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44 Reasons Why Your Life Will Be So Much Easier In 2013

44 Reasons Why Your Life Will Be So Much Easier In 2013

The world's most awesome igloo. Pegman vs. Clippy. SCORE 141 Clever wall art. When the queen shows up to your wedding. When doctors become teachers. Horn mustaches. My 2 cats are quite special. Before & After: A Bathroom Makeover for Under $25! In a world where $40,000 kitchen renovations are common fodder for home improvement television, it's easy to get a little glossy eyed and discouraged by the thought of attempting your own home improvement project. But don't despair! We're here to show you just how far your dollar, or 25, can stretch! Gloria Fox, the blogger and frugal mind behind Potentially Beautiful, had had enough of the pea green floors and bland white walls in her half bath. But a full renovation was out of the question (and out of her budget). Looking for more budget-friendly inspiration? Tagged : Makeover-Mondays, Inspiration, Makeover, before and after, bathroom, budget-friendly, DIY

The Top 25 Cracked Articles of 2012 The views have been tallied. The critics have been ignored. Nothing but the hits: The 25 most crazy popular articles we put up this year. #25. The 10 Most Satisfying Cases of Hecklers Getting Destroyed A live stand-up comedy show audience is the closest real life gets to the Internet mentality. So, I collect YouTube videos of comics giving hecklers a verbal beat-down. Full Article #24. 5 Actors Who Do the Exact Same Thing in Every Movie Everyone assumes that directors and writers decide what happens in a movie, but many times the movie star is the most powerful person involved with the project. Full Article #23. 6 Fictional Places You Didn't Know Actually Existed Part of what makes fantasy and sci-fi appealing is that it's not just a bunch of characters -- it's a whole world. That's true even if it's an objectively bad place -- Gotham City looks like a shithole, but who wouldn't trade their current life with a chance to go there and fight supercriminals with Batman? Full Article Full Article

MAGAZINE ENVELOPES 18K+ Well I got this idea from our friend Nina. She was making these super cute envelopes out of scrapbook paper and I really wanted to make some! So I came home and made some! They are so so SO simple and add a personal touch to your envelopes. You will need: An old magazine, scissors, an envelope, a glue stick and a Sharpie. Tear out some magazine pages that you like. Carefully pull the envelope apart. Trace the envelope on a magazine page. Cut the envelope shape out. Turn the envelope over as well as the magazine cut-out. Unfold everything and separate the magazine cut-out from the envelope. Glue the bottom flap down to the two side flaps. And you've made your own envelope! The great thing about making these envelopes our of magazine pages is that the envelopes have a character all of their own.

Eye Candy: 10 Big Impact Small Bath Makeovers! Curbly-Original Itty-bitty baths and little loos present unique decor and renovation challenges to homeowners and renters alike. If you've found yourself stuck with this "small bath problem", don't fret! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tagged : Eye-Candy, Curbly-Original, Roundup, Makeover-Mondays, Makeover, bathroom, renovation, Inspiration, small-spaces, lavatory-laboratory

6 Famous Movies With Mind-Blowing Hidden Meanings Most of us are familiar with movie metaphors. We all know that the Narnia movies are full of Christian allegories, that Alien is bursting with rape symbolism, and so on. But it's easy to forget that almost every movie has some kind of subtext. Writers love that shit, so they work it in wherever they can -- even if they're writing about a cyborg that punches people. As a result, these half-coded messages turn up in movies you'd never expect. Spider-Man: Peter Parker's Man Juice What You Think You're Watching Another superhero movie. The Subtext We have jokingly alluded to this before, but Spider-Man really is all about semen. We tend to find Spider-Man easier to identify with than other superheroes. Those were dark years. At the beginning of the 2002 Spider-Man movie, Peter Parker is timid, puny and closer to his aunt and uncle than to girls his age. The next day, Peter's body has changed, and he has developed muscles in new places. This movie defines subtlety. No shit. Not convinced?

Search Results glitter eggs Apr 7 Glitzy Easter Placecards By Ashley Page Norton Easter is right around the around and these egg and nest placecards come together super fast. Click through for materials & instructions… (more…) Apr 18 DIY Party: Confetti Egg Game This post is by my friend Rebecca Wright who will now be doing a column on Oh Happy Day. I love parties that involve surprises. DIY Party: Glitter Confetti Eggs Confetti eggs (aka Cascarones) are like mini pinatas for your head. We decided to shake things up in our hunt this year by turning it into more of a game. Party Rules * Hide your confetti eggs as you would normal eggs, and let your friends go hunting for them.* Once everyone has collected the eggs (or as the eggs are found – your choice), the *kindly* smashing upon heads begins.* No throwing eggs! How to Make Confetti Eggs: Pin/NeedleScissors Step by Step: 1. 5. 7. 9. Have fun out there, kids. All photos by Robyn Kessler for Oh Happy Day. This post is by my friend Rebecca Wright.

Five steps to your perfect mattress - Overview Did this site help you? - We hope you like us! By now you will hopefully have read the overviews which talk about the different types of mattress cores, the different types of comfort layers, how the different layers and ways of combining them can affect your choices, and finally how your own unique needs and preferences play a very important role in your overall comfort and satisfaction. You will likely be developing some preferences of your own and are probably anxious to begin testing this new knowledge in real life. That means it is time to begin the last leg of the journey towards your perfect mattress which is the actual field testing of mattresses. If you have read the overviews and perhaps some of the more detailed pages as well, you will quickly discover that you already know much more than the vast majority of salespeople you will encounter. Now you have the basic information you will need, there are 5 simple steps to discovering and then buying your perfect mattress. Step 1.

5 Absurd (But Mind Blowing) Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories Conspiracies are a lot like orgies -- they take careful planning, involve a lot of people putting themselves in compromising positions, and never end up working as well as movies promised they would. And even though we just created an image of a sloppy gang bang in your head, we're not just talking about politics, here -- pop culture is just as full of "secret symbols" and "hidden messages" that make it seem like there's a shadowy genius secretly manipulating the puppet strings from behind a vast curtain. But there's not. As this Cracked Classic shows, even the most convincing arguments about secret messages turn out to be even dumber than the ending of How I Met Your Mother (and as a side note, we apologize for so thoroughly driving home the point that no one in any position of authority has any idea what they're doing -- we admit that's not, ya know, super comforting). The Fox Network Predicted the 9/11 Attacks ...this is pretty freaking creepy: Holy shit! Why it's Bullshit:

How to Crochet: Star Stitch By Erin Burger – 96 Comments Out there in Crochet Land there are many ‘special’ stitches that I call ‘YO Stitches’ (the abbreviation for yarn over is yo). These stitches include the popcorn stitch, the bobble stitch, the puff stitch etc…etc… My favorite of these type of stitches is the star stitch. This tutorial is for both right and left handed people. Start by chaining a multiple of 3, then add 1 more chain. Row 1: pull up a loop in 2nd ch from hook and in each of the next 4 ch, yo and pull through all 6 stitches on hook (where will be a total of 6 loops, disregard error in this first photo which only shows 5), ch 1 to close star. This is your first star and it should look like this (continue on with pattern) * Pull up a loop in ch-1, pull up a loop in last ch of star just made, pull up a loop in each of the next 3 ch, yarn over and pull through all 6 loops on hook, ch 1 to close star, repeat from * across, hdc in last ch. Row 2: ch 2, turn, 3 hdc in each ch-1 from the previous row, ch3 turn.

Mattress shopping guidelines - finding the best quality and value Did this site help you? - We hope you like us! I've had so many questions on the forum asking about major brand mattresses or mass market mattress retailers that I thought it would be helpful to put together a set of guidelines to help consumers bypass most of the traps and pitfalls of mattress shopping and to help cut through the confusion and frustration of finding your perfect mattress. While these guidelines will in most cases eliminate 75-90% of the mattresses that most people would normally consider or purchase (without realizing the poor quality or value of the mattresses they are looking at or which they were led to through misleading advertising and claims) ... it will also help to find the remaining 10 - 25% which is where real quality and value lives. I will edit or add to these over time but for now here are my "top ten"... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. These guidelines should help you avoid the biggest pitfalls and traps in buying a mattress.

5 Mind-Blowing Academic Theories as Taught by Classic Movies #2. Quantum Immortality Getty Movie protagonists tend to be improbably lucky. No one wants to shell out money for a Die Hard movie just to see Bruce Willis get killed five minutes in. "The disease is B. And it's not just the superhuman action heroes. As it happens, there's a thought experiment in quantum physics called quantum suicide that might explain why every one of those movies is illustrating how reality actually works. "If you keep pulling, we'll turn into hydrogen! To understand why that should be impossible, imagine that you balanced a perfectly sharpened pencil on a tip occupied by one of these particles that spins left and right at the same moment. Now imagine if, instead of a pencil balanced on one of these particles, there are 10 of these particles connected to a contraption that fires a gun at your head if they move right and lets you live if they move left. In 999 universes, McClane was gunned down while picking glass out of his feet. #1. No. "Yer a wizard, Harry.

Backlit Canvas Art Do you have one project that you've been longing to do, but just haven't found the time yet? This is it for me. I call it my Backlit Canvas Art and the inspiration piece has been pinned in my "Crafts to try" Pinterest board for ages. My "pin"speration is an artist's piece made from metal that has hand cut flowers all over it. Its backlit by Christmas lights, and I pretty much love it! So I decided to give it a go and create my version. There are two main differences between the two: 1. 2. The idea of the canvas is that during the day (ie. with the Christmas light off) you have a beautiful sculpture while at night (you guessed it, with the Christmas lights on!) How about a tutorial? Supply list Mounted canvas (mine is 10"x10") cardstock to fit on your canvas (mine is 12"x12") stamps ink pad X-acto knife light source* *I wasn't sure if I wanted to use a single bulb or Christmas lights so that is why both are in the above picture. I decided to go with the same flower theme as my inspiration piece.
