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Taryn Simon photographs secret sites

Taryn Simon photographs secret sites

Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript Father Daniel Berrigan once said that "writing about prisonersis a little like writing about the dead."I think what he meant is that we treat prisoners as ghosts.They're unseen and unheard.It's easy to simply ignore themand it's even easier when the government goes to great lengths to keep them hidden. As a journalist, I think these storiesof what people in power do when no one is watching,are precisely the stories that we need to tell.That's why I began investigatingthe most secretive and experimental prison units in the United States,for so-called "second-tier" terrorists.The government calls these units Communications Management Units or CMUs.Prisoners and guards call them "Little Guantanamo."They are islands unto themselves.But unlike Gitmo they exist right here, at home,floating within larger federal prisons. There's an estimated 60 to 70 prisoners here,and they're overwhelmingly Muslim.They include people like Dr. So, why was he moved? (Laughter) For the record, I'm not. Thank you.

F-Stop Magazine ~ An online photography magazine featuring conte Famous Photographers Biographies Looking for a biography of a past or present master photographer? This famous photographers list of masters like Ansel Adams, top rated photographer, and Annie Leibovitz will inspire, entertain, and educate you. Also, several famous photographers - such as Jim Zuckerman, George Schaub, Bill Neill, and Lewis Kemper - teach our online photography courses. Enroll in a course to learn photography today. Alfred Eisenstaedt (report dead link) Alfred Eisenstaedt, by Ray Zone. Alfred Eisenstaedt (report dead link) Selected as the Photojournalist of the Century. Alfred Eisenstaedt Profile (report dead link) Brief profile of the artist, known as the father of modern photojournalism. Alfred Stieglitz Photos and Commentary (report dead link) Several black and white and sepia tone images as well as commentary from the photographer. Anne Geddes (report dead link) Official site. Anne Geddes House (report dead link) Here you will find 450+ beautiful Anne Geddes photos.

Fraud probe: $18 million missing - Business Dozens of people who invested nearly $18 million with an Auckland couple have been told they are unlikely to see their money again - despite the sale of the pair's mansion in Remuera. And the Serious Fraud Office said last night that it was close to deciding whether charges would be laid against Mike and Jackie Bradley. Liquidation firm BDO Auckland has told 54 investors owed $17.8 million that it has been unable to find any evidence that the Bradleys made investments through their financial advisory firm, Bradley & Bradley. It appears the Bradleys were operating what is known as a Ponzi scheme for many years, BDO says in its latest report, obtained by the Herald. A review of company records had indicated investors' money was used to pay other investors and to cover company expenses. "We have not received satisfactory explanations from the directors in this respect," the report says. The Bradleys' large home in Bassett Rd was sold two weeks ago and the couple have moved out. - NZ Herald

100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals - StumbleUpon Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! "There are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. "Graphic illustrations [and explanations] of the difference between RAW and JPEG (also called JPG). A basic discussion of white balance and how to respond to different lighting situations. "Use a simple device to get perfect color in all of your shots" "What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings" "A beginner’s guide to focal lengths and how they affect photographs" "Ever wonder what it is that actually makes a camera work?

Mark Jenkins // Street Installations Kristiansand, Norway London, England Montreal, Canada Cologne, Germany Besançon Rome Rio de Janeiro Tudela London Dublin Moscow Winston-Salem Seoul Royan Bordeaux Puerto del Rosario Barcelona Malmö Washington DC Washington, DC dorinem: Ужасы нашего городка. Часть четвёртая. Первая часть. Вторая часть. Третья часть. Итак, я «легла в больницу», отправила маму за необходимыми вещами, открыла окна, легла на кровать, провалилась до пола, выкарабкалась и начала думать. Понятно, что я не собиралась сидеть и ждать анализов до понедельника. Первым делом позвонила мужу и друзьям в Израиль и раздала задания: найти в ЖЖ воронежское сообщество и запостить вопрос о том, где какие частные клиники искать, запостить тот же вопрос просто в ЖЖ, просто искать клиники или другие больницы в интернете, искать знакомых, у которых есть какие-то концы в Воронеже, искать личный телефон моего израильского гинеколога и т.д., и т.п. Потом муж мне напомнил, что у меня же есть израильская страховка, и я позвонила им. Но вначале это выглядело так: я им звоню, описываю ситуацию. Пользуясь случаем, я выползла наружу, где было всё же не так жарко, как в палате. Когда я вернулась в палату, как раз пришла девушка-интерн с описанием действия прописанного мне лекарства. И пошла я искать врача.

55 incredible examples of photo manipulation We present collection of 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation. Some of them... you may know already, but another ones... could be new for you. What I'm sure about... all of them are simply worth of your attention. » Top 20 Young Photographers 2012 When I first had the idea to write this post, I didn’t quite realise the scale of the task that I was taking on. I’ve been scouring the internet for over a month now, and I’ve had the incredibly tough task of whittling it down from roughly 100 young photographers to just 20, and then putting them all in order, ranking them based on my own experience of what’s out there, and of course, my personal taste. The standard of work has near enough blown me away as I wasn’t expecting something so great. Thanks to everyone who has recommended someone to me, it’s been hard to keep track of where they’ve all come from. 1 - David Olkarny - 24 David is a photographer, cameraman and video editor based in Brussels, Belgium, and he’s also self taught. 2 - Lara Jade - 22 Lara Jade started her own photography career at the age of 17, originally taking on small clients in England, before becoming a fully fledged Fashion, Portrait & Advertising Photographer in New York City. 3 - Brooke Shaden – 24

Вертикаль против горизонтали 09.08.2010, Россия | Премьер-министр России Владимир Путин во время своего недавнего визита в Челябинск, проезжая мимо городского пляжа в Ленинском районе, сделал замечание властям Челябинска за неблагоустроенный городской пляж. «Не могу сказать, что в Челябинске все делается для полноценного отдыха людей. Пляж хоть и дикий, но все-таки городские власти могли бы позаботиться об элементарных вещах», – отметил глава правительства. На следующее утро берег преобразился до неузнаваемости: туда завезли песок, лежаки, зонтики, обустроили ряд служб и даже соорудили летнее кафе. Жители Ленинского района не оценили старания властей и буквально разгромили пляж, созданный на «диком» берегу. «Сделали хороший пляж, а они в течение непродолжительного времени напрочь убили все малые формы, – заявил сегодня сити-менеджер Челябинска Сергей Давыдов. — Лежаки растащили, а те, что остались, рубили на дрова, чтобы тут же пожарить на них шашлыки.

Where Children Sleep James Mollison traveled around the globe and took some incredibly eye-opening photos of children's bedrooms. He then compiled them into a book, titled Where Children Sleep. Each pair of photographs is accompanied by an extended caption that tells the child's story. Mollison was born in Kenya in 1973 and grew up in England. "The project became a vehicle to think about poverty and wealth, about the relationship of children to their possessions, and the power of children – or lack of it – to make decisions about their lives," says Mollison. Lamine (above), 12, lives in Senegal. Tzvika, nine, lives in an apartment block in Beitar Illit, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank. Jamie, nine, lives with his parents and younger twin brother and sister in a penthouse on 5th Avenue, New York. Indira, seven, lives with her parents, brother, and sister near Kathmandu in Nepal. Kaya, four, lives with her parents in a small apartment in Tokyo, Japan.

The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty: A master's degree deepens that specialty: Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge: Once you're at the boundary, you focus: You push at the boundary for a few years: Until one day, the boundary gives way: And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D Of course, the world looks different to you now: So, don't forget the bigger picture: Keep pushing. There's a bit more below, but I also wrote a follow-up 5 years after the illustrated guide which may be of interest -- HOWTO: Get tenure. Related posts If you like these posts, then I recommend the book A PhD Is Not Enough Get it in print; fund students; save lives By request, a print version of The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. is on sale. Click here to preview or buy it. Why biology? License: Creative Commons Resources

Digital Cameras & Digital Photography | PhotoRadar Убийца Иллюзий - «Поворотный Момент!» - Выключение экономики США-20 (июль-2010) Обзор прошедшего месяца. Сперва наиболее важные события - их несколько и они взаимосвязаны. Они произошли в разных странах и касаются разных вопросов, но их все объединяет одно общее свойство - они влекут за собой увеличение разрыва между долларовой денежной массой и объемом товаров, которые в обмен на доллары готовы отгружать. Каждое из этих событий само по себе является грозным знамением, а их совместное сочетание - обозначает поворотный момент, начало новой фазы дезинтеграции глобальной финансовой системы: 1. Федеральная резервная система США заявила о намерении выкупить обязательства по правительственному долгу на сумму 18 миллиардов долларов (источник данных). 2. 3. Таким образом, количество макулатуры увеличивается, а число товаров уменьшается - пространство для игр спекулянтов становится все меньше и меньше. При этом значительно выросла доля спекулятивных сделок (так объемы торгуемых контрактов превышают физические объемы отгружаемых поставок примерно в 50 раз!). Резюме.
