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Retirons les Animaux du Menu - Philip Wollen [Discours VOSTFR]

Retirons les Animaux du Menu - Philip Wollen [Discours VOSTFR]

Cheval-bœuf et sociétés “mange-merde“ Made in France La 2e chaîne allemande ZDF nous annonce de la “viande collée“... avec une substance dite alimentaire fabriquée en France... Une entreprise japonaise de produit chimique alimentaire a mis sur le marché européen un liant (colle) permettant de reconstituer des morceaux de viande en une seule pièce et cela avec toute les viandes crues ce qui permet de les présenter sous toutes les formes possibles et imaginables. De la sorte, avec des restes de bourguignon cru vous pourrez confectionner un steak de la plus belle allure... Les grands chefs dans le secret de leurs “laboratoires“ se montrent d’ores et déjà friands d’une méthode innovante susceptible d’épater l’œil du client… quant aux “papilles“ cela reste une autre affaire ! Notons à ce titre que Bruxelles va réautoriser les farines animales – hier encore proscrites - dans l’alimentation des volailles. Le saumon assaisonné au pesticide En fait les farines n’ont jamais été vraiment interdites pour la pisciculture. Qui accuser ?

Stéphane Gendron/Cruauté envers les animaux ▶ Vidéos et enquêtes de L214 Entrer dans les élevages, suivre les animaux transportés, filmer les conditions de mise à mort dans les abattoirs, nous semblent indispensables pour montrer la réalité de ce que vivent les animaux dans la production de viande, de lait ou d’œufs. Pourtant, cette tâche n'est pas simple. La plupart de ces endroits sont clos, l'accès y est difficile et souvent impossible. Les producteurs tentent de faire retirer les vidéos tournées dans ces lieux, peu flatteuses puisqu'elles montrent crûment la souffrance de ces animaux entassés dans des cages grillagées, confinés dans des bâtiments sombres, tués à la chaîne. Si vous avez accès à des élevages ou aux abattoirs, si vous savez filmer et que vous souhaitez nous envoyer vos images, contactez-nous. Si, comme nous, vous pensez qu'il est important de continuer à enquêter, de continuer à diffuser ces images, faites circulez ces vidéos et n'hésitez pas à faire un don à L214. Poules pondeuses Poussins Cochons Elevage de cochons, France, 2007-2008. Chevreaux

Dealing with Difficult Dogs at the Vet: 5 Tips That Don’t Involve Food or Training Time By Dr. Sophia Yin Veterinarians, shelter workers, and other professionals who work with dogs on a daily basis are always asking me, “If I’m dealing with a dog who can’t have treats because he’s having a procedure later in the day or because he’s not hungry, what can I do to get him to be more cooperative or to behave better?” Creating a Relaxing Environment Well, because the main reason dogs are anxious and uncooperative in the veterinary hospital and shelter situation is fear, my answer is, “It really would be helpful if you avoid scaring the poop out of the dog first.” By that, I mean, set up your waiting room, kennels, and holding areas so that they create a comfortable, relaxing environment for dogs instead of designing these areas to look like the casting call for “Revenge of the Ax Murderer’s and Zombies.” Approaching a Fearful Dog Now, say, you’ve managed to make your hospital, hound lounge, or humane society more inviting. Guiding Fido in a Way He Understands It's That Simple

Témoignages de maitres et de chiens bien éduqués et bien élevés "Si, comme moi, vous avez un toutou qui vous pose des problèmes, que vous ne savez plus quoi faire, que vous avez consulté untel et untel, sans voir de résultats, foncez chez Véronique ! Avec Véronique, on respire, on se sent compris, on ne culpabilise pas en entendant "vous auriez dû faire comme ci ou comme ça". Véronique, elle écoute et, mieux, elle SAIT écouter. Elle explique et elle SAIT expliquer. Les erreurs que je commettais avec Happy ont été corrigées, en montrant bien comment il faut faire. Et ça, pas autour d'une table, chacune sur sa chaise. Happy a peur des humains, eh bien, au lieu de me dire, "il faut faire comme ça", Véronique, elle est à côté de ma chienne et moi et, en situation réelle, on voit tout de suite comment faire ! Lorsque la "séance" a été terminée, je ne suis pas repartie avec la tête pleine en me disant "j'aurais dû prendre des notes, je ne pourrai pas me souvenir de tout..". Pas du tout. Je ne peux que lui dire, un grand, un immense merci !

Progressive Reinforcement Training for dogs Dog trainers are kind of notorious for picking and choosing the bits of various training methods that they like, giving it a name and/or trademark, and dismissing the rest of the field. I googled up a Progressive Reinforcement Training Manifesto. It reads OK, but, like Hello Again, I'd be skeptical of a trainer that is trying to completely remove punishment from their repertoire entirely. Note that punishment can have a different definition in behaviorism than in casual use. I work at a zoo, and all the animal training we do is couched in positive reinforcement, and built on a foundation of trust. (I currently train: rats, porcupines, hedgehogs, ferrets, fruit bats, rabbits, skunks, opossums, a crow and a parrot.)

TheDogs: A resource for science-based dog training and information on humane pet ownership. Home | News Center - Researcher recognized for drug reaction discovery in dogs By Linda Weiford, WSU News PULLMAN, Wash. - Because one dog’s miracle drug can be another dog’s poison, Washington State University researcher Katrina Mealey has spared countless dogs worldwide from crippling illness and death caused by commonly prescribed medications. Calling her a "leader in the field of veterinary pharmacogenetics,” the Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association will recognize Mealey this week at its Life Science Innovation Northwest conference in Seattle. Drugs turn toxic In 2001, Mealey discovered a blip in a gene called MDR1 that predisposes herding dogs such as collies, shelties, Australian shepherds and Old English sheepdogs to react violently to a simple deworming pill. Not long after entering the market in the 1980s, ivermectin became known as a super-weapon drug that protects animals and humans alike. Knowing this, "veterinarians followed the adage, ‘White feet, don’t treat,’ but no one knew the ‘why’ behind it,” said Mealey. And it did. Dog love

La SPA de l’Estrie vient en aide à Lac-Mégantic | Actualités | Le Journal de Sherbrooke SHERBROOKE - Histoire d’apporter un peu de réconfort aux sinistrés, la SPA de l’Estrie s’est rendue à Lac-Mégantic. Depuis samedi dernier, un poste de coordination a été mis sur pied. Grâce à la présence de deux inspecteurs autorisés à franchir les périmètres de sécurité, près d’une soixantaine de personnes ont pu se rendre jusqu’à leur domicile. Ils ont ainsi pu nourrir leur animal et s’assurer qu’il était en bonne santé. « Les inspecteurs sont témoins de scènes douloureuses. Les gens sont inquiets et ils apprécient d’avoir une oreille et une épaule. Sur place, l’organisme a également procédé à l’aménagement d’un refuge à même la polyvalente Montignac et recueille le signalement des animaux perdus. « Dans cette situation, les gens vivent des inquiétudes de toutes sortes.

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants List ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888) 426-4435 This list contains plants that have been reported as having systemic effects on animals and/or intense effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Please note that the information contained in our plant lists is not meant to be all-inclusive, but rather a compilation of the most frequently encountered plants. Top Searches: Sago Palm | Tulips | Azaleas | Lilies

The Quest for the Magical Dog He is loyal. He will walk beside you and protect you. He will comfort you when you need a friend and he will protect you when you need a guardian. She is eager to please. We all know these dogs. Our dogs, our better selves They are the idealized dogs. We hear about how they are smart enough to look out for our safety. As we gaze at our companion who is eagerly drooling at our feet at the dinner table in hopes that we will give them something, we are forced to wonder, “Where is that noble canine?” Dog secrets and magic bullets We all want to unlock that special dog that we know is inside every dog. There are thousands of books, hundreds of television programs, DVDs, training classes, seminars, how-to articles, web sites, experts and techniques. It could be a special collar. Architects of our own problems In my experience as a dog trainer, most of the difficulties people have with their dogs are self-inflicted. Magic is in the eye of the beholder Until next time, have fun with your dog.

The Tyranny of Small Dogs We’re big dog people. We’ve always had larger breeds like Collies and Belgian Shepherds. Having bigger dogs comes with a hefty responsibility. When a big dog has bad manners, it’s really obvious to everyone in the room. When our Rizzo jumps to greet a guest, he throws all of his 65 pounds into it. Managing larger dogs requires teaching several behaviours just to manage their movement. In many ways, I am envious of small dog owners who can just bend down and scoop up their dog. The Cuteness Factor I don’t think there can be much debate regarding the cuteness of small dogs. Lap dogs have been with us for centuries. Because they are small enough to carry and often adorable, small dogs frequently get a kind of special treatment that just isn’t practical with larger dogs. Mostly Harmless The fact is that much of what we attribute to small breed dogs may have less to do with their genetics and more to do with their upbringing. And there is another aspect to this that cannot be overlooked.

All The Dogs You Can Manage Many years ago, I used to watch with equal parts awe and envy as a local dog owner would take his dogs for an outing. Despite having more dogs than the two we were constantly trying to herd, this fellow seemed to have little problem moving his dogs from the house to the car to the park for a walk and back. At the time my mind boggled at the prospect of how much time he must have to spend training his dogs to get that kind of cooperation. Fast forward to this past year when we were watching two dogs for a cousin who was under the weather. With our two dogs that made four dogs we were dealing with on a daily basis. You might wonder what made such an incredible improvement in our situation these many years later. Train it or manage it In many cases we actually used both training and management to resolve an unwanted behaviour. The best way to teach a dog not to bolt out of a doorway is to simply not allow them to rush out without permission. Change the human, change the circumstance
