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Invisible Cities, a project by Christian Marc Schmidt & Liangjie Xia

Mapping Social Networks In A 3-D Environment Invisible Cities is an application that visualizes real-time and aggregate data culled from Twitter and Flickr, and maps it in a three-dimensional environment. It provides an alternate perspective towards the geographical relationships and intensity of social network connectivity within an urban landscape. Real-time updates are shown as nodes which materialize when tweets or images are posted, and aggregate data are displayed through the layout of the terrain. High and low levels of data in the environment are seen as hills and valleys, respectively. Invisible Cities is still undergoing development, but will be available in the near future. Here’s a short video that shows the application in action: Invisible Cities from Christian Marc Schmidt on Vimeo. [via Creative Applications]

WorldMap of SocialNetworks January 2017: a new edition of my World Map of Social Networks, showing the most popular social networking sites by country, according to Alexa & SimilarWeb traffic data (caveat: it’s hard to understand the impact of Google+ because it is part of Google domain traffic). There are a lot of news since last January: Facebook is still the leading social network in 119 out of 149 countries analyzed, but it was stopped in 9 territories by Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and Linkedin. It’s interesting to see that in some countries, like Botwana, Mozambique, Namibia, Iran e Indonesia, Instagram wins and that some African territories prefer LinkedIn. Overall LinkedIn conquers 9 countries, Instagram 7, meanwhile VKontakte and Odnoklassniki (part of the same group grow up in Russian territories. But what’s going on behind the first place? Instagram is the second social network in 37 countries. [Versione italiana dell’analisi di gennaio 2017] inShare1,047 But what’s going on behind the first place?

JORGE AYALA ArcGIS Online Blog : Embedding ArcGIS Online maps in your own website In a previous post we showed how you can use the new JavaScript sample templates to create custom apps using ArcGIS Online maps. Another custom way you can use ArcGIS Online maps is to embed them in your website. Here’s how… This is a map of the Esri Redlands campus made using the viewer. We used the World Topographic basemap and zoomed to the Esri campus, saved the map, then made it publicly available for anyone to find. You can use this map if you are following along, or create and save your own. To share this map with others, just look for the share button at the top of the map: Note that there are various options for how you can share this map; you can copy and paste a link to the map in an E-mail, or can share it via your Facebook or Twitter account. But to include this map in a Web page what we’ll want to do is use the HTML embed string which is ready-to-use. In this first example we’ll keep it very simple.

Grassroots Mapping 6 Gorgeous Twitter Visualizations Ah, Twitter. It's impossible to get away from it; it seems that everyone stopped whatever they were doing B.T. (before Twitter) and switched to doing cool stuff for and around the service, and this includes data visualizations. In the past, we've profiled unique Twitter-related visualizations, but now we're after sheer beauty. Know of a beautiful Twitter visualization? 1. Although it's a bit too slow for everyday usage and functions better as pure eye candy, Social Collider is actually quite an interesting tool. 2. Just Landed is a beautiful geo-visualization of tweets containing the words "Just landed in...". 3. In its exploration of Twitter, Twistori goes back to basics: to what we love, hate, believe, think, feel and wish. 4. Twitt3D would have been much better looking if it weren't for the shabby overall page design, but it's still a very interesting visual tool. 5. This sweet and simple visualization was built with Processing. 6. Honorable mention - TweetWheel

mappiness, the happiness mapping app CultureGPS Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Disclaimer: Culture influences patterns of thinking which are reflected in the meaning people attach to various aspects of life and which become crystallized in the institutions of a society. This does not imply that everyone in a given society is programmed in the same way: there are considerable differences between individuals. Statements about culture do not describe "reality", they are all general and relative. The cultural systems of nations and their subdivisions are very complex. Usage of the tool is at your own risk! Travel Time Tube Map (Built with Processing) Click on a station to see the London Underground map reorganise around the times of travel from that station. Shortest paths are used to place the other stations - radius is proportional to time to travel, and angle should be correct for as-the-crow-flies direction on a map. The concentric circles are at 10 minute intervals. Press 'g' to get back to the geographical tube map. NB:- times may not be accurate! Inspired by Oskar Karlin's reworking of the tube map around the time to travel from Elephant and Castle, and Rod McLaren's subsequent sketch 10 Minutes tube travel from Oxford Circus. Lots of things that need improving... Would be nice: a key for the different lines search for stations (type into the applet) list out the shortest path between two stations (not including time to change) sort out the 'white dot' connecting stations to match the proper tube map proper DLR times to travel (just used 2 mins for everything - tube ones are better) display travel card zones etc. Wishlist:

Mappiness iPhone App Maps Happiness (Say That Three Times Fast) Officially launching today is Mappiness, a UK iPhone app that “maps Happiness” by pinging users with a survey in order to plot out their feelings during the day (happiness, in this case, is apparently user-defined). Using LBS, the app links responses and response locations to environmental data in an attempt to, according to lead researcher George MacKerron, “better find answers on the impacts of natural beauty and environmental problems on individual and national well being.” MacKerron, based at the London School Economics, elaborated on the idea of tracking happiness, “In the 19th century economists imagined a ‘hedonometer,’ a perfect happiness gauge, and psychologists have more recently run small scale ‘experience sampling’ studies to see how mood varies with activity, time of day and so on.” Mappiness is the first project of its kind to add location to the mix. Now, thanks to the iPhone, we might get a better grasp on humanity’s happiness habits.

Interactive Geography Games Interactive games and maps can be good tools for students to use in developing their knowledge of geography. The following ten websites are good places to find a variety of interactive geography games and interactive maps that will help students develop their knowledge of geography. The last item in the list is a resource for creating your own geography game. National Geographic Kids has a wide variety of games, puzzles, and activities for students of elementary school age. National Geographic Kids has nine games specifically for developing geography skills. Placefy is a fun and challenging geography game that uses pictures as questions. GeoNet is a geography quiz game from Houghton Mifflin that offers students more than just the state or country identification questions typical of geography games. Place Spotting is a website of geographic riddles. Lizard Point gives students 37 interactive maps to study. Reach the World produces great online games for Geography students.

Japanese artist maps 1945-1998's nuclear explosions A Japanese artist named Isao Hashimoto has created a series of works about nuclear weapons. One is titled "1945-1998" and shows a history of the world's nuclear explosions. Over the course of fourteen and a half minutes, every single one of the 2053 nuclear tests and explosions that took place between 1945 and 1998 are is plotted on a map. A metronomic beep every second represents months passing, and a different tone indicates explosions from different countries. It starts out slowly, with the Manhattan Project's single test in the US and the two terrible bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended World War II. After a couple of minutes or so, however, once the USSR and Britain entered the nuclear club, the tests really start to build up, reaching a peak of nearly 140 in 1962, and remaining well over 40 each year until the mid-80s. He began the piece in 2003, with the aim of showing, in his own words, "the fear and folly of nuclear weapons". Here's the video:

