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Website Optimizer

Website Optimizer

Analytics | Site Web officiel Surveillez l'activité de votre site au moment même où elle a lieu : identifiez immédiatement les éléments performants et ceux qui ne le sont pas. En savoir plus Vos investissements dans les médias sociaux méritent mieux que des tâtonnements. Procurez-vous des données et des informations directement exploitables. En savoir plus Découvrez comment vos canaux marketing interagissent pour générer des ventes et des conversions.

Tools Nobody Likes a Slow Website We built this Website Speed Test to help you analyze the load speed of your websites and learn how to make them faster. It lets you identify what about a web page is fast, slow, too big, what best practices you’re not following, and so on. In short, we wanted it to be a easy-to-use tool to help webmasters and web developers everywhere optimize the performance of their websites. Feature Overview Examine all parts of a web page – View file sizes, load times, and other details about every single element of a web page (HTML, JavaScript and CSS files, images, etc.). How it works All tests are done with real web browsers, so the results match the end-user experience exactly.

Analytics | Offizielle Website Überwachen Sie Aktivitäten auf Ihrer Website in Echtzeit. Damit Sie sofort sehen, was Erfolg verspricht. Weitere Informationen Wenn es um Investitionen in soziale Medien geht, verlassen Sie sich nicht auf Ihr Bauchgefühl. Entscheiden Sie anhand aussagekräftiger Daten. Wie führen Ihre verschiedenen Marketingkanäle zusammen zu mehr Umsatz und Conversions? Speed Is A Killer - Why Decreasing Page Load Time Can Drastically Increase Conversions Can the speed of your website really have that much of an effect on your sales? Even if your site isn’t loading too slowly, can it still be improved? And how does Google factor into all of this? You might be surprised. According to surveys done by Akamai and, nearly half of web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less, and they tend to abandon a site that isn’t loaded within 3 seconds. 79% of web shoppers who have trouble with web site performance say they won’t return to the site to buy again and around 44% of them would tell a friend if they had a poor experience shopping online. This means you’re not just losing conversions from visitors currently on your site, but that loss is magnified to their friends and colleagues as well. So how do you test and measure your site’s load time while squeezing every drop of performance out of your website? How Fast Does Your Site Load? Websites generally “weigh” around 130 KB, including things like images, scripts and stylesheets. - Usability-Wissen, Methoden & Verfahren, Studien und Trends SEO Page Explorer | Detailed on-page SEO – Validators, Checkers, Generators, and Tools for Web Design and Development Backlink Checker Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Design
