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20 Tech Trends That Will Define 2013, Selected By Frog

Yes, it’s already that transitional time when our current year ends and another begins, and today and tomorrow are quickly changing hands. Rather than look back at significant trends of the past 366 days (2012 was a leap year, remember?), we asked a wide variety of technologists, designers, and strategists across Frog’s studios around the world to take a look to the future. The near future, that is. Smartphone accessories become smarter Assistant Vice President of Strategy Timothy Morey, San Francisco I recently interviewed a doctor who had used AliveCor’s iPhone ECG on a flight to diagnose a fellow traveler with a heart attack. Smartphones have always had a thriving accessory market, from covers to keyboards, but smart accessories are more than just accessories with sensors. We lose control of our cars Creative Director Katie Dill, San Francisco Our cars are becoming ever more automated. Americans have long looked at the road and the ability to drive as a sign of freedom and control.

The Best Promotion Is Never Self Promotion Promoting yourself is easy. All it takes is a little guts, a little determination, and in extreme cases, very little self-awareness. We all try, to some degree, to promote ourselves. That's why we're all experts at picking out the self-promoters, shameless or otherwise. There's a much better way. There was always that last two minutes where Johnny was asking people, "Thank you for coming--what do you have coming up?" You have the same ability to promote with your employees, your customers, your vendors--basically anyone--but it's easy to lose sight of that when your primary focus is on crafting a business image, building a personal brand, or just protecting your professional turf. Entrepreneurs are especially vulnerable to glory hogging since early on a small business is a reflection of its owner and its success often depends on the owner's ability to build a reputation for knowledge and expertise. But it can be done. Instead, share how a customer did something smart.

Learndot Launches Its Learning Platform For Corporate Universities We’ve heard a lot about how massive open online courses like Udacity are disrupting the traditional world of higher education. Not too long ago, Learndot, which is officially launching today, wanted to be a part of this revolution, too. After beta testing their ideas for a P2P learning platform last year, however, the team decided that its service was better suited as a learning tool of corporate universities that need to train their employees. Learndot was originally founded as Matygo after going through Vancouver’s GrowLab accelerator about three years ago. The service, which later came to rely heavily on Google Hangouts to enable its video-based learning platform, never quite took off. The existing legacy systems for this, Lambert argued when I talked to him, are often too hard to use. In the process of building the new app, the team decided to drop Google Hangout (which also made scaling harder for the company) and focus on real-time interactions through text instead.

What to expect in 2013 Year of the paywall, once again? “Don’t forget 2013 is the year of Paid Content,” read the seasons greetings message from Piano Media. Some in the US, where more than 300 papers now have some kind of digital subscription model, might argue that the year of the paywall has been and gone. But in Europe and the rest of the world, paid-for web content - aside from PDF replicas and mobile apps – is still relatively rare. And even in the US, most paywalls are still too new to have truly proven themselves as effective. Innovations in advertising Traditional banner-style advertising just isn’t making enough money online for news organisations, and if advertising is going to continue to be a key part publishers’ income it is going to have to evolve. As distasteful as some might find it, the prevalence of sponsored editorial content might well grow in 2013, as publishers seek ways to offer brands something more. Mobile first newsrooms Responsive/adaptive design More exciting visual story-telling

How Technology is Changing Marketing November 26 2012 223 Flares Twitter 170 Facebook 17 Google+ 11 LinkedIn 24 inShare24 Buffer 1 223 Shares × Public relations and marketing are no longer about Media Advisories and Press Releases. Gambling is fun. Here’s why: Big Data Big data is how brands can personalize and prioritize messages to their customer. Marketers must find the pulse of their audience. We must: 1. 2. 3. 4. One personal favorite company who does this right is The data is central. Each customer gets a different email targeted to their specific needs, wants, and wishes. How cool (or creepy) is that? What are some other companies or brands who seem to know you the best?

JP Astolfi réconcilie savoirs disciplinaires et constructivisme Par François Jarraud De tous les livres, quelques uns émergent. C'est le cas de celui de Jean-Pierre Astolfi. D'abord par le style clair au service d'une pensée dense et ruche. Ensuite par les efforts développés par l'auteur et l'éditeur pour la mettre au service du lecteur : des résumés réguliers, un commentaire de synthèse par double page. Enfin par la thèse. Entretien avec Jean-Pierre Astolfi Remarquablement écrit, d’une grande densité et en même temps d’une grande clarté, votre ouvrage mène une réflexion de fond sur l’enseignement. Merci d’abord pour le compliment toujours agréable à entendre, mais pour moi le souci de l’écriture n’est pas une coquetterie gratuite. Nous sommes à un moment historique où certaines questions centrales ne peuvent être esquivées, mais où les choix de politique éducative risquent de s’opérer à « bas bruit », sans grands remous, si l’on n’appelle pas les choses par leur nom. L’ouvrage réhabilite les savoirs disciplinaires. ? ? ? Jean-Pierre Astolfi

Innovative Journalism Projects from 2012 That Will Shape 2013 Click here to read the entire series This post was written by Ryan Graff of the Knight News Innovation Lab and originally appeared on the Lab’s blog. While the Knight Lab spent last week looking back at 2012, what we’re really excited about is 2013 and beyond. Nieman Journalism Lab has a whole series on what to look for in 2013, from a not-so-shabby group of journalism and technology gurus — Amy Webb, Matt Waite, Erin Kissane and our own Miranda Mulligan among them. At the Knight Lab, we saw glimpses of the future in many projects that launched this year. the rise of algorithms Summly‘s launch got us thinking again about how algorithms are bound to become common newswriting tools. Plus, there’s every chance that algorithms will find news rather than write it. transparency A few 2012 projects brought us greater transparency, which will almost certainly be a trend that carries us into 2013. crowdsourcing and tech Super Pac App: What a great example of technology’s positive effect on journalism.

Why Solving Problems Beats Marketing I am looking out the window of my office seeing buildings with many dark windows, behind those tinted panes of glass are people working and living and they all have problems and challenges…every one. They don’t care about you or your company all they care about is finding a solution to their daily life challenges and issues. Problems come to people in many forms and it creates nagging and ongoing pain and dissonance that they wake up with every day and it bounces around in their heads as they toss and turn at night. The pain could be that they are overweight or they don’t have enough money, their business sales are slow or their relationship is so distracting that they can’t concentrate at work. People just want those problems to go away and find solutions to them so they can enjoy life. So the main question to ask is… what answers and solutions can I provide today to prospective clients that will ease their pain? Some of the specific questions that you should be asking yourself are

Il y a une vie après le bac ! | Tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour s’orienter dans l’enseignement supérieur eBay : le bénéfice de 2012 chute de 19 % Le avec AFP et Reuters | • Mis à jour le Le distributeur en ligne eBay a annoncé, mercredi 16 janvier, des résultats annuels supérieurs aux attentes du marché (.pdf), même si son bénéfice net a fortement reculé en raison d'une base de comparaison défavorable. Le bénéfice net annuel a chuté de 19 % à 2,6 milliards de dollars (1,95 milliard d'euros), et celui du quatrième trimestre de 62 % à 751 millions de dollars (565 millions d'euros). Mais les résultats 2011 avaient été gonflés au quatrième trimestre par les recettes exceptionnelles tirées de la cession par le groupe de sa part dans le système de messagerie Skype. Le chiffre d'affaires a pour sa part été meilleur que prévu : il a progressé de 21 % à 14,1 milliards de dollars (10,6 mds d'euros) sur l'année et de 18 % à 4 milliards de dollars (3 milliards d'euros) au dernier trimestre. Dans des échanges d'après-Bourse, après une baisse initiale, le titre eBay avançait de près de 2 %.

s Trend Briefing covering "10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2013" The INTERNET OF CARING THINGS means connected objects that serve consumers' most important needs: physical and mental wellbeing, safety, security, oversight of loved ones, and more. You're probably already familiar with the innovations that have blazed an early CARING trail. The Nest smart thermostat*, NIKE fuelband and Fitbit, for example. But now, as consumer demand and technological capacity converge, the INTERNET OF CARING THINGS will evolve in exciting new directions. Check out the examples below – divided into five categories of CARING – for a glimpse of these... * Indeed, just after we first wrote about the INTERNET OF CARING THINGS in December 2013, Google placed a USD 3.2 billion bet on it with their purchase of Nest Labs.

Audace - Luxe et disruption : les nouvelles émotions du luxe contemporain Publié le 23 janvier 2013 Retour sur "Luxshocking", la 15ème rencontre « Luxbox » organisée par FigaroMedias, qui s’est tenue le 15 janvier, et découvrez la veille prospective réalisée pour l’occasion par Balistik#Art. Provocant, dérangeant, troublant ? Dorénavant on voit apparaître des communications qui investissent de nouveaux champs émotionnels. Mode passagère ou effet de crise « inévitable » dans la communication de luxe, la "LuxDisruption" s’annonce-t-elle comme un levier efficace pour bousculer les codes peut-être « trop lisses » du secteur ? Ci-dessus, une compilation d’exemples 2012 pour illustrer cette tendance. 1. 2. 3. 4. La table ronde… Quatre intervenants ont livré leur vision du luxe lors de la table ronde organisée par FigaroMedias autour du Luxshocking et ont tenté de répondre aux questions évoquées. Pour Jean-Claude Kauffman, sociologue, «non, la notion de rupture dans le milieu du luxe remonte à bien plus loin. Stéphane Galienni Google : la diagonale du fou

L'arme ultime du webmarketeur : le Test Tout d’abord, il faut préciser au vu du titre relativement vindicatif qu’aucune bannière ou landing page n’ont été maltraitées pendant la rédaction de l’article. Nous autres webmarketeurs, nous sommes certes des soldats mais uniquement quand il s’agit de conversion. Et pour travailler la conversion nous n’avons pas de religion : il y a ceux qui fonctionnent à l’instinct et ceux qui s’appuient sur une méthodologie de test. Cet article tente d’expliquer pourquoi le test est bon pour un business et ce qu’il peut apporter globalement au quotidien d’une entreprise. Lecteur, je te propose tout d’abord de commencer par éprouver ton intuition sur un exemple concret : la version électronique du journal The Boston Globe a testé les 2 versions de sa page de conversion à l’abonnement (modification de mise en page) présentées plus bas. Les tests – qu’est ce qu’ils changent ? Le résultat d’un test c’est un peu comme une Scarlett Johansson ou un Ryan Gosling, on leur dit difficilement Non.

10 Simple Steps To Increase Your Digital Influence What if you could shortcut the time it takes to be known as a thought leader or an expert or get elected to a position of authority and power or chosen for that important job that you want so desperately. Just imagine when you wrote a book that it immediately sold in the thousands and maybe even appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list. Social media is sometimes viewed as just another way of communicating… and yes it is… but it is so much more than that if start to scratch its surface and dive in and start to leverage its power to spread your content globally and amplify the results. It can be used as a tool to promote your company and personal brand that can fast track results that can be astounding and the 10 people mentioned in this article I am sure would testify to that. There was a comment left on a post the other day and it was both expected and surprising. In fact my blog and my social media channels provide me with my own multimedia printing press and marketing platform. 1.

The Empty Raincoat « Heroes Not Zombies January 1, 2008 by Bob Leckridge Here’s the trail…….a colleague emailed me about MacNamara’s Fallacy, which was mentioned in an article, by David Haslam, in the Journal of the Royal College of Practictioners. I really liked the quote and set about hunting it down. Turns out it was first quoted in a book by Charles Handy, ‘The Empty Raincoat’ (ISBN 0-09-178022-5). I found a hardback copy on sale for a penny on Amazon Marketplace. I’ll do individual posts on some of his main ideas because I liked them so much but one of thing that really struck me was the advice he gave to his children as they came of age and began to look for work. To find satisfaction in life, it’s best not to try and sign up for, as Charles Handy puts it “100,000 hours of your life” sold to someone else, but, instead to think what do I have to offer people? Being a hero, is writing your own story of your own life. Like this: Like Loading... Related
