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Free Wild Plant Identification eCourse You are out in the forest and looking at the glorious plant life surrounding you. Whether you are a beginner and have never identified one plant, or a Botany professor at a university, you might appreciate this refreshingly simple approach to plant identification. I remember lovingly (and sometimes screamingly) that my college classes in Systematic Botany required me to become acquainted with that local Washington Flora that we plant dorks call “Hitchcock and Cronquist”. I always felt a contradiction of rapt fascination and obsession, alternated with profound burnout, when trying to navigate this enormous dichotomous key! In addition, my observation skills as an ethnobotanist were refined , foraging for wild foods, fibers and medicine. After many years of this love affair with plants, I learned a new way to proceed in my plant identification journey that added a much-needed holistic element. What will I need? Meet a Plant Approach the plant of your choice and find a place to start.

EWG's 2012 Guide To Pesticides In Produce™ EWG analyzed pesticide residue testing data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration to come up with rankings for these popular fresh produce items. All 48 foods are listed below from worst to best (lower numbers = more pesticides) Note: EWG analyzed pesticide tests of 48 popular produce items. Domestic and imported versions of two items - blueberries and snap peas - showed sharply different results, so we have ranked those domestic and imported items separately. Apples Peaches Nectarines Strawberries Grapes Celery Spinach Sweet bell peppers Cucumbers Cherry tomatoes Snap peas - imported Potatoes Hot peppers + Blueberries - domestic Lettuce Kale / collard greens + Cherries Plums Pears Green beans Raspberries Winter squash Tangerines Blueberries - imported Carrots Summer squash* Broccoli Snap peas - domestic Green onions Bananas Oranges Tomatoes Watermelon Honeydew melon Mushrooms Sweet potatoes Cauliflower Cantaloupe Grapefruit Eggplant Kiwi Papayas* Mangos Asparagus Onions Sweet peas frozen Cabbage

Poisonous Plants Basics Plants are amazing creatures that produce many great benefits for human consumption. We get most of our medicines from plants, our foods and even our beauty products. Still, there are poisonous plants among the wild edible plants that people need to be aware of when it comes to consuming them. To be responsible foragers we should have a few basic pieces of knowledge in our pockets to stay safe. So what are poisonous plants anyways? If you remember one simple fact, it will help you realize why plants produce certain compound to deter predators – PLANTS CANT RUN! If you were to accidentally chomp on a Skunk Cabbage you would become very familiar with oxalate crystals that are like needles that stab you all the way down! Besides defending themselves, plants also make poisonous or toxic substances as byproducts from their usual metabolic processes. Ok, so you are out with your friends harvesting Cattail and you are a new forager. Stay Calm and Act Fast. Know your plants and plant families!

Identify That Plant: Master The Skill Of Plant Identification Bulk Food Cheap: LDS Storehouses One of my readers had sent me an email last week wanting to know where to find the storehouses run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or the Mormon church as we’re sometimes called) in order to buy bulk food for long-term food storage. I thought I’d answer this question in a blog post so that all can benefit from it. I’ll also provide some insight into what they are, what you can find there, and of course where you can find them. What is an LDS Storehouse? For those not familiar with the storehouses, I thought I’d explain what they are and what their purpose is. The LDS storehouses (or Bishop’s Storehouse as we call them) were established as part of the welfare system set up by the Church which aims at providing assistance to needy families and individuals within (as well as outside) the Church. Funding for the welfare program (which includes the storehouses) is provided by donations from Church members. What Can You Find at the Storehouse?

Herbal Directory: Penn State Univ. Information on common herbs for cultivation and culinary purposes. Herbs are classified by their use - aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, decorative, dye, medicinal and ornamental. Important Disclaimer The information shared freely on these pages is meant for cultivation of the crops and for culinary use only. Other uses are simply noted, so that readers are aware that they exist. Contact Michael Orzolek, Professor of Vegetable Crops The Herb directory was developed by Keppy Arnoldsen, Aimée Voisin and Jen Johnson under the guidance of Dr.

GMO Food Finder/Tracker This page is dedicated to tracking the spread of Genetically Modified Organisms around the world. Monsanto to Acquire Central America’s Largest Seed Company Expects Deal to Expand Hybrid Corn business June 19, 2008 Fort Mills Times, SC ST. Monsanto says the acquisition solidifies the St. SCB is based in Guatemala City and focuses on hybrid corn seed production, particularly corn, sorghum, forage sorghum, soybeans, and pastures or grass-type seeds. The following GMO database (Biotrack Product Database) is taken from the OECD Website. Here is the disclaimer from the site: This database accommodates Unique Identifiers, which are intended to be used as “keys” to access information of each transgenic product in this database. This database is updated using information provided on a voluntary basis by authorities in OECD member countries and certain institutions that developed these products. Notes: - One numerical digit as a verification. Like this:

Wildflowers & Weeds: Learn To Identify Wildflowers With Botany In A Day Eat The Weeds by Green Deane, the most watched forager in the world Non-Edible Poisonous Flowers Chart Non-edible Poisonous Flowers This chart is a list of the most commonly-known poisonous plants and flowers to avoid while selecting edible flowers. It is not complete, so just because you do not see it listed here, do not assume it is safe to eat. • Edible Flowers Chart • Edible Flowers Information and Recipes • Herb Information • Spice Information • A to Z Recipes and Food Disclaimer: This is a list of the most common poisonous plants and flowers but it is by no means complete. A to Z Recipes and Food | Articles by topic

Top 10 Most Dangerous Plants In the World 1. Most likely to eat a rat Giant Pitcher Plant: Nepenthes attenboroughii Discovered more than 5000 feet above sea level on Mount Victoria in the Philippines, the giant, carnivorous pitcher plant secretes a nectar-like substance to lure unsuspecting prey into a pool of enzymes and acid. A series of sticky, downward ribs makes it nearly impossible for trapped prey to escape. The plant's 30-centimeter diameter is large enough to trap unlucky rodents, but insects are its most common meal. 2. Castor Bean Plant: Ricinus communis Castor-bean plants can be purchased at just about any garden center, despite containing the deadly poison ricin. 3. Western Water Hemlock: Cicuta douglasii Deemed the most "violently toxic plant that grows in North America" by the USDA, the water hemlock contains the toxin cicutoxin, which wreaks havoc on the central nervous system, causing grand mal seizures--which include loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions--and eventually death, if ingested. 4. 5.
