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education site. journal, Johns Hopkins Welcome to New Horizons for Learning - a leading web resource for identifying and communicating successful strategies for educational practice. The Johns Hopkins School of Education does not vet or endorse any information contained on the New Horizons website. Information posted on New Horizons prior to January 1, 2014 can be repurposed as long as the repurposing party provides attribution to the original author of the material being used. Information posted on New Horizons after January 1, 2014 is considered open access information and can be repurposed without attribution to the original author. Our first journal issues feature articles on neuroscience, creativity, counseling, technology, data-driven decision making, museum education, arts integration, special education, early education, cultural literacy, action research, Universal Design, international exchange programs, higher education, teacher preparation and more: New! Vol.X No. 2, Special Edition: Focus on Autism Vol. It's Here!

Numerology: Harry Potter And The Multibillion-Dollar Empire | Fast Company [Close Window] The boy wizard's box-office saga ends with the July 15th release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, but will his brand keep thriving? We break down what's at stake. | By Emma Haak [Illustraton by Mikey Burton] 5 powerful foods that help reduce blood pressure 5 Powerful Foods that Lower Your Blood Pressure Are you eating enough of these 5 amazing foods that help reduce high blood pressure? by Frank ManganoConsumer Health AdvocateAuthor of the popular book: Blood Pressure Miracle Did you know that stroke and coronary heart disease still remain to be on the list of the top three main causes of death in the USA? What is High Blood Pressure and how does this come into play? According to the National Institute for Health, blood pressure levels of 140/90 mmHg or more can be classified as hypertension. The worst part about having high blood pressure is that the condition can sometimes be present without any symptoms and before we know it, the damage is already extensive. What are the Risk Factors Associated with High Blood Pressure? What can You Do to Lower Blood Pressure? You don't need potentially dangerous drugs to control and reduce your blood pressure. If you are a smoker, quit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thanks for your request. My top 55 flat-belly foods

True Colors Infographic - Breakdown of Color Preferences by Gender From the day that babies are brought home and cradled in their pink or blue blankets, implications have been made about gender and color. While there are no concrete rules about what colors are exclusively feminine or masculine, there have been studies conducted over the past seven decades that draw some generalizations. Let’s take a look at what they say about color and gender. Click on the graphic below for an enlarged view: View an enlarged version of this infographic » Click here for a .pdf version of this infographic. Blue is the most popular color for both men and women.The most unpopular color for men is brown.The most unpopular color for women is orange.This data should only be used as an initial starting point if it is going to be used to drive a design. About The Author: Sean Work is the marketing coordinator at KISSmetrics.

Kratom is a new herbal remedy & tonic China vs United States As we discussed in yesterday’s post, whether the United States and China like it or not, the economic futures of both countries are intertwined. Everyone knows that China’s got more people and that its importance as an economic superpower has escalated in recent years. What you might not understand is how the differences between our countries, in economic philosophy, in population, in geography and in how the military is built and paid for ultimately play into the entire economic relationship. For many China remains something of a mystery. In order to help compare and contrast the economic differences, we have simplified the data from the CIA World Factbook. For more personal finance visualizations see:

Does your heart stop when you sneeze? (Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress) A sneeze begins with a tickling sensation in the nerve endings that sends a message to your brain that it needs to rid itself of something irritating the lining of your nose. You first take a deep breath and hold it, which tightens your chest muscles. The pressure of air in your lungs increases, you close your eyes, your tongue presses against the roof of your mouth and suddenly your breath comes out fast through your nose. So where did the myth originate that your heart stops when you sneeze? The changing pressure in your chest due to sneezing also changes your blood flow, which may change the rhythm of your heartbeat. Why do people say, “God bless you,” after someone sneezes? There are varying accounts as to the origin of this response. The expression may have also originated from superstition. Sneeze responses from around the world: Interesting facts: Sneezes are an automatic reflex that can’t be stopped once sneezing starts. For more print resources... Hay fever. Nasal anatomy.

Is College Really Worth It? Is going to college really worth it? Probably so, but it's not that clear cut, and economics have been arguing the point for 30 years. Most studies tend to show that college-educated people end up making far more money in the course of their lifetimes. (The niggle: Usually, it's not worth paying for a private university.) Still, that evidence isn't totally cut and dry: What do you really learn in college? This graph makes a couple points in that debate: 1. But who in their right mind wouldn't recommend a college degree? If I had a guess, I think it's precisely that attitude that creates all the economic advantages--its the way our society is organized, rather than anything about college itself. [Luxury Spot via WeLoveDataVis; I suspect this graphic is actually from OnlineEducation but couldn't find it on their Web site You can find the original at Online Colleges and Universities, which seems to affilated with OnlineEducation] [View more Infographics of the Day]

Stop Criticizing Your Body and Start Critiquing Our Culture's Devotion to Thinness In my last blog, I encouraged you to make a different kind of New Year's resolution. Instead of vowing to do whatever it takes to lose weight and "improve" your figure, how about committing to practicing peace with your body? In other words, why not make a conscious effort to accept, appreciate, nurture, and enjoy body you have? I borrowed the phrase, "practicing peace with your body," from my friend Cissy Brady-Rogers, who is a therapist specializing in the treatment of women with body image and eating problems. This journey begins when we wake up to the false promise our society has sold us, namely, that our happiness resides in the size of our bodies. This critique involves a paradigm shift: from the illusion that losing weight will "save" you (i.e., by somehow solving your problems and making you happy) to the insight that various industries and markets are profiting from the sense of inadequacy so many of us, particularly women, feel about our bodies.
