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Best of Joomla! The #1 joomla 2.5 and 1.7 templates, extensions, hosting and resources

Best of Joomla! The #1 joomla 2.5 and 1.7 templates, extensions, hosting and resources
Earthday 50% Savings HAPPY EARTH DAY To celebrate this amazing planet we live on, we are now offering: 50% Off all JoomlaXTC Club Plans and Products Use Coupon Code 'eday14' at Checkout Select from 65+ Joomla Templates, 30+ WordPress Themes and over 200… Free Video Scrubber Module The JoomlaXTC Video Scrubber module brings the power of interactive frame-by-frame on scroll video scrubbing to Joomla! The concept is simple; the module pulls images from a selected folder in your Joomla! images folder and cycles through them when a… Joomla Template Coupons April 2014 Looking for a classy joomla template design or to join a joomla template club then take advantage of our latest coupon offer for April 2014. We are offering the chance to purchase any joomla template or club membership from…

Extensions, addons, plugins, bridges for Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 by JoomPlace DailyNotes In rhoncus posuere purus eget tempor. Morbi aliquam, nisl nec pretium pellentesque, orci purus semper ligula, non mollis enim nisl non diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam congue pellentesque metus, eu facilisis nibh sodales id. Praesent est felis, suscipit et aliquet nec, bibendum elementum ligula. In aliquam euismod massa a varius.

14 astuces templates - Tutoriels Joomla! 2.5 - Tutoriels Joomlack pour menu, template et mootools dans Joomla! 2.5 Cet article est une traduction adaptée de l'article publié par Anthony Olsen sur nommé Fourteen secrets of Joomla! templating . C'est un article consacré aux techniques et astuces avancées pour la construction de templates Joomla!. Les techniques suivantes sont considérées par l'auteur comme des trésors ou des secrets bien gardés et font parties des notions qu'il est bon de connaitre lorsque l'on développe ses propres templates. L'idée est de pouvoir maitriser l'ensemble des éléments qui influent sur l'affichage et de pouvoir ainsi s'adapter à la plupart des situations. 1. Seven Seas Awesome website template designed in fresh, sea inspired style. We have presented the depth of the sea in an eye-catchy, highly graphical way. That’s great when applied properly to personal portfolios. We truly believe that our novel idea worked very well here, we have created an out of the box website template! And you don’t have to worry about the code – it’s not that hard to edit the html and css files, you need just some basic skills. Of course, we have added our comments in the code, so you will not be frustrated when you customize the portfolio template.

Joomla Templates - Professional Joomla Templates Need a new Joomla Template? We provide professional & exclusive Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.2 themes.More then 30.000 Satisfied Customers Personal Email and Live Chat Support Quick Installer ( SQL dump) always included Easy to customize, well commented code Single License and Memberships You are here: Home Latest Joomla Templates All Joomla3 Responsive Colorful Warp Bright Top Dark Default Title Date Joomla Tutorials DelicateNews Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non... read more Morbi condimentum tempus tincidunt. Sed neque ipsum, pulvinar eu tristique sollicitudin, tincidunt at nisi. Aenean feugiat risus sed lacus aliquam et adipiscing elit sodales.

Créez vos templates Joomla! avec Template Creator CK CSS Templates Free Style Premium One Page Template Theme Description: Style Premium xHTML One Page Template uses a great deal of white/dark space to create a clean feel to this site. The elements of this web design are nicely spaced out to create a clean overall design.

Cu3er 3D Slideshow « Vinaora - Free Templates, Extensions and Tutorials Vinaora Cu3er 3D Slide-show is a free Joomla! module (Joomla! extension) to show images in 3D Flash Slide-show. It has been conceived to create amazing 3D transition between slides. You can setup different transition effects for each slide and set their duration or delay.

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