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Cinema 4D Handbook: Chapter 5, Part II | Widen Media Blog All through September I am going through the Cinema 4D, r10 Handbook in hopes of gaining a new skill and better understanding of 3D modeling. I plan to (from here on out) cover two chapters a week (longer chapters will be broken into multiple posts). Stay tuned for new chapters. The reason I decided to break Chapter 5 into two parts is because the second half of the chapter is a pretty in-depth tutorial on the basics of working with the BodyPaint extension of C4d. Tutorial 5.3: BodyPaint BodyPaint is a module of Cinema 4D that allows you to unwrap and texture individual pieces of a model. Selection TagsSelection Tags are a way to isolate specific polygons so that you can recall them individually later. To Create a Selection Tag:1) In Polygon Mode using the Live Selection Tool, select a group of polygons that you would like to group together.2) Create a new Selection Tag. Setting Up BodyPaint:To work with the BodyPaint module, you have to go into the BP layout. Like this: Like Loading...
