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American Girl in London Aleph Null: Color Music -- Jim Andrews Jim Andrews: concept, programming, design Jan Odvárko: color-picker Thanks to Regina Célia Pinto, David Jhave Johnston, Ted Warnell, Maarten van Emden, Christine Wilks of JSArt, and the British and Irish Poets List--especially David Bircumshaw--for feedback during dev. Aleph Null is my first piece with the new HTML 5 canvas tag which requires no plugins and works in all modern browsers, including mobile phones. Aleph Null is color music. Here is a slidvid of Aleph Null stills. Many artists have created works that construct some sort of visual music in which there is no audio. In particular, Ben F. ERASE: The 'e' key erases the canvas and changes the path the shape follows. 'Aleph null' is the first and most homely order of infinity. On the PC, Firefox provides the highest framerate. A friend reports that Aleph Null performs quite well on the Mac. I like running Aleph Null at around 30 frames per second, myself. Creating Aleph Null has been part of a re-tooling process for me.

News Netflix - Watch TV Shows Online, Watch Movies Online Aleph Null: Color Music -- Jim Andrews Jim Andrews: concept, programming, design Jan Odvárko: color-picker Thanks to Regina Célia Pinto, David Jhave Johnston, Ted Warnell, Maarten van Emden, Christine Wilks of JSArt, and the British and Irish Poets List--especially David Bircumshaw--for feedback during dev. Aleph Null is my first piece with the new HTML 5 canvas tag which requires no plugins and works in all modern browsers, including mobile phones. Aleph Null is color music. Here is a slidvid of Aleph Null stills. Many artists have created works that construct some sort of visual music in which there is no audio. In particular, Ben F. ERASE: The 'e' key erases the canvas and changes the path the shape follows. 'Aleph null' is the first and most homely order of infinity. On the PC, Firefox provides the highest framerate. A friend reports that Aleph Null performs quite well on the Mac. I like running Aleph Null at around 30 frames per second, myself. Creating Aleph Null has been part of a re-tooling process for me.

iAnalyse 3 | Pierre Couprie : logiciels Présentation English version Version : 3.6Langue : Français, EnglishPrix : gratuitConfiguration minimale : Macintosh : PowerPC G5 ou Intel Core (2) Duo, 1.5 Ghz, système OS 10.5, 10.6 ou 10.7, 1Go de RAM, écran 1024×768 pixels ou plus. La fonction sonagramme nécessite un processeur Intel. iAnalyse est un logiciel d’aide à l’analyse musicale. iAnalyse permet de synchroniser les pages d’une partition (images ou PDF) sur un fichier audio ou vidéo. iAnalyse existe en 2 versions : la version LE est gratuite et contient les fonctions de base permettant d’annoter les partitionsla version Pro (15€) possède des outils d’annotation spécifiques et des fonctions d’analyse musicale avancées Dans la version LE, une marque apparaît sur les images et les films exportés (« Réalisé avec iAnalyse – Made with iAnalyse »). Télécharger iAnalyse 3 pour Macintosh 10.5 Langues : français et anglaisiAnalyse est désormais gratuit. Télécharger iAnalyse 3 pour Mac OS 10.5 ou supérieur Télécharger des exemples F. A. A.

Daniel Puhe, Interactive/Motion About A love for cutting-edge interactive experiences, background in communication design. Likes things that look gorgeous, behave nicely and make sense. Specialities: HTML5 development, focus on microsites, games, playful applications Advanced JavaScript, OOP, patterns and frameworks where appropriate Animation, code-driven and timeline Skills: Long-term experience in both human-computer- and human-human-interaction Lateral thinking, good problem solving skills Teamplayer, able to have fun working while maintaining a high level of professionalism Past & present 2007–presentFreelance developer based in LondonProjects for Alfa Romeo, ASOS, British Airways, Cartoon Network, Levi's, Nissan, Orange, Samsung 2005–2007Freelance developer based in Essen/GermanyProjects for Deutsche Telekom, Electronic Arts, Vodafone, Mercedes-Benz, Zeec 2001–2005Head of Interactive, Zwobakk/GermanySmall studio, wearing many hats, Flash, design, concepts, team management Education
