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200+ Very Useful Free Photoshop Actions, Enhancement, Colouring, Effects, Filters etc — tripwire magazine In this article tripwire magazine presents a very large collection of Photoshop actions (some in large bundles). A Photoshop action is a series of tasks that you play back on a single file or a batch of files. Actions can make nearly any change to an image and examples could be changing the image size, adding new layers, appling filters, saving files in a specific format etc. With the click of a button an action can help us achieve time consuming effects in no time you just need to have access to the right actions. Read on and you will hopefully find what you need. Advertisement Photo Coloring Retro-Vintage Actions sa-cool Action 1.05 Lomo Cross Processing Actions Clyck 003 Nature Actions 2.09 Set 41 (4 actions) Photoshop Actions Pack 5 (10 actions) InFection Vintage Effect (6 actions) Color Enhancing Actions Action Pack 1 Wedding Enhancers sa-cool actions 2.06 (7 actions) Vintage Pencil Draw Photoshop Action Set 26 (6 actions) Cross-Processing Action Set 43 (12 actions) 300 Action Red Action IR Effect Look

Jitter Brush - X3 and Beyond – Sharing Corel Painter resources, thoughts and ideas. Painter X3 is a wonderful application in allowing a great deal of flexibility in user customisation of the interface. However, we are all individuals, with unique tastes and requirements and as the saying goes…you can only please some of the people, some of the time. The development of the contextual Advanced Brush Controls (ABC) panel was a definite step in the right direction, by dynamically presenting the artist with only the most relevant brush control panels and media applicable to the currently selected variant. From the outset however, some Painter users also wanted to include the Brush Controls> General panel, which was (rightly in my opinion) considered an unnecessary inclusion in the ABC panel, designed to facilitate the most relevant ‘on the fly’ brush adjustments. So you may ask, what’s all the fuss? The ABCgen panel is used both for reference to some of the current variant settings and augments the ABC panel for on-the-fly changes and adjustments.

Installing CoffeeShop Actions Brush Libraries and Brush Installation | Skip Allen Paints I have received a number of requests from different places to help folks with brush installation in Painter 12. I have a video for the subject in my class Painter 12, a New Beginning. I have decided to post that here to help folks with brush installation. REVISED INFORMATION: Dated 2/28/2012 Painter 12.1 has changed the way brush management works significantly. Back to the original material: You will also learn about brush libraries and why you need them. Enjoy, Skip Brush Libraries and Brush Installation <p>JavaScript required to play <a hreflang="en" type="video/mp4" href=" Libraries and Brush Installation</a>. Like this: Like Loading... Not Yo' Mama's Banana Pudding OK , Y’all were coming to the tail end of “Paula Deen Week” Today’s is Day Five. I know I said I would lay off the dessert’s some, but what can I say. I was searching Paula Deen’s online recipe site yesterday and I came across the recipe for Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding. When I saw the picture it was another OMYGOODNESS” moment. Off to the store we went to get the ingredients. This recipe is really easy to prepare so my kiddos will be doing most of the work, but they never mind that. Warning this is definitely not a diet friendly dessert. Mackenzie made this dessert all by herself. Good Job Mackenzie! Put a even layer of bananas on top of the cookies. In a bowl combine the milk and pudding mix and blend well using a handheld electric mixer. Fold the whipped topping into the cream cheese mixture and blend. Add the cream cheese mixture to the pudding mixture and stir until well blended Yummo! Pour the mixture over the cookies and bananas and cover with the remaining cookies.

Corel Painter 12.1 Brush Management, A Primer | Skip Allen Paints Hey Friends, I worked on this post for a while. The topic is brush management. I hope this post and its companion page explains the file structure for Painter brushes in a way that is understandable. I truly believe that problems with brush installation are going to disappear as soon as we get started using the new Brush installation system that made its début with Painter 12.1. I have a video that gives information about the new system, but I also have a rather long written document that explains the “behind the scenes” file structure. Before I forget it, I want to say that all this information is my understanding of how it works. Here is the video that explains how we load and share brushes going forward in Painter 12.1. Brush Management in Painter 12.1 <p>JavaScript required to play <a hreflang="en" type="video/mp4" href=" Management in Painter 12.1</a>. I hope you enjoy the video and the PDF. Enjoy,

Awesome looking – 3D Tattoo These days, people become not satisfy with the 2D image. Hence we have lots of things in 3D format, 3D Murals Painting, 3D Street Painting, and 3D Chalk Painting. And now, we have 3D tattoo. The reason I wrote this poster, is just because I was freak out today by seeing one of those 3D tattoo… They are pretty scary or cool at first view. But if you look at those details on the tattoo, that is really awesome work. I just can’t imagine how much pain I have to endure to give that tattoo… I don’t have that kind of courage. Resource: Thank You for Reading Our Posts. Share this post:Follow our updates:Read related posts on our site:Leave us a Comment: 35 Responses already, click here to leave your comment.

Canvas Presets and Templates - Caroline's Painter Insights Sunday, June 26, 2011 11:19 PM DanielJ Let’s say you’re always working on similar canvases, it’s probably worth looking in to leveraging some of the customization options in Painter. Here are two options I’d like to point out: Tip #1: Create your own Canvas Preset Painter will remember your most recently used settings automatically. But, if you’re frequently switching between different image sizes, you should save custom presets for your most commonly used choices. Here’s how: From the File menu, select New...Enter your preferred values for Width, Height, Resolution, Color and Paper texture.Click on the (+) button next to the Canvas Preset: dropdown.Enter a name for your preset. From now on, your preset will show up in the Canvas Preset dropdown. Tip #2: Create your own Template Presets are great, but I’m a bigger fan of using Templates. Here’s how you can create your own template: I’ve attached a couple of templates to this post for you to try out. Attachments:

Race against the tide: Artist creates intricate masterpieces... that the sea washes away within hours By Eddie Wrenn Updated: 17:19 GMT, 27 July 2009 When artists see a canvas, most of them want to fill it, even if it's with nothing more than a doodle. But sand artist Andres Amador works with one of the biggest canvases available, with entire lengths of beaches swallowed up by his art. Sadly the sea is no discerning art critic, for once the San Francisco artist finishes his staggering artwork, the waves come in to wipe the slate clean. Enlarge Waves on the beach: Andres Amador has been producing sand art on Ocean Beach in San Fransisco for five years Circles on the beach: The giant structures make for an interesting coastal walk Many of his stunning images, which start out as simple squiggles in the 39-year-old's notebook, span an incredible 500x300feet and are raked into the grains in a race against the tide. Using a canvas crafted by the elements the patient American waits for a full or new moon to make sure low tides offer him plenty of space to muster the incredible patterns.
