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26 Learning Games for Change

26 Learning Games for Change
Note: Learning games have really taken off since I originally wrote this post a number of years ago (right before the 5th annual Games for Change Festival). As a result, this post is past due for an update. If you know of other learning games you feel should be added, or have updates/perspectives concerning any of the games listed here, please comment or contact me. I hope to do a full update in fall 2013. Fair warning, you could easily eat up a big chunk of your day following the links in this post. Buy hey, you’ll be helping out the world a bit in the process. Here’s a list of the learning games I found : Web-Based Learning Games Karma Tycoon Developed by “rocks the gaming world by offering you a thrilling ride through the world of social entrepreneurship as you earn Karma in virtual communities across the US.” Ayiti: The Cost of Life “What is it like to live in poverty, struggling every day to stay healthy, keep out of debt, and get educated? 3rd World Farmer Go Goat Go

How Urban Gaming Works" As new technologies evolve and mature, they infiltrate our lives in ways we don't necessarily expect. Cell phones and Global Position Systems (GPS) have their obvious uses -- you can make and receive calls when away from home, and you can easily find places or people, including yourself if you get lost. People around the world have been putting these technologies to innovative use, creating "experiences" in public settings that are part game, part performance art, and part sociology experiment. Dubbed urban gaming, these activities can range from recreating the 80s video game "Pac-Man" on a human scale in New York City to hiding "treasures" in state parks for people to find via GPS. In this article, we'll see what urban gaming is all about, find out how it works, and explore the potential of games and technology. We'll also take a look at some recently-played urban games.

Games Computergames, nuttig of niet voor het onderwijs? Computergames zijn er in allerlei soorten. Vechtspelletjes zijn populair bij de jongeren, zoals te zien bij de firma Monte Christo maar ook de digitale hangplekken, zoals het populaire Habbo-hotel en Second Life Wat spelen ze? Gothic 3Dit spel heeft ook een Duitse versie: Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Website zum PC-Rollenspiel Gothic 3 Viel Spaß beim Surfen The Guild 2 kan in het Frans Europe, 1400 – La dernière Croisade, qui a commencé il y a 6 ans, s'est terminée par une horrible défaite après l'échec des Croisés devant Nikopolis, lorsque les armées d'Osman et des Serbes les attaquèrent. Paraworld Paraworld is een interessant spel: te vinden op , maar lezen kan ook, in het Frans bijvoorbeeld. 15.09.2006 ParaWorld : c'est pour aujourd'hui !

Serious Games Gaming innovations of the decade Video Games and Impacts on Performance Can gaming change education? Five Ways to Build Your Own Educational Games [K-12] Online Games for Teaching Business Concepts and Ideas Computer Games and Traditional CS Courses 6 Things Video Games Can Teach Us About Web Usability Colleges Offering Video Game Courses - MARA ROSE WILLIAMS, The Kansas City Star Gaming in Technology Education Serious Games For Senior Executives 35+ Educational Games and Games Resources (K-12) Learning with Digital Games Game-Based Learning Site for Innovative Math Educators Quest to Learn Launches! Going to Scale with a Digital Curriculum Computer games to teach youths about judiciary - Alex Dalenberg, Arizona Republic Game and Learn: An Introduction to Educational Gaming Microsoft's Project Natal: What does it mean for game industry? Playing History Game changer: Investing in digital play to advance children's learning and health [Innovate] June/July Issue Zakelro!

SERIOUS GAMES MARKET - Alles over gamedesign / gamedevelopment de actuele database voor de Nederlandse gamesindustrie BitPress Educatie is specialist in het ontwikkelen van educatieve managementgames en simulaties voor vmbo tot MBA niveau. Tevens ontwikkelt BitPress Educatie webbased tools ter ondersteuning van de individuele ontwikkeling van leerlingen en studenten.

You Deserve a Medal: Honors on the Path to True Love by Maria Popova We’ve been fans of designer Stefan G. Bucher every since his wonderful ongoing storytelling experiment, Daily Monster. A “love medals glossary” breaks down the design and iconography behind the insignia, and three of the medals — “The Worst-of-Days Medal for Heartbreak Survival,” “The Molten Medal for Overwhelming Sex Appeal,” and for “The One-in-a-Million Medal for True Love Recognition, Appreciation, and Reciprocation” — have actually been produced as physical medals, sculpted and stamped out of metal. But what makes the book most fascinating and precious is that beneath the tongue-in-cheek tone lies not the usual cynicism about love but a genuine yearning for its rich complexity and its subtle manifestations. It’s not about winning medals, it’s about doing something that will make somebody else happy, and THEN winning a medal for it. The project did start in the wake of a breakup. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter and people say it’s cool. Share on Tumblr

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