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Tous les tutoriels Symfony 2

Tous les tutoriels Symfony 2

dunglas/DunglasApiBundle Top-5 certifications for every PHP programmer | A day in the life of… Today I’ve passed the Zend Framework Certification exam and with that I can finally close my new years resolution for 2010: doing 12 (tech related) exams in 2010. So I’ve seen a lot of exams, good ones and bad ones and I want to share with you my experience by creating a top-5 of must-have certifications for PHP programmers… Why certify? People who know me know I’m not a very big fan of certifications in general. Now, let’s see why you actually want to certify yourself. Practical experience and theoretical knowledge goes hand in hand. My 12 exams + 8 certifications this year This year I’ve done the following exams (random order): Zend PHP 5Linux LPI 101Linux LPI 102Ubuntu LPI 199Zend PHP 5.3Zend FrameworkLinux LPI 201Linux LPI 202MySQL 5.0 developer IMySQL 5.0 developer IIMySQL 5.0 administrator IMySQL 5.0 administrator II You must pass LPI 101+LPI 102 in order to get the LPI-1 certification. All exams I’ve done are done by self study. Like unit-testing, mocking is everything. 5. 4. 2. 5.

[Partie 1] - Configuration de Symfony2 et utilisation des templates — symblog - A Symfony2 Tutorial Comme Twig supporte l’héritage de template, nous allons mettre en place l’approche d’héritage à 3 niveaux. Cette approche nous permet de modifier la vue a 3 niveaux distincts à l’intérieur de l’application, ce qui permet pas mal de personnalisation. Template principal - Niveau 1 Commençons par créer le bloc de base du template pour Symblog. Nous avons pour cela besoin de 2 fichiers, le template et son fichier CSS associé. Note Il y a 3 fichiers externes utilisés par le template, 1 fichier JavaScript et 2 fichiers CSS. Ce template met en place la structure principale de notre site de blogging. Commençons pour nous intéresser à la partie HEAD du document. <title>{% block title %}symblog{% endblock %} - symblog</title> La première chose que vous aller remarquer est l’étrange tag {%. Dans l’exemple ci dessus, nous avons étendu le template de base de l’application qui définissait initialement le bloc title. Ce tag est utilisé pour afficher la valeur d’une variable ou d’une expression.

Free Symfony2 Training | Mohammad Forouzani Free Symfony2 Training Posted on 23. Sep, 2012 by forouzani in Web Development I have recently been heavily advocating symfony2, while also hiring PHP developers both with and without Symfony2 experience. The ones with little or no symfony2 experience need to get training so they can be productive rapidly, and of course, symfony2 having a steep learning curve doesn’t help. To quickly convert a PHP developer into a symfony2 expert, I have collated the best resources. Prerequisites Good knowledge of PHPThorough knowledge of MVC frameworks. Symfony2 Training Syllabus Official Symfony Book The first part of this course it to understand how symfony works. One of the best things about symfony1 was that it had an amazing tutorial guiding you through building an application called Jobeet – this is sorely missed in Symfony 2. KNP University Ideally, we should be able to watch the KNP University video course as the first step to learning symfony2, alas that is not the case.

certificationy/certificationy-cli jmolivas/symfony-certification-guide
