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Keep Focused - an enhanced tool for Time Management using Pomodoro Technique

» (Increase your productivity with) Pomodoro time tracking on Ubuntu/Windows In 1978, 5% of the population admitted to being chronic procrastinators compared to to roughly 26% of the population today (Steele, 2007). Surveys of student populations suggest that procrastination is pervasive with some surveys suggesting that 85-95% of students have problems associated with procrastination. - Quoted from here Pomodoro? I’ve been a fan of the Pomodoro style technique for quite a while now. It all started with productivity guru Merlin Mann’s very interesting post . He’s outlined the ‘(10+2)*5′ technique where you work in ten minute bursts, have a two minute break, repeat. are a procrastinator. Pomodoro is a technique thats similar, but with 25 minute uninterrupted work periods, followed by a 5 minute break. Rules You don’t need to complete your task within the work period. Software So far, I’ve found the following software that enables me to do this. Pomodairo (Adobe Air application – cross platform) Pomodairo The most feature-rich of the lot, and its open source.

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