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The online sketch pad for all your places | Placepad How to upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10, 11.04 to Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot | Desktop & Server Updated 30-09-2011 Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Beta is released! If you have ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal or older version of ubuntu installed on your system, and you want to upgrade to this new release, you can do it by following these instructions. Important: The most important things when it comes to upgrading are: That your data is safe That you end up with a fully functional system Your personal data is the most valuable thing in your computer. To be safe: Make a full backup of your data on an external device (USB stick or CD/DVD).Download and burn the liveCD of the newer release, and check that your hardware is fully functional with it. - Desktop Upgrade: So to upgrade from Ubuntu 11.04 or older on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in update-manager -d into the command box. 1- Press Alt+F2 and type in update-manager -d 2- Now follow these steps : First check for updates, then Install them, and finally click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions. - Server Upgrade:

15 Useful Batch Image Processors - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Whether you’re a Web developer, Web designer or blogger, you’ve probably had to deal with the headache of converting many images to different sizes and formats. It’s not much fun if you have to convert all of them by hand. Batch image processing can reduce this process from hours of work to just a few simple clicks. With batch image processing, you can specify a size or file type, and then a script runs to convert the images. Many of the articles here on Smashing Magazine have screenshots that have to be resized and configured to fit within the website’s layout. Types of Batch Processors Batch image processors usually come with some very standard functions: Resizing images,Scaling images,Converting to different image formats. Some image processors also perform some advanced functionality, such as graphic editing (rotating, blurring, borders, adding watermarks), and some can even create slideshows, display other types of multimedia and perform other advanced functions. ResizeMe

SwapFaq Introduction This FAQ is aimed at Linux novices. People always wonder how much swap they should create at install time, or after installing they may think, "have I made a large enough swap? Should I reinstall with a larger swap?" This FAQ will tell you how much swap you need and how to add more swap after installation. What is swap? Swap space is the area on a hard disk which is part of the Virtual Memory of your machine, which is a combination of accessible physical memory (RAM) and the swap space. Why do I need swap? Memory consuming programs Sometimes, a large program (like LibreOffice, Neverwinter Nights, or a video editor) make the entire system need extra memory. Hibernation (suspend-to-disk) The hibernation feature (suspend-to-disk) writes out the contents of RAM to the swap partition before turning off the machine. How much swap do I need? As a base minimum, it's highly recommended that the swap space should be equal to the amount of physical memory (RAM). Example Scenarios Save.

Phatch - Photo Batch Processor latest version : 0.2.7 about Phatch is a simple to use cross-platform GUI Photo Batch Processor which handles all popular image formats and can duplicate (sub)folder hierarchies. Phatch can batch resize, rotate, apply perspective, shadows, rounded corners, ... and more in minutes instead of hours or days if you do it manually. Phatch allows you to use EXIF and IPTC tags for renaming and data stamping. Phatch also supports a console version to batch photos on webservers. ubuntu .deb installer Just double click the downloaded file and phatch will install automagically. download karmiclucidjauntyintrepidhardy(0.1.6) gutsy(0.1.6) feisty windows, mac & linux tar.gz source package First install (see our documentation): - python - wxpython - pil Unzip the downloaded file and start phatch in trunk/phatch with: python download tar.gzdownload zip

HTML Goodies: The Ultimate HTML Resource 10 Search Engines to Explore the Deep End of the Invisible Web Not everything on the web will show up in a list of search results on Google or Bing; there are lots of places that their web crawlers cannot access. To explore the invisible web, you need to use specialist search engines. Here are our top 12 services to perform a deep internet search. What Is the Invisible Web? Before we begin, let's establish what does the term "invisible web" refer to? Simply, it's a catch-all term for online content that will not appear in search results or web directories. There are no official data available, but most experts agree that the invisible web is several times larger than the visible web. The content on the invisible web can be roughly divided into the deep web and the dark web. The Deep Web The deep web made up of content that typically needs some form of accreditation to access. If you have the correct details, you can access the content through a regular web browser. The Dark Web The dark web is a sub-section of the deep web. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How to Change Your Login And Boot Screen In Ubuntu Lucid The latest version of Ubuntu (10.04 Lucid) comes with a plymouth theme that allows more cool and animated screen to be displayed during boot up. While this is a great improvement, it also means that all the previous method of setting your own boot screen and login screen is no longer valid. For those who are not happy with the default boot and login screen, here is how you can change them in Ubuntu Lucid. At this moment, there is no GUI to handle this, so everything has to be done via the command line. Changing the login screen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Changing the boot screen The plymouth theme uses a theme framework to display the background and animation, so you won’t be able to take a simple wallpaper and put it on the boot screen. This will install all the plymouth themes in the repository. Next, select the theme that you want to display: you will see a list of the theme for you to choose. Update: According to Pvalley67, you have to run the following command to update the system.

vous Nicolas Leonard ? Assembliv Untitled from Jean Michel Billaut on Vimeo. Nicolas nous présente Assemblive : une plateforme permettant de faire des réunions de tout type (présentation de produit, salon virtuel, collaboratif "traditionnel", cours et salle de classe, etc...) qu'il a mis sur pied avec quelques amis (dont un est à Kobé Japon...). Assemblive est un environnement immersif en 3D, qui présente pas mal de fonctionnalités intéressantes (par exemple le son spatialisé, malgré ce que l'on peut croire la chose est utile..). Qu'est-ce que la navigation synchronisée ? Assemblive peut-être 'widgétisé" : quel intérêt ? Pourquoi assembler Assemlive avec d'autres widgets ? Vous décidez de donner un cours sur la culture de la pomme de terre en Basse Provence : pouvez vous faire payer les participants ? Liaison avec les réseaux sociaux ? Quel est le business model d'Assemblive ? La plateforme est encore en beta... Pour utiliser la béta, deux moyens: Pour contacter Nicolas Leonard : nicolas.leonard(arobase)

Planet Ubuntu Accueil beautify your Bootloader | LinuxTechCrunch | Linux Software | Linux Software Download | Linux Tutorials In most Linux distros, our bootloader is GRUB, which only shows letters of operating system with which we go up, BURG this change. BURG is based on GRUB bootloader, with an artistic touch and a great variety of subjects. To install BURG: We add your repositories. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bean123ch/burg sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install burg burg-themes Install BURG in your Master Boot Record. sudo burg-install "(hd0)" Update BURG sudo update-burg To change themes when you reboot your PC, and this on screen by BURG only have to press the button (T) and then select one you want. Sora Radiance Coffe Winter Ubuntu Note: The configuration file BURG : /boot/burg/burg.cfg

Les 13 logiciels libres les plus prometteurs À l'image d'Apache, Firefox,, MySQL, Ubuntu, SugarCRM, et bien d'autres, certains logiciels libres utilisés en entreprise sont quasiment devenus des stars. Pour vous aider à anticiper vos choix logiciels, nous vous proposons de partir à la découverte des "pépites" de demain. Quels sont les logiciels auxquels les entreprises devraient s'intéresser dès aujourd'hui ? Et pourquoi sont-ils promis à un bel avenir ? Tour d'horizon avec les meilleurs experts français. Système d'exploitation mobile : Chrome OS et Android S'il est un domaine où les logiciels libres règnent en maître, c'est bien le web. "Google vise à déplacer la valeur du logiciel vers les données, puis à occuper une position dominante dans la gestion de celles-ci. Virtualisation : KVM Le cloud computing devrait continuer sa croissance en 2010 et tirer avec lui les solutions open source de virtualisation. ToIP : Asterisk Autre tendance de fond, la réduction des coûts téléphoniques. ETL : Talend Open Studio
