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Creative Class® The source on how we live, work and play

Creative Class® The source on how we live, work and play

Creative class The Creative Class is a posited socioeconomic class identified by American economist and social scientist Richard Florida, a professor and head of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. According to Florida, the Creative Class are a key driving force for economic development of post-industrial cities in the United States. Overview[edit] Florida describes the Creative Class as comprising 40 million workers (about 30 percent of the U.S. workforce). Super-Creative Core: This group comprises about 12 percent of all U.S. jobs. In addition to these two main groups of creative people, the usually much smaller group of Bohemians is also included in the Creative Class. In his 2002 study, Florida concluded that the Creative Class would be the leading force of growth in the economy expected to grow by over 10 million jobs in the next decade, which would now be the present day (2012) and equal almost 40% of the current population. Notes[edit]

Coyote Blog Über uns « Swiss artists-in-labs The Swiss artists-in-labs Program is a collaboration between the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts ICS and the Federal Office for Culture (FOC). The artists-in-labs program is a program devoted to the processes, participation, collaboration and documentation of shared experiences between the Arts and the Sciences. The headquarters are located at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK, Institute for Cultural Studies in the Arts ICS. The artists-in-labs program is a cultural program that explores current debates and discourses that can help art and science to gain a closer understanding of each other. Our concept is to define the worldwide interest in art and science as a distinct curatorial and cultural practice that can engage the public through exhibitions, conferences and workshops. Aims Current projects: Our projects are educational and experiential in nature: National history International history Current international networks

The Curse of the Creative Class by Steven Malanga, City Journal Providence, Rhode Island, is so worried that it doesn’t appeal to hip, young technology workers that local economic-development officials are urging a campaign to make the city the nation’s capital of independent rock music. In Pittsburgh, another place that fears it lacks appeal among talented young people, officials want to build bike paths and outdoor hiking trails to make the city a magnet for creative workers. Meanwhile, a Memphis economic-development group is pressing that city to hold “celebrations of diversity” to attract more gays and minorities, in order—in their view—to bolster the local economy. If you think these efforts represent some fringe of economic development, think again. All of these cities have been inspired by the theories of Richard Florida, a Carnegie Mellon professor whose notion that cities must become trendy, happening places in order to compete in the twenty-first-century economy is sweeping urban America. Florida’s ideas are making headway in Canada, too.

Crooked Timber — Out of the crooked timber of humanity, no strai Veröffentlichungen von Diedrich Diederichsen Verstreute Schriften + Interviews/Gespräche + Vorträge & Veranstaltungen + Buch-Veröffentlichungen als Autor + Buch-Veröffentlichungen als Herausgeber + Weitere Veröffentlichungen + Übersetzungen + Film-, Video- und Fernsehaufnahmen 2014: „Der blinde Fleck“, in: De:Bug #181 04.2014, S. 24 (Berlin) 2014: „Werke XVI: Willkürlich und anlassfrei zusammengestellt“ [Kolumne mit Musikrezensionen; über Christina Vantzou, France Jobin, The Necks, Arturas Bumšteinas], in: Spex #352, April 2014, S. 101 2014: „Camp: Gesichterlektüren, Backstagewissen, Peinlichkeitsregime“, in: Pop. 2014: „Die Versprechen verbessern. 2014: „Our Kind of Venue: Subcultures, Institutions, and Historiography“, in: X-TRA – Contemporary Art Quarterly, Spring 2014, Volume 16, Number 3 (Los Angeles) e 2014: Statement bei Umfrage „Vom Nutzen und Nachteil spekulativen Arbeitens“, in: Texte zur Kunst, Nr. 93, März 2014 2014: „Neue Produkte und neue Produzenten“, in: Nina Möntmann (Hrsg.): Schöne neue Arbeit. 2013: „DD on AK.

"The Rise of the Creative Class" by Richard Florida Purchase Richard Florida's related book As I walked across the campus of Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University one delightful spring day, I came upon a table filled with young people chatting and enjoying the spectacular weather. Several had identical blue T-shirts with "Trilogy@CMU" written across them---Trilogy being an Austin, Texas-based software company with a reputation for recruiting our top students. I walked over to the table. I noticed one member of the group sitting slouched over on the grass, dressed in a tank top. What a change from my own college days, just a little more than 20 years ago, when students would put on their dressiest clothes and carefully hide any counterculture tendencies to prove that they could fit in with the company. While I was interested in the change in corporate recruiting strategy, something even bigger struck me. Yet Pittsburgh's economy continues to putter along in a middling flat-line pattern. The Creative Secretary The New Geography of Class

Dani Rodrik's weblog glossar - Christian Wille Definitionen des Kulturbegriffs sind so zahlreich und vielfältig, dass man schon aus diesem Grund Erwartungen an eine verbindliche und „richtige“ Bedeutungsregelung enttäuschen muss. Amerikanische Forscher haben in den 1960er Jahren bereits über 250 unterschiedliche Bedeutungen von ‚Kultur’ zusammengestellt. In Deutschland hat der Duden etwa zur gleichen Zeit vor dieser Bedeutungsvielfalt kapituliert: Waren bis zur 15.Auflage (1961) unter dem Stichwort „Kultur“ noch Eintragungen wie „Gesamtheit der geistigen und der künstlerischen Lebensäußerungen“, „verfeinerte Lebensweise“, „Zucht von Bakterien“, „Pflege und Bebauung des Bodens“ oder „junge Bestände“ (Forstwirtschaft) notiert, so wurde in den nachfolgenden Auflagen auf Definitionen gänzlich verzichtet. (be-)wohnen, ansässig seinpflegen, schmücken, ausbilden, wahren, veredelnbebauen, Ackerbau treibenverehren, anbeten, feiern. ‚Kultur’ wird heute vielfach noch als Repräsentant des Schönen, Wahren und Guten verstanden.

Richard Florida, Cities and the creative class 1En interpellant une nouvelle génération de chercheurs et d’urbanistes, dans son essai très controversé « Cities and the creative class », Richard Florida annonce sa théorie humaniste selon laquelle la compétitivité, la croissance et le développement des villes ou des régions ne dépendent plus de leur proximité aux matières premières alimentant les industries et la densité de leurs réseaux de communications, mais plutôt de leur capacité à attirer et à conserver les travailleurs créatifs, scientifiques, ingénieurs, chercheurs, romanciers, artistes, acteurs, designers, penseurs de la société contemporaine. Si la théorie de Richard Florida parait attrayante pour de nombreux professionnels de l’urbanisme et les partisans d’un libéralisme social, tant en Amérique du Nord qu’en Europe, elle n’en est pas moins controversée. 1 Florida R., (2007), The Flight of the creative class: the new global competition for talent, Harper (...) 2 Lévine Marc V. (2004).

DataPoints Labor Market Gains Not Sparking a Single-Family Housing Recovery Oct 7, 2015 | By Adam Ozimek • The unemployment rate is marching ever lower, and the economy is approaching full employment, but still single-family housing is lagging. This is prompting some to wonder, what will it take to turn things around? One suggestion is that once unemployment falls low enough we’ll see the long-awaited single-family housing recovery. A Simple Rule for Understanding Unions Sep 30, 2015 | By Adam Ozimek • Though their membership ranks continue a long historical decline, unions seem to be back in the headlines again as workers and policymakers search for ways to boost wage growth. Why Is Hiring Slow? Sep 24, 2015 | By Adam Ozimek • As the U.S. economy nears its fifth straight year of steady job growth, economy watchers are looking nervously for signs of labor market tightness. © 2015, Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or its licensors and affiliates (together, "Moody's").

Glossar Kultur und Entwicklung Amartya Sen : Un économiste du développement ? Sous la Direction de Valérie Reboud Amartya Sen est-il à l’origine du concept de « développement humain », créé par le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement en 1990 ? Qu’est-ce que son « approche par les capabilités », traduction que nous avons donnée ici au terme anglais de « capability approach », et pourquoi des travaux scientifiques et des textes institutionnels sur le développement s’y réfèrent-ils ? La notion de « capabilité » a-t-elle le même sens chez les différents auteurs qui l’utilisent ? Que serait une politique de développement « en termes de capabilité » ? Cet ouvrage cherche à éclairer ces différentes questions. Cliquez ici pour télécharger le document.

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