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Modern Enlightenment

Modern Enlightenment

Why I am Not a Christian Reprinted from: (Click here for author information.) Why I Am Not A Christian: Introduction: This essay was inspired by the consistent assumption of Christians that if I believed the Bible were true, I would become a Christian. There are several reasons for my atheism, the leading of which is the idea of a higher power is not probable in light of current scientific data. I plan to examine the Bible with critical inquiry. Now would be the time to ask you to please take out your bibles for consultation. Hell: Hell, of course, is the mother of all of my problems with the bible. I am a moderately compassionate individual, rational, moral, and nurturing. If my daughter were to maim me, slander me, etc. But “God Is Just” You Claim: Most Christians have responded to this statement with the following rationalization. Most courts of law would take custody of your child from you just for an excessive spanking. “Free Will”, You Say? Genocide: The corruption argument simply does not hold up. Neglect:

Atheist Empire - Attacking Belief From All Sides It is important to identify the specific idea of god that the individual or group believes in along with associated beliefs and texts. Avoid personal attacks such as doubting the sincerity of faith, intelligence or personal spiritual experiences and concentrate on the validity of what they believe in. The Sides: 1. The emotional shortcomings and needs that are fulfilled by the belief such as fear of death and the unknown, knowing that someone is looking out for you and an explanation and order of all things. Faith: Define faith as a belief based on want without emphasis on facts or evidence and demonstrate it's extreme importance in belief in God. more about FAITH Feelings and Experiences: People who experience specific feelings they associate with God or other spiritual beings are probably valid in that they did feel something. 2. The spiritual sensations created by prayer, meditation and other phenomena associated with concentration, belief, conditioning and illness. 3.

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