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Flock Browser - The Social Web Browser

Flock Browser - The Social Web Browser

Lessons learned from podcasting, and time to start “real life” - From left: Christopher Wink, Brian Blanda, Sean Blanda at the Eiffel Tower So, that was fun. If you have noticed the lack of posting around here, it is because my friend Chris Wink and I have been traveling Europe while podcasting our advice along the way over at We Dont Speak the Language. Im back now, and if you are looking for some sort of summary of the trip, head on over the WDSTL (the last episode will be released on Sunday). Portable Flock 1.2.1 deutsch / englisch - Flock, Leser, Bescheid, Changelogleser, Download, Portable, Version, Emails - Caschys Blog Hi all! A few minutes ago i’ve updated the portable version of the social browser Flock to its actual version 1.2.1. You can download both versions here. Just unzip and start with FlockLoader.exe. All settings are stored in a folder called “Profilverzeichnis”. Hi zusammen.

How BOINC works - BOINC It's easy to participate in a BOINC project: download and install BOINC. You will be asked to select a project and enter your email address and a password. That's it! Create Separate Profiles in Google Chrome for Family Members and Stay Extra Safe Learn how to create user profiles in Google Chrome to prevent family members from reading your web browser history, search queries, bookmarks, passwords and other browsing data. Google Chrome lets you create multiple user accounts but if you want to keep your web history and passwords hidden from other Chrome users, you need to create a separate profile in Chrome and not just user accounts. Keep reading. If you have a common computer at home that you share with other family members, how do you ensure that your web browsing history in Google Chrome stays private and others don’t get to know what you search or which sites you visited from that computer?

Hosting Rails - Ruby on Rails Hosting - Reliable and Scalable Pl Our Network With 3 datacenter locations and connections to numerous backbone providers, our customers are connected to multiple gigabit internet connections for maximum speed and reliability. Jumpline has even been ranked the #1 most reliable web hosting provider by NetCraft - twice! Our Servers Other hosting companies cut costs by using desktop computer hardware to host their customer websites.

Chromium - Open Source Chrome - Download Squad As you might have noticed from our Google Chrome coverage, we're pretty excited about the potential -- even if it hasn't lived up to everyone's expectations. Much of that potential is tied-up in the architecture used to create Chome. As Google continued to reiterate during yesterday's webcast, Chrome is open source. Using Understanding Comics to Understand New Media A few weeks ago I posted some thoughts about the rhetoric of the hyperlink , which I was working on with my Textual Media course. I’ve complicated my students thinking (I hope) by suggesting that we can use , Scott McCloud’s wonderfully insightful dissection of comics (itself in comics form) to understand new media. Among the many useful keywords and concepts McCloud provides is a rubric of panel-to-panel transitions, in other words, techniques for tying together two distinct panel frames on a page. Inspired, I think, partly by an awareness of how cuts work in film, McCloud gives us these six categories: moment-to-moment (showing the passing of time) action-to-action (showing cause and effect)

Lunscape - 1 browser, 3 rendering engines - Download Squad Lunascape is a web browser for people who just can't decide which web browser to use. That's because the latest Alpha version of Lunascape supports three of the most popular rendering engines used in other web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. Upon setup, you can select your default rendering engine. Geck or WebKit are known for their blazing fast performance when loading many web pages and web apps,. Or you can choose Trident if you frequently visit web pages that only work with Internet Explorer.

How To: Power Up your Treo or Centro Palm has finally declared its beloved operating system dead. After numerous failed attempts to rejuvenate Palm OS and bring out a new version, code-named Cobalt, it finally threw in the towel and began to devote company resources to an all-new successor based on Linux. The company just launched the significantly-upgraded Treo 800w , but it runs Windows Mobile like the Treo 750 did—more indication that Palm has buried Palm OS for good. This all means that Palm OS-powered Treos and Centros are on life support, in terms of third-party development and bug fixes. In fact, Palm's JVM license expired back in January . That means that, as always, we caution newcomers to the OS, since it's essentially abandonware at this point.

Google Chrome news roundup: Themes, Scripts, and Ad-blocking, oh my! - Download Squad It's been about a week since Google launched the public beta of its open source web browser, Google Chrome. While the browser certainly ain't perfect by a long shot, it does render pages quickly and has a few innovative features like an unconventional placement for tabs and a unified search box/location bar. Over the past week there's been a flurry of activity surrounding the browser. Not from Google developers, but by third party developers who have done their best to make Google at least as useful as Firefox or Safari.
