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Why Do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?

Why Do the Japanese Draw Themselves as White?
by Guest Blogger Julian Abagond, Aug 30, 2010, at 10:01 am Why do the Japanese draw themselves as white? You see that especially in manga and anime. As it turns out, that is an American opinion, not a Japanese one. The Japanese see anime characters as being Japanese. If I draw a stick figure, most Americans will assume that it is a white man. The Other has to be marked. Americans apply this thinking to Japanese drawings. You see the same thing in America: After all, why do people think Marge Simpson is white? When you think about it there is nothing particularly white about how anime characters look: huge round eyes – no one looks like that, not even white people (even though that style of drawing eyes does go back to Betty Boop).yellow hair – but they also have blue hair and green hair and all the rest. Besides, that is not how the Japanese draw white or even Chinese people. Gone are the big round eyes and the strange hair colours.

When Wikileaks “Scoops” NARA on Their Own Publicly Available Documents, It’s Time for Agencies to Fully Embrace Effectively Digitizing All-Things FOIA On Monday, Wikileaks “released” the “Kissinger Cables,” (also called the Public Library of US Diplomacy or PlusD) a fascinating collection of 1.7 million U.S. diplomatic correspondences from the mid-1970s. The cables are easily sifted through thanks to the sleek, high-powered search function Wikileaks built for their “release,” making the collection all the more appealing to document hounds. As a result, documents that would likely have fallen through the cracks if not for the interest generated by all-things Wikileaks are receiving much deserved attention and are producing some very important revelations. The only problem is, Wikileaks didn’t “release” the cables. A side-by-side image of the NARA and Wikileaks search functions. As a frequent FOIA requester, it seems to me that Wikileaks’ portrayal of US declassifiers acting somehow sinisterly does a disservice to the National Archives and Department of State, two of the better FOIA agencies. Like this: Like Loading...

What is a company? The ethics, feelings and character of your company 18 October '11, 01:46pm Follow What is a company? Is it the people who work there? And once you’ve answered that question; where lies your loyalty? The older I get the more I get the impression that a company is a lot more than a fiscal entity. So what is the purpose of a company? As our company grows I struggle with these questions. You can’t focus on just the shareholders, or the customers, or the employees. What is your relationship with your company? Photo credit: Sebastian Kaulitzki via Shutterstock What Does Social Media Mean for the Future of Mortality? With 48 hours of video being uploaded to YouTube every minute, 200 million tweets being posted every day and the average Facebook user creating 90 pieces of content each month, this generation is publishing an unprecedented amount of data that will live in the cloud indefinitely — even after we’re gone. Back in July at TED Global in Edinburgh, Scotland (which I also covered for Mashable), I gave a 5-minute talk about the implications that the social media boom will have on the future of mortality, and what might become possible as technology’s ability to understand and process the hundreds of thousands of pieces of content we’re creating in our lifetimes continues to grow exponentially. In my talk, I discussed a number of services that are already emerging for figuring out what happens to our online identity and social media accounts after we die, as well as a couple of examples of how people are already planning their digital legacy.

What a CIA Nondisclosure Agreement Looks Like A comparison of pages from Operation Dark Heart. From New York Times Jose Rodriguez has almost finished writing his book. Remember Jose Rodriguez? He was the CIA agent who ordered the destruction of 92 video tapes that recorded Abu Zabaydah being waterboarded 83 times in one month in a black site in Thailand. Rodriguez was not punished for his actions. We’ll see how the CIA’s pre-publication review goes for Rodriguez’s likely hagiographic account of the Agency. Take for example the Defense Intelligence Agency’s attempts to pull a “Fahrenheit 451″ to stop Americans from reading former Army Intelligence Officer Anthony Shaffer’s book, Operation Dark Heart: Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan – and the Path to Victory. Or take The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against Al Qaeda,” by former FBI agent Ali H. “Just because something is in the public domain doesn’t mean it’s been officially released or declassified by the US government.” Wow. Like this:

Walt Koenig's Lab :: Home Welcome - Koenig Lab Walt Koenig Walter D. Koenig, Senior Scientist, Bird Population Studies, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Member of the graduate field in Neurobiology and Behavior My particular interests are in animal social behavior and in the behavioral ecology of oaks. A brief presonal history I came to Cornell in summer 2008 after many years as a Research Zoologist at UC Berkeley. Curiculum vita - click here for Walt's vita and publications Publications - click here for a list of Walt's publications (pdf) Acorn woodpeckers at Hastings Reservation. Phoebe and Dale Koenig studying birds at Hastings Reservation in 1994. Blue oaks with mistletoe at Hastings Reservaton in central coastal California.

Vêtements mode femme | Pimkie Usages de Twitter chez des pros du web - support de presentation Twitter est l'autre plateforme caractéristique d'un web dit social. Outil présenté comme le symbole du micro-blogging et d'un web temps réel, Twitter se caractérise par une asymétrie des abonnements, cassant la réciprocité obligatoire des abonnements d'autres médias sociaux. Rapidement se pose la question de la visibilité, à travers la constitution d'une audience car à quoi bon twitter si personne ne nous suit. Ayant connu une explosion en termes de notoriété ces derniers mois mais restant en France un outil de niche, j'ai mené une série de 27 entretiens auprès de pros du web, à la fois sur leurs usages de Twitter, leurs tactiques de visibilité et diverses thématiques (gestion du temps, industrialisation de la présence, reconnaissance etc.). Une première présentation des résultats a été effectuée lors du colloque Acfas "Usages des médias sociaux : enjeux éthiques et enjeux politiques" à Sherbrooke - Canada, le 10 mai 2011.

Tumblr, shaker à blogueurs Une photo de plantureuse femme nue, un gif animé d’Alice au pays des merveilles, une bande dessinée geek, un clip glamour, un détournement de John Lennon en Harry Potter… Voilà quelques exemples aperçus à un instant T au cours d’une visite dans les avenues de l’ultime capharnaüm virtuel : Tumblr . Cette plateforme de blogs fondée par David Karp à New York en 2007 est, depuis début février, disponible en version française. Non pas que l’interface en anglais ait découragé les internautes français à l’utiliser avant, puisqu’ils sont déjà près d’un million et demi à fréquenter chaque mois les quelque 14 millions de blogs Tumblr répertoriés, et 60 millions au niveau mondial (dont 25 rien qu'aux Etats-Unis). Principal atout, la facilité d’utilisation, d’ailleurs vantée par le New York Times dans une phrase devenue argument publicitaire pour le site : «Bloguer devient un jeu d’enfant. » Consulter les blogs Tumblr est évidemment gratuit, tout comme l’inscription.
