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13 Business Books That Will Blow Your Mind Having never taken a business class in college I find that I read and listen to a lot of business books to round out my education. The books usually aren't "How to Manage Your Cash Flow" but rather get me to rethink the way I run my business, which--despite no business classes or diploma--continues to be in business 13 plus years after I started it. In that time, here are 13 of the books that had the biggest impact on how I run my business (in no particular order): Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink: If you supervise anyone in your business, this book is a must read. The Knack: How Street-Smart Entrepreneurs Learn to Handle Whatever Comes Up by Norm Brodsky and Bo Burlingham: I wanted to have at least one book that was dedicated to small business and the entrepreneurial spirit. The beauty of this list is that I get to leave off a whole bunch of mind-blowing business books that you can't believe didn't make the list.

Is Starting A Business Safer Than Your Job? [Infographic] What's Better - Getting a Job or Starting a Business? With a slow economy, many people have turned to entrepreneurship as a means to pay the bills. Which begs the question, what’s better today — getting a job or starting a business? We dug deep to find out the numbers and have compared the risk of starting a business to keeping a job. If you’ve ever thought about starting your own company, take a look at our graphic below to help decide if entrepreneurship is right for you. What do you think? Small Business Loans Made Simple Create a Free Lendio Account Overview “Laid off? “True entrepreneurs reduce risk to the point that action becomes quite logical.” Unemployment Rate: 9.1% 26% of North American workers are self-employedIn 2008 on average 2,356 people went into business for themselves every day.Their ventures accounted for 78% of U.S. businesses SELF-EMPLOYMENT There are only four paths toward business ownership: Among the fastest-growing industries are: Reemployment figures: To reduce risk:

How to Fail Less: Steve Blank on the Secrets of Start-Ups - Derek Thompson - Business "We've cracked the code. We can say that we know how to make start-ups fail less." Tom&Kwikki /Shutterstock Suddenly, innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship are the most powerful ideas in not just the business world, but also on the New York Times best-seller list and in Congress, that infamous dungeon of inspiration, where good ideas go to die. And so, for The Atlantic's week-long special report on innovation, I wanted to talk to one of the smartest and most commonsense thinkers I know on starting a company and harnessing creativity for start-ups. Here's a lightly edited transcript: It seems to me that enthusiasm for start-ups lags behind a clear understanding of how start-ups work and why some are successful. The modern corporation can be traced back to the East India Company in 1600. It wasn't until 1908 that some people at Harvard University realized that nobody was teaching an advanced course on how to teach a manager. Many people say you can't. Large companies execute.

How to Build a Membership Site in 48 Hours EmailShare 484EmailShare So you want to build a membership site huh? Deciding to do it is the easy part! Unlike a simple WordPress blog, where you can basically install and go, a membership site has MANY more components. Bottom line, it can be really daunting. That said, it doesn’t have to be. First off, let’s clarify why I’d be qualified to write such a post. Last September I launched my first membership site “Overcoming the Fear of Uncertainty“. So if you’re ready for this, grab a beer, and get comfortable, because we’ve got a lot of ground to cover! Why Create a Membership Site? So before you should even do anything, you need to give some thought as to why you are creating a membership site. Membership sites are the easiest way to create user interaction. Those are just a few of the benefits for using a membership site as your distribution model for your next product, but as you can see there is some pretty huge upside. First Steps Survey your readers. Mapping Out Your Site Location Rebel

75 Startup Tools And Apps new business ideas and startups - So you have a new business or startup idea and based on your analysis and research you have conducted, your confident that there is a market for it. Ok, now what? You need to possibly find a cofounder and team to start planning, seek funding and successfully execute the plan for a pilot or full launch. There are so many resources and tools out there that can assist you in managing and excuting your startup or new business idea more eficiently and effectively. As a result, I have produced a list of my favourite tools and applications covering the various disciplines you will need to undertake in order to successfully execute and launch your startup or new business. Here are just a few tools and applications that I have used over the years in managing and delivering small to large projects. Brainstorming Ideas | Simple online application that helps you create colorful mind maps that you can print and share with others and it's FREE. MindManager Creately Springpad Evernote Branding | Notebox

101 Useful Resources for Online Entrepreneurs Every day more and more entrepreneurs are building successful businesses using the internet. There is an abundance of opportunity online and depending on the venture, there is often less cost and risk involved when compared with traditional businesses. There is also a wealth of resources available to help the online entrepreneur to run a business more effectively and more profitably, and we list many of those resources here. Feel free to leave a comment with your feedback and your recommendations of other resources. Communications / VoIP The internet brings great opportunities to do business all with people from all around the world, and fortunately there are also a number of resources to help with the communication that is necessary. 1. Data Backup Anyone that has important of sensitive information on their computer needs to have a system in place for backing up the data. 1. Invoicing 1. Financial Management and Accounting 1. Time Management and Project Management 1. Contact Manager 1. 1.
