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Alligator Sunglasses Popular Social Trends with theCHIVE - Funny Photos and Funny Videos – Keep Calm and Chive On 8 Ways To Be Attractive Whether it’s single girl seeking eligible bachelor, man seeking woman, or any of the possible combinations, there are definable traits that make a person attractive, wherever you land on the sexual spectrum. Small changes in the way you behave and hold yourself can do wonders for your soul-mate magnetism. 1. Be kind to everyone. That doesn’t mean drop your wit or your sarcasm, if that’s your thing, but being a cruel snob is not attractive. 2. Whether it’s working for a promotion, studying to further your education, training for a marathon, or anything else that requires actual commitment, it’s sexy. 3. Don’t be that girl that sits at the bar with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes at every guy that strikes up a conversation. 4. You may have a sarcastic, witty streak in you. 5. This doesn’t mean dress up all the time. 6. “Within reason” means have perspective – don’t laugh about the fact that you accidentally hit someone with your car. 7. 8. People are attracted to happy people.

MyLifeIsAverage - Life is pretty normal today Celebrity Gossip The People You Will Fall In Love With In Your 20s You will fall in love with someone who annoys you, whose orgasm face looks and feels pathetic. Despite all of this, there’s something keeping you drawn to them, something that makes you want to protect them from the harsh world. What you fail to realize, however, is that you are the harsh world. You aren’t their noble protector — you are someone to be protected from but it takes a lot of dates, a lot of nights where you question whether or not you are actually a good person, for this to ever resonate with you. When it’s over and whatever love is left is put back in the fridge like a sad plate of leftovers, you will finally understand that you have the power to hurt someone. You can either hurt them or love them and it’s up to you to decide what kind of role you would like to take on in future relationships. You will fall in love with someone who’s cold and always seemingly pushing you away. You will fall in love with someone for one night and one night only. So fine.

Le Humor - Funny Pictures & Videos 40 Little Ways You Can Tell Someone Doesn’t Love You 1. There is innate disinterest when it comes to the meager, silly details about your life. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Want to get invited to exclusive private parties where you live? Completely Serious Comics - Where funny comes to die! Born October 9 | If Today Is Your Birthday .com If Today is Your Birthday: October Ninth Personality Profile for People Born on October 9 The following descriptions reveal some of the characteristics of people who share a birthday—those who are born on October 9th of any year—based on various methods used in Astrology, Numerology, and Cartomancy. The Astrology & Numerology of your Birthday Your Sun is in Libra in the Aquarius decanate and the Aries quadrant. The ruler of your Sun is Venus. Secondary rulers of your decanate and quadrant signs are Uranus and Mars. You are a study in contradictions. creative – strong - responsible Born Today John Lennon, born October 9, 1940 The Beatles; “Give peace a chance”. John Entwistle, born October 9, 1944 Bass player and keyboardist for The Who. Sean Lennon, born October 9, 1975 Son of John Lennon. Your Sun Sign Libra the Scales Libra is fair-minded, socially aware, and likable. Fixed Star(s) Near Your Sun Progressed Sun: Turning Points in Your Life Your progressed Sun enters Scorpio at age 14. 16 Libra
