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features Easy web authoring Finally, a top-notch WYSIWYG web page program for the rest of us! Now there's no need to pay a little fortune for a program to create and edit great-looking web pages, including powerful and easy to use CSS capabilities. KompoZer is a complete Web Authoring System that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing capabilities found in Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe DreamWeaver and other high end programs. KompoZer is designed to be extremely easy to use, making it ideal for non-technical computer users who want to create an attractive professional-looking web site without needing to know HTML or web coding. Reliable technology inside KompoZer is based on Gecko, the layout engine inside Mozilla; it's a super-fast, very reliable, standards conformant engine maintained on a daily basis by a wide community of developers. KompoZer is a stand-alone tool; hence its small size and fast speed. Details about key features and capabilities FTP site manager Tabs!

Small Basic Article rédigé par David Cohen, A noter : Small Basic fonctionne avec les systèmes d’exploitation Windows XP ou Windows Vista et le .NET Framework 3.5 Installations : Small Basic, mais pourquoi faire ? Beaucoup d’entre nous sommes passés par les méthodologies classiques pour apprendre la programmation. Si nous devions l’expliquer à un enfant, la programmation consiste à créer des logiciels au travers d’un langage compréhensible par l’ordinateur. Lors de la dernière PDC (Professional Developer Conference), les équipes de Microsoft Research nous ont dévoilé un nouvel outil pour débuter dans le domaine : Small Basic ! Avec l’évolution des technologies, le nombre de langages de programmation s’est développé et la complexité en découlant à quelque peu freiner les ardeurs de certains. C’est là que Small Basic intervient, en proposant une façon fun et simpliste de coder Le logiciel Small Basic se décompose en trois parties: Commençons par écrire un petit programme :

Download CCleaner 3.12.1572 Probably the most popular freeware cleaner globally with over 1 billion downloads since its launch in 2003. Piriform’s CCleaner is a quick and easy to use program which makes your computer faster, more secure and more reliable. CCleaner removes cookies, temporary files and various other unused data that clogs up your operating system. This frees up valuable hard disk space allowing your system to run faster. A Faster Computer Browsing the internet your computer picks up a whole host of unnecessary files, cookies and history. Less Crashes & System Errors If you notice lots of system freezes, error messages and often experience crashes, the chances are your registry become cluttered with unused files and broken settings. More Secure Browsing Advertisers and websites track your behaviour online with cookies. Customisable Cleaning CCleaner Tools and Options tabs allow you to customise cleaning options to fit your needs. Summary Looking for the Mac version of CCleaner?

Paint.NET - Download System Requirements Minimum System Windows 8 or 8.1, or Windows 7 SP1, or Windows XP SP3, or Windows Vista SP1 800MHz processor (dual-core recommended) 512MB of RAM 1024 x 768 screen resolution Optional: 64-bit mode requires a 64-bit CPU and a 64-bit edition of Windows Paint.NET does not work on Windows RT. Paint.NET depends on Microsoft's .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, which is automatically installed if it isn't already on the system. Paint.NET uses your hard drive to store temporary files related to undo/redo history. Download If you would like to install Paint.NET, please use one of the download now buttons below. * NOTE: 4.0 requires Windows 7 SP1 or newer (including 8/8.1, but excluding XP and Vista), and uses .NET Framework 4.5.1 (it will be installed automatically if needed). Documentation The documentation, or help file, for Paint.NET is available online: Documentation (help file) for Paint.NET You may browse and download the plugins here.. Buttons Spread the word about Paint.NET!

.:: NOTEPAD++ ::. NetBeans Bonjour et bienvenue à la page d'accueil de NetBeans, l'EDI Java Open Source! Qu'est ce que NetBeans? NetBeans est un projet open source ayant un succès et une base d'utilisateur très large, une communauté en croisance constante, et près 100 partenaires mondiaux et des centaines de milliers d'utilisateur à travers le monde. Sun Microsystems a fondé le projet open source NetBeans en Juin 2000 et continue d'être le sponsor principal du projet. Plus d'info (en anglais) Cliquez sur l'image pour une vue en plein écran Aujourd'hui, deux projets existent: L'EDI NetBeans et la Plateforme NetBeans. L'EDI NetBeans est un environnement de développement - un outil pour les programmeurs pour écrire, compiler, déboguer et déployer des programmes. Également disponible, La Plateforme NetBeans; une fondation modulable et extensible utilisée comme brique logicielle pour la création d'applications bureautiques. Les deux produits sont open source et gratuits pour un usage commercial et non-commercial.

Stellarium Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing Open XML Editor The Essential XML Editor is a lightweight tool for text-based XML document editing. The key features of the editor include a built-in XML wellformedness tester, a DTD validator and a plug-in for the Saxon XSLT processor. This key features of the editor may be used free of charge as a "trial version". Additionally, the Essential XML Editor includes some advanced features such as plug-ins for 3rd party Relax NG and W3C XML Schema (WXS) validators. Earlier versions of this editor had been released under the title "Open XML Editor". Requirements The Essential XML Editor has been developed and tested using Delphi XE under Windows Vista. Key Features (Included in the Trial Version) Color coded text based Unicode editor. Advanced Features (Purchase of Activation Key Required) Note that in order to use these plug-ins, you need to download the 3rd party validators from the specified Web-sites. What's new in version 1.6.4 Error message display improved (key feature). Screenshots Contact Information

Project Directory Enterprise Application Starter Kit This project, spawned by the [url:Nashville, Tennessee .Net User Group| is intended to provide a fully-functional starter kit build around principles of enterprise architecture. It will be designed around the [url:AdventureWorks| Page Views: 14 | Downloads: 0 | Started: May 9, 2007 | Contributors: 1 | License: GPLv2 Tags: .Ne, .NET, C, Da, E, EA Starter Kit, Ent

Activation d'Office 2010 à vie sans crack 1. Installer une version complète (pas de béta). Normalement lors de l’installation il ne vous demande pas de clé cd. 2. Ouvrer Word, aller dans le menu « Fichier » puis « Aide » et enfin « modifier la clé du produit » 3. 3W3MQ-H7M6X-3WYP7-TPCH6-8G8T2 4. Choisissez l’activation par téléphone. 5. le numéro vert (gratuit). 6. touches de votre téléphone. 7. « Préinstallé sur mon ordinateur », c’est la N°1. Répondez la proposition N°1 : « sur un seul poste ». 8. insérer à votre tour dans l’activateur. Testé par moi-même. 100% Fonctionnel. Partager l'article ! inShare Par Ladoual - Publié dans : Astuce 108

FileZilla - The free FTP solution Code Browser - A Folding Text Editor About Code Browser is a folding text editor for Linux and Windows, designed to hierarchically structure any kind of text file and especially source code. It makes navigation through source code faster and easier. Code Browser is especially designed to keep a good overview of the code of large projects, but is also useful for a simple css file. Ideal if you are fed up of having to scroll through thousands of lines of code. See the Introduction to Code Folding page if you want more information on text folding and the way it is implemented in Code Browser. It supports syntax highlighting for all major languages and custom syntax highlighting can also be added. Although Code Browser was initially designed to edit programs, it can also be used for different tasks such as plain text outlining or helping to understand existing source code. License Code Browser is released under the GPL v2 License.
