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Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center

Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center

Map Collection - World Sites Atlas World Atlas A physical and a political map of the world, divided into tiles for easy navigation. Maps of Continents and Regions Select a continent or region below to jump to its map. Maps of Countries and Territories Use the drop-down list below to jump to map for that country or territory (a few do not have maps yet).Click here for a complete list of country maps. Maps of U.S. Use the drop-down list below to jump to the map page for that state or province.Here is a list of all the state and province map pages. Maps of U.S. We have over 20,000 pages for U.S. cities and towns. Thematic World Maps Select a statistic below to go to its interactive world map.Here is a complete list of links. Free GIS datasets SIG Politique de la Ville How to Use Google Search More Effectively [INFOGRAPHIC] Among certain circles (my family, some of my coworkers, etc.) I'm known for my Googling skills. I can find anything, anywhere, in no time flat. My Google-fu is a helpful skill, but not one that's shrouded in too much mystery — I've just mastered some very helpful search tricks and shortcuts and learned to quickly identify the best info in a list of results. Sadly, though web searches have become and integral part of the academic research landscape, the art of the Google search is an increasingly lost one. That search process also included determining when to rely on Google and when to utilize scholarly databases, but on a fundamental level, it appears that many people just don't understand how to best find the information they seek using Google. Thanks to the folks at HackCollege, a number of my "secrets" are out. Infographic via HackCollege Image courtesy of iStockphoto, LICreate

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Click to the link below to read details: Assessment Reports: These are published materials composed of the full scientific and technical assessment of climate change, generally in three volumes, one for each of the Working Groups of the IPCC, together with their Summaries for Policymakers, plus a Synthesis Report Special Reports: These are materials that provide an assessment of a specific issue and generally follow the same structure as a volume of an Assessment Report Methodology Reports: These are materials that provide practical guidelines for the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories Translations in non-UN languages Reporting an Error These are published materials composed of the full scientific and technical assessment of climate change, generally in three volumes, one for each of the Working Groups of the IPCC, plus a Synthesis Report. Each of the Working Group volumes is composed of individual chapters, an optional Technical Summary and a Summary for Policymakers. Cover

neogeo | Votre iPhone vous surveille… Deux gars, Alasdair Allan et Pete Warden viennent de découvrir la meilleure application de géolocalisation de tous les temps, celle permettant aux férus de Location Based Services de pouvoir croiser déplacements et utilisation d’applis sur une période de temps illimitée. Même pas besoin de l’installer, elle est déjà sur votre iPhone. Mais le plus drôle c’est qu’il n’y a même pas besoin de votre iPhone pour récupérer TOUTES VOS POSITIONS DEPUIS iOS4 soit Juin 2010 (!!!), puisque ces données sont synchronisées lors de votre sauvegarde par iTunes. Le fichier est donc sur votre poste de travail. Nos deux bonshommes ont développé un petit logiciel (MacOSX only) capable d’extraire et de cartographier les données stockées en clair dans une base de données SQLite. Notez bien que tout un chacun peut effectuer la manipulation à votre insu, à moins que nous n’utilisiez des sauvegardes cryptées, ce qui est rare, car on n’a rien à cacher n’est ce pas ? Déferlement médiatique en cours :

StatPlanet – Des améliorations sont régulièrement apportées à StatPlanet. Vérifiez régulièrement le site web pour les mises à jour et les nouvelles fonctionnalités. Pour de plus amples informations, contactez Frank van Cappelle. Plus de 300 indicateurs de développement internationaux La base de données de StatPlanet comprend des données démographiques, d'éducation, de santé, d’environnement et des indicateurs socio-économiques provenant des sources suivantes: Vous pouvez également ajouter vos propres données en utilisant StatPlanet - Map Maker. A propos de StatPlanet StatPlanet est un logiciel gratuit pour la création de visualisation hautement interactive de données aux échelles nationales et régionales. Le programme de recherche StatPlanet (la conception, la mise au point et le développement) a été lancé en 2005 par Frank van Cappelle. Les fonctionnalités de StatPlanet - Télécharger le PDF Des cartes interactives: Fenêtre de graphique: Fenêtre des indicateurs: Fenêtre de sélection: Fenêtre de tableau:

Websites That Will Let You Create Digital Magazines and Newspapers Nowadays, the digital version of print magazines and newspapers are becoming increasingly popular among publishers as they can save printing and postage costs as well as they are able to reach a whole new audience in the online world. The continuing interest of digital in the adaptation of digital replica editions of newspapers and magazines encourages web developers to create websites that are offering service to allow anyone to create their own digital magazine and newspaper. Some of these websites are very easy to use, simple and provide you with unlimited access to their resources for free. Take a look at these Websites That Will Let You Create Digital Magazines and Newspapers with easiness. Check this out and enjoy reading! Uni Flip UniFlip is a publishing web tool where PDF, Word and PowerPoint documents can be converted into a digital format for subsequent.Visit Site Joomag Open Zine Issuu Zine Pal Guzzle Nxt Book Media Build A Newspaper Yudu Paper News Cred Thy News Crayon Scribd Fodey

Panorama de la Energía en América Latina Plataforma Finanzas de Carbono Comunidad de Prácticas Energía (COP – ENE) Panorama de la Energía en América Latina La región de América Latina y el Caribe es rica en recursos naturales. En materia energética, es exportadora neta de petróleo y gas natural, cuenta con un gran potencial hidroeléctrico y su capacidad de producción de nuevas energías renovables (biomasa, energía eólica, solar y biocombustibles) crece en forma continua. Reservas de hidrocarburos Entre 1992 y 2009, la disponibilidad de recursos permitió el incremento del consumo energético, crecimiento que presenta fuertes disparidades entre los países. Algo similar se observa en relación con el gas natural. Evolución de la oferta primaria de energía y participación de fuentes renovables[3] La oferta primaria de energía en América Latina aumentó sostenidamente desde los años 1970. En lo que se refiere a la importación y exportación de energía en la región, los patrones son muy distintos entre los países. LC/W 220.

Digital aerial images from kites or balloons How do I get the camera airborne? Now that you have your camera ready, you need a way to get it up in the air. There are 4 options I’m going to chat about: hot air balloons, hydrogen balloons, helium balloons and kites. Hot Air Balloons: There are two types of hot air balloons: solar heated and combustion heated. The solar balloons rely on the solar radiation from the sun to heat the air inside the balloon. Believe it or not, they actually work; in fact they can be big enough to lift people ( Hydrogen balloons: (don’t even go down this road). Helium Balloons: Now this is the way to go. Kites: These work great when you have steady wind.
