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How to Avoid Work: A 1949 Guide to Doing What You Love

by Maria Popova “Life really begins when you have discovered that you can do anything you want.” “There is an ugliness in being paid for work one does not like,” Anaïs Nin wrote in her diary in 1941. Indeed, finding a sense of purpose and doing what makes the heart sing is one of the greatest human aspirations — and yet too many people remain caught in the hamster wheel of unfulfilling work. In 1949, career counselor William J. Reilly begins by exploring the mythologies of work and play, something Lewis Hyde has written of beautifully, with an uncomfortable but wonderfully apt metaphor: Most [people] have the ridiculous notion that anything they do which produces an income is work — and that anything they do outside ‘working’ hours is play. To illustrate the idea that “life really begins when you have discovered that you can do anything you want,” Reilly quotes Amelia Earhart, a woman of strong and refreshing liberal for their time opinions: I flew the Atlantic because I wanted to.

How to Inspire Your Brain (Part 2) By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP and Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D., Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard University, and Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), co-authors of Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and Spiritual Well-being. (Harmony) Evidence is gathering by the day that the brain isn't really an object but a continuous and active process. Brain health comes down to a simple-seeming formula: maximize the positive input and minimize the negative input. It's positive to maintain balanced diet, negative to eat an imbalanced one.It's positive to take regular exercise; it's negative to be sedentary.It's positive to have good relationships, negative to have stressful ones. Anyone who has kept pace with the public campaign in prevention can make the list longer; the risk factors for a healthy lifestyle are well known. But only you can sustain meaning and purpose.

Deepak Chopra: How to Use Your Brain to Find Love & Happiness I got the rare opportunity to sit down with Dr. Deepak Chopra to talk about his new book, Super Brain: Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness and Spiritual Well-Being, which he co-wrote with Harvard Medical School Professor Rudolph E. Tanzi. Major breakthroughs in neuroscience have all been indicating that the human brain can do far more than anyone ever thought. I couldn’t wait to find out how we could all activate our “super brains” to achieve a more fulfilling life, find love and overcome self-induced obstacles. Q: Can you explain the difference between a baseline brain and the super brain – and how both impact your life and happiness? Deepak: When you allow your brain to control you, that’s the baseline brain. Super brain is when you realize that and you actually can influence any part of your brain. Q: How does one take steps to be in that state of mind…or state of brain? Q: So should we be looking for love with our brains rather than our hearts?

9 Traits Of The Best Leaders Good bosses look good on paper. Great bosses look great in person; their actions show their value. Yet some bosses go even farther. They're remarkable--not because of what you see them do but what you don't see them do. Where remarkable bosses are concerned, what you see is far from all you get: They forgive... and they forget. When an employee makes a mistake--especially a major mistake--it's easy to forever view that employee through the perspective of that mistake. I know. But one mistake, or one weakness, is just one part of the whole person. Great bosses are able to step back, set aside a mistake, and think about the whole employee. Remarkable bosses are also able to forget that mistake, because they know that viewing any employee through the lens of one incident may forever impact how they treat that employee. And they know the employee will be able to tell. To forgive may be divine, but to forget can be even more divine. They transform company goals into the employees' personal goals.
