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Grasping Reality with Both Hands

Related:  Media, social media and New media

Economist's View Gauti Eggertson and Neil Mehotra have an interesting new paper: A Model of Secular Stagnation, by Gauti Eggertsson and Neil Mehrotra: 1 Introduction During the closing phase of the Great Depression in 1938, the President of the American Economic Association, Alvin Hansen, delivered a disturbing message in his Presidential Address to the Association (see Hansen ( 1939 )). He suggested that the Great Depression might just be the start of a new era of ongoing unemployment and economic stagnation without any natural force towards full employment. Recently Hansen’s secular stagnation hypothesis has gained increased attention. Despite the prominence of Summers’ discussion of the secular stagnation hypothesis and a flurry of commentary that followed it (see e.g. In the abstract, they note the policy prescriptions for secular stagnation: Posted by Mark Thoma on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 10:08 AM in Academic Papers, Economics, Macroeconomics | Permalink Comments (4) New column: Rajiv Sethi: Tim Duy:

Pew Research Center | Nonpartisan, non-advocacy public opinion polling and demographic research Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal Baby boomer bull now worried By Peter Brimelow, MarketWatch NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — A bouncing baby-boomer bull is developing doubts about stocks and the economy. New World Investing’s veteran Michael Murphy has always been regarded as a brilliant promoter. But it’s only at this comparatively late point in his career that his actual performance could be called brilliant. As a fellow baby boomer, this late blooming cheers me up. (See Sept. 10, 2009, column.) New World Investing was the third-highest performer in 2010, up 37.83% by Hulbert Financial Digest count vs. 17.16% for the dividend-reinvested Wilshire 5000 Total Stock Market Index. Murphy was among the most bullish voices after the Crash of 2008. This of course raised the possibility that Murphy was simply taking a wild gamble — and he’s a man not afraid of wild gambles. But it turns out that Murphy is not a permabull. Murphy still seems to be fully invested, in a wide range of stocks he monitors in great detail. His “Top Buys Long-Term” are: Rentech Inc. U.S.

The Becker-Posner Blog Media Commentary — Callie Schweitzer How We Internet: Finding the right news among too many options: The days of waiting for the newspaper thud outside the front door are over, and it’s no longer up to the editors of the New York Times to decide the lead story of the day. The process of getting news involves more choice than ever. We have access to unlimited options and sources to fill what seems like ever more limited time. This paradox of choice can be incredibly overwhelming if it’s not streamlined or ritualized in some way — hence why we form news reading habits. Q&A with USC Annenberg on the future of news: I think we’re seeing the most incredible and exciting time in journalistic history. You are what you share: The internet is supposed to be a place where everyone can be themselves and find like-minded people. Making people proud of what they share: Social media has given us a new lens into the lives of the people we get our news from, which allows the individual to stand alone.

Calculated Risk Tim Harford's Undercover Economist blog on the economics of everyday life | Tuesday archive : If the price is right From 8th July, 2006. If you want to be rich, you can try to set up a brilliantly successful company. Or you can steal money. Continued at Where you can find me You may have noticed that this blog has gone rather quiet while I work on my next book – sorry. So – thanks for following so far. Here is the FT RSS feed of all my Undercover Economist columns. The RSS feed of my website, is here. And at the moment I’m far more active on Twitter, where I post links to all my writing and much else besides. Thanks for reading; I hope the click over to a new format isn’t too inconvenient. Undercover Economist: A sense of fair play does pay I recently had the dubious pleasure of having to deal with someone who is successful and indeed popular, and yet a stubborn, selfish bully when he thinks nobody is looking. The remainder of the article can be read here. Tuesday archive : Schoolboy error From 15th July, 2006. Continued at

About - Digital Media Research Centre Our vision The Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC) conducts world-leading research that helps society understand and adapt to the social, cultural and economic transformations associated with digital media technologies. Aims and objectives Digital media have become a near-ubiquitous part of our everyday lives. New technological developments like big data, locative media and wearable technologies challenge social science and humanities researchers to develop new approaches and methods, and to train upcoming researchers in how to apply them. The centre draws on QUT's research strengths in media, communication, cultural and journalism studies, as well as law, economics and education across a number of problem-focused research programs. We aim to: Who are we? The DMRC is based in the Creative Industries Faculty, with collaborators in the law, science and engineering, education, and business faculties. The centre is directed by Professor Jean Burgess.

