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6.189 A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python, January IAP 2008

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! — pythonguide 0.0.1 documentation Greetings, Earthling! Welcome to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python. This is a living, breathing guide. If you’d like to contribute, fork us on GitHub! This handcrafted guide exists to provide both novice and expert Python developers a best practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis. This guide is opinionated in a way that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Python’s official documentation. Note The use of Python 3 is highly preferred over Python 2. Let’s get started! Getting Started with Python New to Python? Properly Install Python on your system: Using Virtualenvs with Pipenv: Python Development Environments This part of the guide focus on the Python development environment, and the best-practice tools that are available for writing Python code. Writing Great Python Code This part of the guide focuses on the best-practices for writing Python code. Scenario Guide for Python Applications Shipping Great Python Code Additional Notes

Ajax Upload - ZURB Playground - You're going to need jQuery and the AJAX Upload jQuery plugin. Link them up, make sure jQuery is loaded first. Here is the JavaScript we're going to add in its entirety. You can also see it if you view the source of this page. Now let's break it down. First we attach the the AjaxUpload behavior to our file form element. new AjaxUpload('imageUpload', { Next we specify where we want to post the AJAX upload to. action: $('form#newHotnessForm').attr('action'), Set the name of the file form element that will be posted to your server. Add a class to your preview div to indicate that the image is uploading. onSubmit: function(file, extension) { $('div.preview').addClass('loading'); }, When the image has been uploaded we need to do two things. We avoid this problem by waiting to remove the loading class until after the preview image's load event fires. onComplete: function(file, response) { thumb.load(function(){ $('div.preview').removeClass('loading'); thumb.unbind(); });

Python Software Foundation News ColorBox - customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery 1.3 & 1.4 A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery View Demos Released under the MIT License, source on Github (changelog) Download Install via NPM npm install jquery-colorbox Compatible with: jQuery 1.3.2+ in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 7+ Supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.Lightweight: 10KB of JavaScript (less than 5KBs gzipped).Appearance is controlled through CSS so it can be restyled.Can be extended with callbacks & event-hooks without altering the source files.Completely unobtrusive, options are set in the JS and require no changes to existing HTML.Preloads upcoming images in a photo group.Currently in use on a million-plus websites. Instructions & Help The FAQ has instructions on asking for help, solutions to common problems, and how-to examples. Usage Colorbox accepts settings from an object of key/value pairs, and can be assigned to any HTML element. Settings Public Methods Event Hooks Hey,

Planet Python 10 Rock Solid Website Layout Examples Keeping It Simple Page layout is equal parts art and science. Creating something that’s visually attractive and unique takes an artist’s eye. However, there are several very easy to follow guidelines that you can use to create solid layouts that work for any number of cases. These principles include choosing and sticking to an alignment, structuring your whitespace properly and highlighting important elements through size, positioning, etc. Designers often stress out far too much about the layout process. In this article we’re going to take a look at ten very common layouts that you can find on countless sites across the web. If you’re a web designer, bookmark this page and come back the next time you get stuck laying out a page. Three Boxes This is probably the most simple layout on the list. The three boxes layout features one main graphic area followed by two smaller boxes underneath. This design is ideal for a portfolio page or anything that needs to show off a few sample graphics.

web2py I believe that the ability to easily build high quality web applications is of critical importance for the growth of a free and open society. This prevents the biggest players from monopolizing the flow of information. Hence I started the web2py project in 2007, primarily as a teaching tool with the goal of making web development easier, faster, and more secure. Over time, it has managed to win the affection of thousands of knowledgeable users and hundreds of developers. Our collective effort has created one of the most full-featured Open Source Web Frameworks for enterprise web development. As a result, in 2011, web2py won the Bossie Award for best Open Source Development Software, and in 2012 it won the Technology of the Year award from InfoWorld. As you will learn in the following pages, web2py tries to lower the barrier of entry to web development by focusing on three main goals: Ease of use. Rapid development. Security.

Object-Oriented PHP for Absolute Beginners Home : Articles : Object-Oriented PHP for Absolute Beginners Tutorial by Matt Doyle | Level: Beginner | Published on 8 April 2011 Categories: This tutorial introduces you to object-oriented programming in PHP. Welcome to the first in a series of tutorials covering object-oriented programming in PHP. In this tutorial, we're going to kick things off nice and gently by looking at some really basic concepts of object-oriented programming. What object-oriented programming is How object-oriented programming can help you write better PHP scripts Some fundamental concepts, including classes, objects, methods and properties, and How to start writing object-oriented PHP code. Ready to explore the world of PHP objects? What is object-oriented programming? If you've ever created and used your own functions in PHP then you've been using a programming style known as procedural programming . Object-oriented programming object . Often, the objects that you create with OOP tend to reflect real-world entities.

Python Programming in your Browser: PythonAnywhere How To Rip DVDs with VLC Yesterday we took a look at the new feature in VLC 1.0 which allows you to record DVDs to your computer. There is also an overlooked feature in VLC that allows you to rip your DVDs as well. Here we will take a look at how to rip DVD movies with VLC for Windows. Note: This feature should work with VLC versions 0.9.6 and up. Ripping a DVD with VLC Load up the DVD you want to rip and start up VLC. The Open Media window will appear and you want to click on the Disc tab. Next the Convert screen opens where you will want to select a location for the ripped file. While you are browsing to the location to put the ripped file make sure to give it a name and a supported extension. When everything is set up the Convert screen will look something like this where we have the source drive and destination file with appropriate extension. While the DVD is being ripped you will see a progress count in the main UI. You may notice a slowdown of your system as the process takes up a lot of resources.

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