Using ARIS Express to develop BPMN 2.0 Process Maps | Biz Performance BLOG Home > Business Performance, Business Process Modeling > Using ARIS Express to develop BPMN 2.0 Process Maps It’s been a few days since my last posting, for which I apologise. This has been due to starting work on a new project, which entails mapping the To-Be processes for a Maltese Government Department project. The original As-Is Processes were previously mapped in Visio, as part the early stages of the project. ARIS Express is a simple tool to use and I find sufficient for documenting processes. Like this: Like Loading...
Australian Business Excellence Framework The Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF) is an integrated leadership and management system that describes the elements essential to organisations sustaining high levels of performance. It can be used to assess and improve any aspect of an organisation, including leadership, strategy and planning, people, information and knowledge, safety, service delivery, product quality and bottom-line results. The ABEF provides organisations with assurance of their sustainable performance and is Australia’s preferred framework for leadership and governance. The ABEF is proven to bring about powerful changes in organisational performance and culture. Additionally, the ABEF provides an umbrella under which a number of business initiatives can be integrated to form one coherent, cohesive organisational systems model. The ABEF is the only Australian model to be recognised internationally through the exclusive Global Excellence Models Council. Put simply, the ABEF:
Casewise Modeler Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Analysis solution This leading enterprise modeling solution enables teams to document, visualize, analyze, and optimize your organization's business processes, applications and systems. Able to capture a true picture of processes and operations of even the most complex organizations, businesses and IT professionals can ‘see’ the business like never before. Plus the collaborative nature of this package allows all stakeholders to contribute to, and learn from, easy to digest, amazingly informative models. Better decision making means better business. A complete solution, the Casewise Modeler links together business and IT modeling within one multi-user environment for Business Process Analysis and Improvement, Business Process Management, and Enterprise Architecture as well as Governance, Risk & Compliance efforts. Capture the ‘As-Is’ situation Test out 'What-if?' Casewise Modeler is highly configurable and customizable.
Enterprise_Value_Map_2_0.pdf What is Kaizen | Definition of KAIZEN | Kaizen Meaning Kaizen is the practice of continuous improvement. Kaizen was originally introduced to the West by Masaaki Imai in his book Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success in 1986. Today Kaizen is recognized worldwide as an important pillar of an organization’s long-term competitive strategy. Good processes bring good resultsGo see for yourself to grasp the current situationSpeak with data, manage by factsTake action to contain and correct root causes of problemsWork as a teamKaizen is everybody’s businessAnd much more! One of the most notable features of kaizen is that big results come from many small changes accumulated over time. Kaizen = Continuous Improvement Everybody!