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US Dept of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information

US Dept of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information

Search FishBase Associated Journal Publish in our journal partner Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria the results of your primary research on fishes about growth, weight-length relationships, reproduction (maturity, fecundity, spawning), food and diet composition, introductions and range extensions for faster subsequent entry in (2011 impact factor: 0.547). Indexed Journal Cybium (publisher: SFI, Société Française d’Ichtyologie) For journal editors: Would you wish that your journal were indexed in FishBase, please contact our librarian. References Citing FishBase How to cite FishBaseTo give due credit to the original authors, please cite data taken from FishBase by Main Ref. and/or Data Ref. of the respective record. Cite FishBase itself asFroese, R. and D. DisclaimerFishBase present information on fishes as correctly as possible. Copyright This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.

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