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Popular RFC Title Index 1

Popular RFC Title Index 1

Free Compiler Construction Tools: Lexers, Parser Generators, Opt If you are thinking of creating your own programming language, writing a compiler or interpreter, or a scripting facility for your application, or even creating a documentation parsing facility, the tools on this page are designed to (hopefully) ease your task. These compiler construction kits, parser generators, lexical analyzer / analyser (lexers) generators, code optimzers (optimizer generators), provide the facility where you define your language and allow the compiler creation tools to generate the source code for your software. If you want a (printed) book on compiler construction, you might want to check out the famous Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Aho, Sethi and Ullman. The "Dragon book", as it is affectionately called by some, is regarded by many as the standard book on writing compilers. AdaGOOP JS/CC LALR(1) Parser and Lexical Analyzer Generator Quex - A Mode Oriented Directly Coded Lexical Analyzer Generator Gardens Point Scanner Generator re2c Grammatica Eli - Dreamweaver Menus, Widgets, Extensions and CSS Templates 30 free programming eBooks - Since this post got quite popular I decided to incorporate some of the excellent suggestions posted in the comments, so this list now has more than 50 books in it. BTW: I’m not very strict on the definition of “ebook”, some of them are really just HTML versions of books. [UPDATED: 2012-01-18] Learning a new programming language always is fun and there are many great books legally available for free online. Lisp/Scheme:Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic ComputationHow to Design ProgramsInterpreting Lisp (PDF, suggested by Gary Knott)Let Over LambdaOn LispPractical Common LispProgramming in Emacs LispProgramming Languages. Ruby:The Bastards Book of Ruby (suggested by Dan Nguyen)Clever Algorithms (suggested by Tales Arvelos)Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in RubyLearn Ruby the Hard WayLearn to ProgramMacRuby: The Definitive GuideMr. Erlang:Concurrent Programming in ErlangLearn You Some Erlang for Great Good

DISCERN Artificial Neural Network - How to Build a Schizophrenic Computer Justin Ruckman/Flickr Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Schizophrenia is one of the most infamous and mysterious mental disorders. Attempting to get to the root of the problem, scientists recently came up with an extraordinary solution: They built a schizophrenic computer. People who suffer from schizophrenia often have difficulty thinking logically or discerning what is real or not real in their lives. To make a schizophrenic computer, they began with an artificial neural network called DISCERN that Miikkulainen has been working on intermittently since the 1990s. Hoffman and his colleagues then started to tell simple stories to the computer. In DISCERN, the process begins in a module called the sentence parser, which examines each sentence one word at a time. Once the computer system could "understand" a story, the researchers began to feed stories to it. Then, it was DISCERN's job to repeat the tales back to the scientists.

Linkers and Loaders These are the manuscript chapters for my Linkers and Loaders, published by Morgan-Kaufman. See the book's web site for ordering information. The text in these files is the unedited original manuscript. M-K has fine copy editors, who have fixed all the minor typos, spelling, and grammar errors in the printed book, but if you come across factual errors I'd still appreciate help getting all the details of linking and loading as complete and correct as possible. The figures here are scans of hand-drawn sketches which have been redrawn for the book. Please send comments and questions to Thanks! Chapters are available in an excessive variety of formats. Postscript versions of these files are available, including the figure sketches.

Digital Photography Tutorials Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. This is a complete listing of all tutorials on this site; click the drop-down links in the top menu to see particular topics. Photography is going through an exciting transition period as many film photographers are beginning to explore the new capabilities of digital cameras. While the fundamentals have remained similar, other aspects are markedly different. This is a great time to get involved with digital photography. These tutorials are rarely influenced by changes in image editing software and camera equipment — due to their unique concept-based approach. View in other languages: Português Русский Deutsch Français Italiano

How to Completely Mask & Anonymize Your BitTorrent Traffic Using Anomos How to Completely Mask & Anonymize Your BitTorrent Traffic Using Anomos A couple times a year, I hear about someone I know receiving that oh-so-scary letter from their ISP telling them to stop torrenting. ISPs will go as far as throttling your bandwidth (without lowering your bill), and sometimes even reporting you to authorities. I've seen a few solutions, such as using a private proxy. BTGuard acts like a proxy and simply anonymizes your traffic when connected through them. A free alternative would be to use ItsHidden VPN service. Today's Null Byte will demonstrate how to get ready for the future. ThePirateBay, the world largest BitTorrent tracker, has plans to offer .atorrent files as an optional download. uTorrent, the largest BitTorrent client, has plans to integrate the Anomos protocol in future releases. Installation & Configuration of Anomos Client Anomos is basically the same, in principle, as the standard Bittorrent protocol. Downloads

How Long Can a Hard Drive Hold Data Without Power? - Lifehacker Longevity of backups depends primarily on condition and handling. I design a lot of disaster recovery systems and over the last few decades I've found that: Magnetic drives are fairly reliable when unplugged, but you'll still need to cycle them out over the years - My most common problem was the bearings and motors seizing causing drive failures. I've found that temperature is the primary deciding factory and potentially humidity another contributing factor. In datacenters that store the drives in hotter than room temp areas I've always had a higher drive failure rate from DR disks that are typically only plugged in once a month than the locations that have the same usage but store them in a cooler location. Also keep in mind that even if the drive is good when you need it most you have to consider the drive format and ease of installing elsewhere. Flash drives are surprisingly robust - USB has been around a surprisingly long time in the same format.

Programming Texts/Tutorials Biggus Biggus is a pure-Python library for handling very large (i.e. too large for system memory) n-dimensional arrays. It has two main components: Representation, lazy indexing, and conversion to persistent files and NumPy arrays; andLazy calculation. At the core of Biggus is the Array which provides a simple, consistent, NumPy-esque interface to n-dimensional data which avoids reading data until explicitly requested by user code. Once created, Array objects can be concatenated and stacked to form new Array objects, which can themselves be concatenated and stacked as required. In addition, all Array objects can be indexed to extract subsets. User code may request any Array object be saved to a "concrete" data form (e.g.

Tutorial - Controlling The Real World With Computers How To Change Windows 7 Logon Screen Home » How To, Microsoft, Windows diggdigg Hi and welcome back to another article in the series of Coolest Windows 7 Tips and Tricks. Today, we’ll be covering the easiest and simplest way to change the background of you windows login screen. Since Windows XP, windows login screen has been a beautiful entry point to your desktop. Windows 7 comes with pre-built functionality to change the login screen. Press Win+R key and Type “REGEDIT” at run prompt (without quotes). Did you know that there are multiple hidden Windows 7 themes in your computer? Follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook fanpage for latest Tech News and Tutorials. Advertisements Subscribe to TecRux: Subscribe to RSS Feed or get latest updates in your Inbox.Note: * Click confirmation link sent in email * Don't see the email, check spam folder Related Posts Article by Umair H. Umair H. has written 131 awesome articles.

Six ways to write more comprehensible code I learned to write, clear, maintainable code the hard way. For the last twelve years, I've made my living writing computer games and selling them over the Net using the marketing technique that was once charmingly known as shareware. What this means is that I start with a blank screen, start coding, and, a few tens of thousands of lines of code later, I have something to sell. This means that, if I make a stinky mess, I'm doing it in my own nest. So I have been well rewarded by learning about good, sane programming techniques. But there are many who, like me, stumbled into programming in an unexpected or unusual way and never had anyone drill this stuff into them. The example case For illustration purposes, our example program throughout this article is a hypothetical computer game called Kill Bad Aliens. Figure 1. The game will take place in periods of time called Waves. Killing an alien gives you some points. When a bomb hits you, your ship blows up and another appears. Back to top Oh?

35 Stunning Hi-Res “Public Domain” Astronomy Images | BittBox If our freebies have benefited you personally or have helped you earn a profit please consider donating via paypal. Donate Now In the wake of Shepard Fairey’s debacle with the AP over the rights to the image he used as reference/inspiration for his wildy popular Obama poster, I wanted to share a list of Public Domain Licensed images, in this case, astronomy. Fairey’s situation should hit home with all pixel junkies out there and remind us that we have to pay close attention to the licenses associated with the images we use in our design work. I’ve compiled a list of beautiful, inspiring astronomy images that all have a Public Domain License. Astronomy intrigues me. Earth Full resolution: 3,000 × 3,075 pixels Full resolution: 2,048 × 2,048 pixels Full resolution: 3,000 × 3,002 pixels Full resolution: 1,696 × 2,074 pixels Full resolution: 2,458 × 2,458 pixels Full resolution: 2,400 × 2,400 pixels Full resolution: 3,097 × 3,000 pixels The Moon Full resolution: 1,280 × 978 pixels Mars Mars’ moon Phobos

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