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Napkee - make your mockups come alive

Napkee - make your mockups come alive

MockFlow: Online Wireframe Tool Waldo Pancake - Gift Bag : Might Be Empty at Campus Gifts Might Be Empty - Gift Bag Unfortunately this item is currently out of stock at our suppliers. As soon as this product is back with our suppliers it will be dispatched to us immediately and will be available to buy as soon as it reaches our warehouse. Please check back soon for further updates. Say it the Waldo Pancake way with this brightly coloured gift bag. The message on front reads: "Might be empty." The Message on back reads: "Use as new handbag." Ladies and gentlemen! Let’s start by saying that behind the Waldo Pancake persona hides an artist blessed with the genius of dry wit as well as the least inspiring and most common name in the world: Jim Smith. His style is distinctive: a friendly, chunky font (usually in white) across a solid block of colour (usually not white) guaranteed to make you laugh – or at the very least smirk.

The Balsamiq Mockups Manifesto Take a second. Let it sink in. The first impression might be disorienting. There are very few interface elements on the screen. Start exploring however, and you'll find out that Mockups is filled with powerful yet only-visible-when-you-need-them features. Getting your ideas out should be effortless. We've been in business long enough that we think we have learned enough about ourselves, our product, our customers and our competitive space to be able to put a stake in the ground and tell the world what we're about. Our sweet spot: the ideation phase Mockups really shines during the early stages of designing a new interface. Mockups is zenware, meaning that it will help you get "in the zone", and stay there. Mockups offers the same speed and rough feel as sketching with pencil, with the advantage of the digital medium: drag & drop to resize and rearrange elements, make changes without starting over, and your work is clear enough that you'll make sense of them later. Skin: Ready to try it out?

Mockups Take a second. Let it sink in. The first impression might be disorienting. Getting your ideas out should be effortless. We've been in business long enough that we think we have learned enough about ourselves, our product, our customers and our competitive space to be able to put a stake in the ground and tell the world what we're about. Our sweet spot: the ideation phase Mockups really shines during the early stages of designing a new interface. Mockups is zenware, meaning that it will help you get "in the zone", and stay there. Mockups offers the same speed and rough feel as sketching with pencil, with the advantage of the digital medium: drag & drop to resize and rearrange elements, make changes without starting over, and your work is clear enough that you'll make sense of them later. See what you can build with Mockups Skin: Download the samples above, or find more on Mockups To Go, our community-contributed stencils site. Designed for collaboration Ready to try it out? Learning UX Design

Le web design pour les nuls Une erreur souvent commise est de ne pas s’intéresser (ou pas assez) aux concepts annexes au web marketing. Le web design par exemple, ça ne concerne que les designers et les graphistes pensez-vous ? C’est en grande partie vrai, seulement un design réussi ce n’est pas qu’une imagination débordante retranscrite sur Photoshop, c’est avant tout des concepts précis qui permettent un design attractif et une ergonomie boostée. Je vous propose aujourd’hui de voir ensemble les bases du web design et ainsi peut-être reconnaitrez-vous un design réussi en regardant avec votre tête et non pas qu’avec vos yeux. Visible = accessible ? Une chose importante à comprendre avant de rentrer dans le vif du sujet est qu’un site se décompose en plusieurs parties. Ainsi, chaque partie d’un site sera plus ou moins visible en fonction de sa position. Un site possède des zones de visibilité et d’accessibilité différentes Un site lorsqu’il est visité pour la première fois se lit en Z (pour les pays occidentaux). 1.

Mockups Take a second. Let it sink in. The first impression might be disorienting. There are very few interface elements on the screen. Start exploring however, and you'll find out that Mockups is filled with powerful yet only-visible-when-you-need-them features. Getting your ideas out should be effortless. Our sweet spot: the ideation phase Mockups really shines during the early stages of designing a new interface. Mockups is zenware, meaning that it will help you get "in the zone", and stay there. Mockups offers the same speed and rough feel as sketching with pencil, with the advantage of the digital medium: drag & drop to resize and rearrange elements, make changes without starting over, and your work is clear enough that you'll make sense of them later. See what you can build with Mockups Download the samples above, or find more on Mockups To Go, our community-contributed stencils site. Designed for collaboration Your whole team can come together around the right design using Mockups. Two reasons:

Liste de 18 outils pour prototyper des maquettes Aujourd'hui, j'ai cherché une petite application qui me permettrait de réaliser des maquettes d'interfaces graphiques simplement, comme je le faisais sous Linux avec Pencil (mais pour Mac OSX). Puis au fil de mes recherches, j'en ai dégoté plusieurs qui je pense vous intéresseront. Voici donc une sélection de 18 outils de création d'interfaces graphiques (et de schémas) pour vos projets. J'ai fait un mix entre les outils Mac, Windows et Linux (en précisant à chaque fois) et j'ai listé les outils payants à la fin (en bonus). Bon, par contre, comme ils font tous relativement la même chose, j'ai mis uniquement en avant leurs petites particularités lorsqu'il y en avait, donc à vous de choisir celui qui vous convient le mieux. Balsamiq mockups Fonctionne sous Mac, Windows et Linux. Rejoignez les 60762 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie..

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