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How to make RSA Animate style videos with your class…

How to make RSA Animate style videos with your class…
Here is a post on how to make RSA style videos with half the work and time, and with a lot less tech experience needed. And another post on RSA-lite style videos. If you like the idea in this post, then you might also enjoy my other post 24 Assessments that Don’t Suck. Nothing fancy in this post, just the nuts and bolts of how to make an RSA Animate style video with your class! What is an RSA Animate style video? Let’s start with the most popular one: And the one most popular with educators: If you want to start at the end and see a student’s final product before getting to the steps involved in making them, pause and watch an example of one of the final videos below before reading on: This is a unit that was built from the beginning to end with an RSA Animate style video. So let’s start there… 2012 was coming to a close and I still noticed some important things that my kids could not do yet. The other problem was that the words they were reading were just that…words. Day 2-Drawings Related:  Tools

Magyar betűtípusok - A legjobb ingyenes betű és font gyűjtemény A legjobb ingyen betű, betűtípusok Windows, Mac és Linux-ra! kezdőlap | kategóriák | betűtípusok A-Z-ig | a legjobbak | betű beküldése | előnézet beállítások letöltés (0) Regisztráció | bejelentkezés a használat feltételei és adatvédelmi elvek | kapcsolat ^ tetejére ^ The Flipped Classroom - Instructional Module What type of hardware do I need? Depending on the type of instruction you selected, the hardware requirements will vary. However, regardless of the variation, two major components are required: a COMPUTER and BROADBAND INTERNET CONNECTION. Online Videos Computer (PC or Mac) Broadband Internet Narrated Screencasts Microphone (internal or external) Web cam - Optional Interactive Tablet - Optional Computer (PC or Mac) Broadband Internet Videotaped Lectures Digital Video Camera Tripod - Optional Computer (PC or Mac) Broadband Internet Can I use an Ipad to create an online instructional video? What type of software do I need? Online Video (Free) Using online video to deliver lessons does not require any additional software other than a standard internet browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.) which should already be installed on your computer. Narrated Screencasts (Basic - Free; Advanced - $99+) Compare Compare Camtasia Is Screencasting the same as Vodcasting? Finding an Online Video

Download and install VideoScribe – PC : Sparkol Download and install VideoScribe – PC Last updated: 23 September 2015 How to download VideoScribe on a PC computer: Go to the download page on the Sparkol website and VideoScribe will download automatically Alternatively, go to your account for advanced download options. Log in with your Sparkol account login details: Click 'Download Now' for the latest version, or click 'see all versions' to download older versions How to complete the install: When download is complete, the installation should start by itselfIf it doesn't start by itself, go to your Downloads folder and double-click the VideoScribe MSI fileFollow the instructions to complete the install – done! How to uninstall VideoScribe Was this answer helpful? How could we improve this answer?

Explain Everything™ Screenbird «Le développement durable illustré»: pourquoi, comment? | Emie-Claude Lamoureux Alexandre Magnin a travaillé comme conseiller en durabilité avec l'organisme à but non lucratif The Natural Step pendant plus de dix ans. En poste à Nelson en Colombie-Britannique, il a toujours fait sa part pour encourager des habitudes éco-responsables. Ses journées commençaient par une paisible marche au travail, il appréciait chaque midi son repas fait maison pour éviter les emballages en plastique, et a embarqué à fond dans le mouvement biologique. Il garde toujours ses habitudes écologiques mais, depuis peu, il consacre tout son temps à sa nouvelle passion: une initiative surnommée le Développement durable illustré. Celle-ci engage et informe le public à propos de questions de durabilité qui touchent des milliers de personnes. À titre d'éco-éducateur, l'aspect préféré d'Alex est de partager ses vidéos en ligne gratuitement et de faciliter l'apprentissage des individus, peu importe leur niveau de scolarité. Close Vincent Fortier 1. 1.

50+ app tanulásra, tanításra, vagy csak játékra Az első Android az oktatásban előadásomat még a Telenor Okostelefon Akadémia elődjén, a Telenor Android Workshopon, 2011-ben mutattam be. Azóta elrepült az idő, képzés van az egyetemen, s rengeteg helyen beszéltem már a témában. Azonban az alkalmazásokat, amikről beszéltem, még csak a prezentációban linkelve voltak megtalálhatók, illetve 1-1 appról írtam már itt a blogon. Most egy listába összeszedtem azokat az appokat, amikről beszéltem előadásban vagy az órán. Matematika Slice it A egy időben sláger alkalmazás volt, s minden telefonon ott figyelt. Math Formulary Remek alkalmazás, angolul tudóknak. KenKen / MathDoku A SuDoKu valószínűleg mindenkinek ismert. MathAttack Rengeteg hasonló játék van. Wolfram|Alpha Ez a legelső alkalmazás, amiért pénzt adtam. Photo Math Az ingyenes alkalmazás, amelyik megoldja helyetted a feladatokat. Mathpix A Mathpix a Photo Math-hoz nagyon hasonló alkalmazás. MyScript Calculator Math Addition Game For Kids KhanAcademy GeoGebra Desmos BuzzMath Mathway Grapher edX

How To YouTube Your Classroom How To YouTube Your Classroom by Terry Heick Ed note: This post has been updated from a crazy old post we forgot we published and nobody read anyway because we were only weeks old and had zero traffic so yeah. YouTube is popular. How popular? More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each monthOver 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube—that’s almost an hour for every person on Earth100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute Over 3 billion videos are viewed each day. A trillion. Whatever mechanisms YouTube uses to deploy content works. 1. This is among the most important to YouTube’s success. Possibility for Teachers: Make processes and procedure as simple and transparent as possible. 2. While largely passive, there is opportunity on YouTube for active participation, including forming video responses or video annotation. Possibility for Teachers: Model decision-making with learners. 3. “Suggested Videos” change everything. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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