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A Door Opens ... To Pie, Coffee And Possibility Market Opportunities Unlimited (MOU) Blog: Facebook Updates Facebook Insights, Introduces New Ad Unit L'actualité des réseaux sociaux de LinkedIn à TikTok — Siècle Digital Facebook, WeChat, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram … Les réseaux sociaux ont transformé la façon dont nous communiquons, et comment les marques interagissent avec nous. Chaque jour, chaque heure, les notifications inondent notre smartphone. Restez informé sur Siècle Digital des dernières évolutions, actualités, et tendances des réseaux sociaux. Les réseaux sociaux les plus utilisés En tête du classement, on retrouve bien sûr Facebook, Instagram et Snapchat. Des réseaux sociaux adaptés aux entreprises Avec LinkedIn et Viadeo, l’usage des réseaux sociaux s’est également étendu à la sphère professionnelle. Une addiction aux réseaux sociaux ? Dans une société ultra-connectée comme la nôtre, la consommation de contenu peut vite devenir addictive.

Ning: The future of online social networking? (CNN) -- Whether you're into baseball or backgammon, Harry Potter or heavy metal, Ning has an online network for you. Gina Bianchini, CEO of Ning, says her site brings together people with common interest and passions. A fast-growing, free Web site launched two years ago, Ning lets members custom build their own social-networking platforms based around their passions and pastimes. As Facebook and MySpace connect people to friends and family, Ning gathers users around common interests. The site hosts networks for hip-hop music lovers, video gaming moms and teens obsessed with the Twilight book and movie franchise. Other popular Ning networks bring people together online for political and social causes such as "Pickens' Plan," which advocates wind energy. Ning had 4.7 million unique visitors as of January and surpassed 1 million social networks -- about one-fifth of them considered active -- last month. Watch Bianchini chat about Ning » CNN: Where did this idea for Ning come from?

Instagram Launches Web Profiles, Looking Much Like Facebook Timeline - Mike Isaac - Social Welcome to the new era of Instagram. Brought to you by Facebook. Instagram launched Web profiles on Monday morning, the first true attempt from the photo-sharing service to provide users with a more complete version of user identity accessible through the Web. Simply put, it’s most everything you know about your profile page from your Instagram mobile app, but available on the Web. The company plans to introduce the new Web profiles over the next few days. Most interesting, however, are the design choices Instagram has made; the new Web profiles seem like something straight from Facebook’s visual identity playbook. Instagram chief Kevin Systrom acknowledges as much. There’s a key difference from Timeline here, though (and a smart one, at that). And while the two companies are in constant contact with one another — you know, considering Instagram now lives on Facebook’s campus — Web profiles are still very much Instagram’s baby. But the continuity between the two services makes sense.

▷ Stratégie Social Media : conseils pour bien communiquer sur les réseaux sociaux Une stratégie social media consiste à engager de façon sincère les internautes pour relayer la marque sur les réseaux sociaux et atteindre ses objectifs de communication. Que cela soit développer l’audience, acquérir de nouveaux clients, fidéliser les clients existants ou encore gérer la relation client. Les actions de social media marketing viennent en complément des autres leviers digitaux (référencement, email marketing…). On distingue les actions de community management qui consistent à animer les réseaux sociaux d’une marque en créant l’engagement de sa communauté, aux actions de SMA (Social Media Advertising) consistant à booster la visibilité et acquérir du trafic via la publicité sur les réseaux sociaux (Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads…). Le community manager met ainsi en place un calendrier éditorial pour chacun des réseaux de la marque, répond aux différents abonnés / followers et met tout en œuvre pour créer de l’engagement.

Involver Oracle Oracle Solutions Social Relationship Management Involver Involver is Now Part of Oracle Social Relationship Management Involver and Oracle – Powering the Socially Enabled Enterprise Launch Infographic Involver, now part of Oracle, has been integrated into the Oracle Social Relationship Management (SRM) Suite. Insight Into Social Best Practices and Trends Blog: Oracle Social Spotlight — featuring latest trends and innovations Industry’s First One-stop Social Platform Oracle Social Relationship Management delivers the first unified solution for social monitoring, marketing, applications, engagement and analysis, and it fully integrates products from Involver. Need Help for Involver Products? The point of contact for Involver support is now through Oracle Customer Support and My Oracle Support and no longer through the Involver Support portal. Try it Request a Live Demo Watch What's New

Facebook Gives New Mobile Page Ads More Color And Context To Make Every Pixel Count You scrolled right past the old design for Facebook’s “Pages You Might Like” mobile ads. Too much gray, not enough description. But they just got updated to show colorful banners and explain what a business does. Their designer Jeff Kanter thinks you’ll stop to give them a look. Maybe even a tap. With style and targeting, Facebook is turning limited mobile ad space into its secret weapon. As a product manager for the news feed ads team, Kanter’s job is to convey the messages of Facebook’s advertisers in a way that doesn’t interrupt the Facebook experience. Next, Facebook watches to make sure they don’t anger the users. Facebook only started showing ads on mobile in March, so it’s still figuring things out. Overall, the ads business is doing well, and Facebook is poised to rake in a ton of sales over the holidays. But the future hinges on mobile. Every web advertising company has to weather this same storm. Personally, I think these ads look great.

Blog Swello • Conseils & astuces en Social Media Management, SEO, Marketing Depuis juillet dernier, Instagram propose en France son programme « Meta Verified ». Derrière ce nom se cache le badge bleu tant convoité, symbole aujourd’hui de la certification payante. Jusque-là réservée à une élite, elle est désormais accessible à tous les utilisateurs du réseau social. Enfin… tous ceux qui sont prêts à débourser 16,99 € par mois pour … Vous êtes créatrice ou créateur de contenu ? Félicitations ! C’est vendredi, c’est l’heure de la #FridayNews ! Comme chaque semaine, nous vous proposons une sélection d’articles sur l’actualité réseaux sociaux. Notre cerveau adore les images. Sur les réseaux sociaux, en marketing, dans vos portfolios ou votre media kit,… partout, l’accroche est la base de votre communication. Vous réalisez du contenu UGC et souhaitez décrocher de nouveaux contrats ? Dans l’ère numérique actuelle, une présence en ligne est indispensable à toute entreprise ou individu cherchant à communiquer avec son public.

The Online Reputation Management Guide The following Online Reputation Management Guide will show small businesses how to assess, build, track and monitor their online reputation. In most cases, you can follow these simple steps to easily grow your personal brand and/or small business. If you’d prefer, you can also download the ORM Guide as a PDF. Introduction Two decades ago, an executive made a very public and damaging mistake. They spent years regretting that decision and abandoned their profession. In 2008, a business owner found their personal beliefs exposed to the public. In 2009, an industry leader found that they were the subjects of a disparaging article from one of the world’s major news networks. In 2009, a small business found their former employee posting negative remarks on an industry-specific forum with an anonymous username. What do those situations have in common? Neither the executive, the business owner, the industry leader nor the small business were proactive in managing their online reputation.

Commenters push Facebook policy changes to public vote | Internet & Media Facebook is about to take its policy changes to an official vote among its users. And if history is any guide, turnout will be low and Facebook will proceed to make the changes it wants. That includes how it collects data from Instagram users, which has privacy advocates protesting and urging CEO Mark Zuckerberg to reverse course. Facebook last week proposed a series of policy changes that, along with changes to how it handles your data, would abolish the social network's practice of allowing users to vote on policy changes. That's right. Facebook wants to do away with your right to vote -- a right most members clearly don't realize they have. That 2009 policy says that site governance changes automatically go to a broader vote once a post about the proposal receives 7,000 "substantive comments," which is easy to achieve now that Facebook has roughly a seventh of the world's population as users. Users have until tomorrow at 9 a.m.

5 Tips for Optimizing Your Brand’s Facebook Presence Steve Coulson is a partner at The Advance Guard, a new media company that creates radical marketing programs using disruptive technologies, community platforms and social media. So – you’ve set up a Facebook public profile for yourself, your brand or your company, and you’re starting to post content. Now what? If you’re like me – a tinkerer and tweaker – you might be interested in ways to fine-tune your profile for maximum affect. So here are five tips to optimize your activities on Facebook, including the right way to create profile and thumbnail graphics, how to show different content to Fans and non-Fans, creating DIY vanity urls, and how managing what and when you post can lead to greater success. This post is part of Mashable’s Facebook Week. 1. Facebook specs recommend that profile pictures should be 200px wide, while height can vary as needed. You'll find the system crops images when generating a thumbnail, losing information around the edge. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3.

Facebook Claimant Ceglia Indicted for Wire, Mail Fraud Paul Ceglia was indicted on charges he faked evidence to support his claims that he signed a contract with Facebook Inc. (FB) Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg giving him a multibillion-dollar share in the world’s biggest social network, Ceglia was arrested and charged last month in a criminal complaint with one count each of wire fraud and mail fraud, and was accused of the same crimes by a New York federal grand jury, according to an indictment released yesterday by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan. Ceglia, 39, doctored a legitimate 2003 contract with Zuckerberg, in which the future CEO agreed to perform coding work for Ceglia’s website, into a phony contract “in which Zuckerberg agreed to provide Ceglia with at least a 50 percent interest in Facebook,” according to the indictment. Prosecutors say Ceglia also fabricated e-mails and destroyed evidence in the case. The indictment is necessary to bring the western New York man’s case to trial. The contract case is Ceglia v.
