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Trees for the Future > Restoring Degraded Lands to Sustainable Productivity

Trees for the Future > Restoring Degraded Lands to Sustainable Productivity

Climate Leaders Learn How to Measure and Lower GHG Emissions Throughout an Organization's Supply Chain » EPA's Center for Corporate Climate Leadership serves as a resource center for all organizations looking to expand their work in the area of greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement and management. The Center was launched in 2012 to establish norms of climate leadership by encouraging organizations with emerging climate objectives to identify and achieve cost-effective GHG emission reductions, while helping more advanced organizations drive innovations in reducing their greenhouse gas impacts in their supply chains and beyond. The Center also recognizes exemplary corporate, organizational, and individual leadership in addressing climate change by co-sponsoring The Climate Leadership Awards with the Association of Climate Change Officers, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, and The Climate Registry, and serving as the Climate Leadership Conference headline sponsor.

Database Search To the best of our knowledge all the information contained herein is accurate and true. However we cannot guarantee that everyone will react positively to all edible plants or other plant uses. It is commonly known that many people suffer allergic reactions to conventional foods and products. Even amongst the more commonly eaten fruits, for example, there are plenty of instances where people react badly to them: Many people are allergic to strawberries and will come out in a rash if they eat them.Some people develop a rash if they touch the stems of parsnips. Potatoes become poisonous if they turn green.Eating large quantities of cabbage can adversely affect the thyroid gland.

Jean Giono - The Man Who Planted Trees The Man Who Planted Trees Translation from french by Peter Doyle In order for the character of a human being to reveal truly exceptional qualities, we must have the good fortune to observe its action over a long period of years. Millennium Promise - Home About Us At Millennium Promise, our vision is the eradication of extreme poverty, hunger, and preventable disease within our lifetime. Our mission is to provide the operational platform and resource mobilization for the Millennium Villages Project, which empowers communities to lift themselves out of extreme poverty. Bioversity International: search As information about agricultural biodiversity resources is gathered around the world, managing information so it is easily shared and accessed is vital for the conservation and use of these resources. Bioversity International, working with international partners, has developed effective systems to manage this task including: Bioversity International is home to 3200 unique original field report documents which are now available online. This collection is an invaluable history of plants that may have been lost from their fields and natural habitats, painstakingly recording information about more than 200,000 landrace and crop wild relative samples collected all over the world for almost forty years. Read more

servingtheLAnd “The meaning of life is to plant a tree under whose shade you will never sit.” This is the sentence that first made me realize the bigger significance of planting trees – a seemingly small task that has a greater impact than I ever imagined. Danny, the incredibly witty forestry manager of Tree People, taught us the series of steps it takes to plant a tree: Choosing a location, digging a hole, massaging the roots out of the baby tree’s “root ball,” settling it into the earth, spreading its roots further into new soil, filling in the new earth, watering it with four buckets, setting up supportive stakes to keep it from falling, and finally, the naming ceremony. So much goes into this process to make sure that the tree is healthy, secure, and might stand a chance against LA’s lack of rain from March to September.

Screening Green Businesses Certification for Green Businesses Green America certifies businesses that are committed to using business as a platform for social change. Since 1982, Green America has evaluated over 8,000 small businesses. We've helped leading green companies like Seventh Generation, Honest Tea, and Clif Bar take off in the marketplace. We connect people to entrepreneurs building sustainable enterprises from the ground up and Main Street businesses that serve their communities. Green America certifies businesses that are: A Recipe for a Hugelkultur Raised Bed Permaculture Research Institute I’ve been wanting to do a hugelkultur bed ever since I saw an article about a village store garden where people could walk around these really tall raised beds picking their veggies without bending. Hugelkultur is a Central European-style raised bed which uses rotting wood as its foundation. Toby Hemenway mentions it in Gaia’s Garden, offering the hot tip that he can start potatoes a month early in this kind of bed. The hugelkultur raised bed can be built in many different ways, towering as high as you can reach or in a deep trench so that the planting surface is more or less level with the ground.

The Man Who Planted Trees The Man Who Planted Trees (French title L'homme qui plantait des arbres) is an allegorical tale by French author Jean Giono, published in 1953. It tells the story of one shepherd's long and successful singlehanded effort to re-forest a desolate valley in the foothills of the Alps in Provence throughout the first half of the 20th century. The tale is quite short—only about 4000 words long. It was composed in French, but first published in English. Plot[edit] Communities: Our Criteria General Requirements 1) Labor Standards Healthy and safe working conditions.Wages and benefits sufficient to lift workers' families out of poverty. Treatment with respect, dignity, and justice. 2) Knowledge of Labor Standards The retailer and the supplier are both responsible for ensuring decent working conditions.

Harmony Org His idealism is untarnished by cynicism or practicality. Thorat believes Bouffier was a real person and not a fictional character. “When my diabetes started having a severe effect on me, I had my doubts whether I would be able to accomplish the plantation drive. But then I thought about Bouffier, who had done it single-handedly.” He adds that he was fortunate to have the backing of the entire tehsil. 10 Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality In order to manage the allergy symptoms that lead to asthma attacks, it’s critical to control the indoor environment. Common indoor triggers include dust mites on pillows, blankets and stuffed… Continue Reading » Conservation Groups Fight a Plan to Open 147,000 Acres of Panther Habitat to Hunters and Swamp Buggies Continue Reading »

Jim Robbins: Why We Need to Save the Trees In 2001 I wrote a story for the Science section of the New York Times about a northern Michigan shade tree farmer named David Milarch who was planning to clone the largest tree of North America's iconic species, from the oaks to the redwoods, to protect the genetics of those big, old trees. For most people climate change was a far off threat, but Milarch took it seriously and worried that America's biggest and best specimens -- the Champion Trees -- were being allowed to die and tip over, and their genes disappear. One day, he thought, those libraries of "proven survivor" genes might be important to future forests as the climate grew more uncertain.

Motions of the Sun Simulator - Calculating Solar Potential in Portland, Maine February 15th, 2010 by ReVision Energy We stumbled across an incredibly useful tool that allows you to calculate the path of the sun on any given day of the year based on your latitude. This tool, part of the The Nebraska Astronomy Applet Project (NAAP), will even give really geeky data like the sun’s altitude and azimuth, and allows you to animate the cycles of the sun! Using the tool, we can plug in our latitude (roughly 43N here in Portland, Maine), program the day to February 15, set ourselves facing south and voila! We have a beautiful view of what the sun is going to be doing today:
