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The 10 worst mistakes you can make in a job interview Looking for a new job? This is what not to do, according to recruitment firm Front of House. The company suggest the best way to make a good impression on your potential employer is to look smart, spit your gum out and remember to turn your phone off. “A weak handshake is one of the most common interview issues, with many candidates giving off the impression that they’re fragile and unconfident based on their handshake.” “A surprising number of job applicants chew gum during their interviews, including many experienced professionals, lowering their chances of being accepted for their dream job.” “Flat shoes, extremely tall heels, false eyelashes and unusual attire send the wrong impression during job interviews.” “Employers are understanding of work history gaps, particularly with the financial crisis fresh in people’s minds. “A surprisingly large number of job applicants send a bad impression to their interviewers by making mistakes like sitting with their bags on their laps.”
