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Your Neopet Dailies
There are lots of special activities on Neopets that you can visit that are called "dailies", usually since you can visit them once a day. Since there are so many to earn Neopoints from, we've created a useful list below of all the places you could be visiting. :) If you login to your jnAccount and add the "Your Dailies" service, you can customize this list to pick which dailies to include, and even add in your own custom dailies! Tip: Bookmark this page by pressing CTRL + D or CMD + D on your keyboard! Neopets Dailies Are we missing a daily you'd like to see here? Want to customize this page?
Cisco Binary Game
Skip to Content | Skip to Footer Cisco Binary Game The Cisco Binary Game is the best way to learn and practice the binary number system. It is great for classes, students and teachers in science, math, digital electronics, computers, programming, logic and networking. It is also a LOT of fun to play for anyone who likes to play fast-paced arcade games.