you today to a series made up of four parts all containing the best infograpgics about English language teaching and learning. Due to their size we could not embed all the infographics in one post instead we distributed them on four posts with each one of them containing links to other posts to make it easy for you to navigate the four posts without having to move away. Teachers can print them out and pin them on the class wall for students to access throughout the whole year. Part One ( scroll down to read the content of this part) Definite and indefinite articlesAll about AdjectivesPunctuation Passive VoiceWhen to use e.g and i.e Part One
Index Translationum - Bibliografía Internacional de la Traducción La base de datos contiene una información bibliográfica acumulativa sobre las obras traducidas y publicadas en un centenar de Estados Miembros de la UNESCO entre 1979 y 2009. Más de 1.800.000 referencias de todas las disciplinas: literatura, ciencias sociales y humanas, ciencias exactas y naturales, arte, historia, etc. Búsqueda bibliográfica en línea Las referencias anteriores a 1979, pueden ser consultadas en la versión impresa, que se encuentra en las bibliotecas depositarias y en la biblioteca de la UNESCO, París. En el año 2012, el Index Translationum ha celebrado su 80 aniversario. Descargarel cartel deeste día enPDF de alta resolución.
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Is Beirut the codeswitching capital of the world? At this high-end organic farmer’s market in downtown Beirut, buyers and sellers speak a mishmash of languages, usually Arabic and English or French. Just trying to pay for juice I have to switch back and forth from English to Arabic. The stand clerk starts in Arabic, “Here you go,” before switching in English, “these two [juices]?” Pia Bou Khater is at the market with me. Codeswitching this way is one of the characteristics that defines life in Beirut for visitors and for many Lebanese. “When I'm interacting with people, like buying things or trying to bargain, I rarely switch,” Pia explains. Multilingualism the way Pia knows it isn’t uncommon in Beirut. But that’s not the only reason she used “merci.” But another linguist, Lina Choueri, says the regular mixing of the three languages in everyday life actually didn’t happen until much later. Choueri’s dad’s generation just communicated in Arabic. Back at the market Pia agrees with Choueri’s dad.
Libro > Bases de datos del ISBN > Base de datos de libros Esta base de datos contiene referencias bibliográficas de los libros editados en España desde 1972, año en que nuestro país se unió al sistema ISBN. Está gestionada por la Agencia Española del ISBN. Los datos los proporciona el propio editor al tramitar y remitir a la Agencia el impreso de solicitud del ISBN. Contiene las referencias de las publicaciones monográficas editadas en España que llevan ISBN, tanto disponibles como agotadas, editadas en distintas lenguas y diferentes soportes. Existen dos opciones de búsqueda: sencilla y avanzada. Dispone de Ayuda por si tiene alguna duda a la hora de realizar una búsqueda.
10 Best Free Grammarly Alternatives 2022 - Rigorous Themes Grammatical and spelling mistakes can make you look sloppy and unprofessional. That’s why it’s so important to use a tool like Grammarly. Although Microsoft Word and Google Docs have their own built-in spell checkers, they are not perfect and often miss spelling mistakes. You also need to be using a spell checker when you are writing emails or even business-related text messages on WhatsApp Web, Facebook Messenger, Skype, or another app that does not have a built-in spell checker. Although Grammarly is a great checker, it does have some drawbacks. Regardless of why you want to use a Grammarly alternative, here are the top 10 free Grammarly alternatives for you. Best Free Grammarly Alternatives 1. ProWritingAid is an excellent tool because it does a lot more than just correct your spelling and grammar mistakes. ProWritingAid’s Style tool helps you improve your writing style and make your text more readable. It will also summarize the content of your text. Then there is the thesaurus. 2. 3.
5 Languages That Could Change the Way You See the World I went to my neighbor’s house for something to eat yesterday. Think about this sentence. It’s pretty simple—English speakers would know precisely what it means. But what does it actually tell you—or, more to the point, what does it not tell you? It doesn’t specify facts like the subject’s gender or the neighbor’s, or what direction the speaker traveled, or the nature of the neighbors’ relationship, or whether the food was just a cookie or a complex curry. English doesn’t require speakers to give any of that information, but if the sentence were in French, say, the gender of every person involved would be specified. The way that different languages convey information has fascinated linguists, anthropologists, and psychologists for decades. This argument was later discredited, as researchers concluded that it overstated language’s constraints on our minds. A Language Where You’re Not the Center of the World A Language Where Time Flows East to West A Language Where Colors Are Metaphors