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Freelance Jobs and Projects

Freelance Jobs and Projects
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www.theworkathomewoman By Holly Reisem Hanna Where has this school year gone?! In the next couple of weeks my daughter will be out of school and summer will be upon us. So whether you’ll be traveling the world, lounging by the pool, or enjoying some quiet time at home while the kiddos are off at camp — make sure to stock up on some good books to help cultivate your mind and spirit over the summer months. Here are 6 books that are on my reading list this summer. Dale Carnegie – How to Win Friend and Influence People This has been on my reading list for a long time. Lois Frankel – Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich: 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make with Money For some reason, this title rubs me the wrong way. Jeff Olson – The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness After looking at the top business books on Amazon, I couldn’t resist downloading The Slight Edge. Ruth Soukup – How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul) What books are on your summer reading list?

Challenge Overview The Seeker, the Cleveland Clinic, has developed a computational algorithm that predicts survival outcomes for individuals with disease, given a large number of genetic variables. However, while the Seeker’s reference algorithm is competitive in terms of selecting powerful variables and making accurate predictions, it computes too slowly to be of practical use in research or clinical settings. This Challenge is to deliver an efficient computer program that predicts cancer survival outcomes with accuracy equal or better than the reference algorithm, including 10-fold validation, in less than 15 hours of real world (wall clock) time. A reference algorithm (written in R), an academic article describing the approach, training data, and more details are available in the Detailed Description. R is a freely available package for statistical computation; extensions to R (in any programming language) are acceptable for this Challenge.

The Hauser Group | Become a Decoy Please Note: Due to very high interest, we already have coverage in most areas with few vacancies. You can see if we need coverage in your area by entering your zip code on the inquiry page. Thank you. What's it all about? We provide various promotion tracking and marketing intelligence services for major national firms. What's involved? All you have to do is mark the date received on each special piece as it comes in, enter it on our Web site, and save the mailings for a period of time. What do you get? Participants are credited for each valid item accurately reported. There may be extra potential opportunities. Honestly, you won't get rich as a decoy agent, but many people are delighted to get some extra spending money doing something that's fun with hardly any effort. What to do next? If you are interested in being considered, please fill out and submit the Agent Application Request Form. Be sure to include your name, phone number, country and city.

Work from home, Stay at Home Mom Jobs with Home with the Kids Raspberry Pi, l'ordinateur éducatif à 40 euros Raspberry Pi, prononcé "Raspberry Pie" (tarte aux framboises), un micro ordinateur a visée éducative et à très bas prix (16 ou 22 £), a été lancé le 29 février. Profitant d’un très fort engouement médiatique, les 10.000 premières unités produites ont été vendues en quelques heures. Modèle B de l’ordinateur Raspberry Pi Crédits : Liz Upton Le Raspberry Pi se présente comme une simple carte mère, à peine plus grande qu’une carte de crédit, avec des connexions USB, vidéos, ethernet et hdmi pour le modèle le plus cher. David Braben, concepteur de jeux vidéo à l’initiative du projet, souhaitait trouver un moyen simple pour inciter les jeunes à se lancer dans la programmation. L’objectif du Raspberry Pi rappelle l’ancien BBC Micro, un ordinateur commercialisé dans les années 80 et destiné à accompagner des programmes de la BBC sur l’informatique. Beaucoup d’écoles britanniques ont manifesté leur intérêt pour l’ordinateur, mais l’engouement dépasse le cadre du Royaume-Uni. Pour en savoir plus : Fastest, largest selection! You have found the BEST clipping service available! Oddity Central - Weird Places, Odd Events, Bizarre News, Strange People and A Lot More C'est pas mon idée ! How to Make Money Selling Coupons on Ebay Many of us are using coupons at the grocery store to take the sting out of the moment when the cashier hits the total button, but did you know that you can make extra money selling grocery coupons on Ebay? As of this moment there are 33,060 auctions on Ebay for coupons and some of them are selling for big bucks! One auction for an envelope of baby formula coupons just closed for $96.01! Now, that took some serious work to gather enough formula coupons, but I have come up with some easy ways to make money selling coupons with just a few hours of work. How to Sell Coupons I’m going to start backwards and tell you a little about how to sell coupons, because its important to understand how this work and what coupons sell before you start hunting for them. First, Ebay offers every user five free auctions per month so we will get some mileage out of that, but also remember that auctions with a starting price under $1.00 only cost fifteen cents so we can keep our seller fees pretty low.
