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Turning the Raspberry Pi Into an FM Transmitter - Imperial College Robotics Society Wiki

Turning the Raspberry Pi Into an FM Transmitter - Imperial College Robotics Society Wiki
Steps to play sound: (Created by Oliver Mattos and Oskar Weigl. Code is GPL) sudo python >>> import PiFm >>> PiFm.play_sound("sound.wav") Now connect a 70cm (optimally, ~20cm will do) or so plain wire to GPIO 4 (which is pin 7 on header P1) to act as an antenna, and tune an FM radio to 103.3Mhz. Download the module here: [Download Now!] (this contains both source and a ready to go binary. New! sudo . How to change the broadcast frequency Run the . The second command line argument is the frequency to transmit on, as a number in Mhz. sudo . It will work from about 1Mhz up to 250Mhz, although the useful FM band is 88 Mhz to 108 Mhz in most countries. Most radio receivers want a signal to be an odd multiple of 0.1 MHz to work properly. The details of how it works Below is some code that was hacked together over a few hours at the Code Club pihack. If you're v. smart, you might be able to get stereo going! Accessing Hardware

Introducing the Pi Store We’ve been amazed by the variety of software that people have written for, or ported to, the Raspberry Pi. Today, together with our friends at IndieCity and Velocix, we’re launching the Pi Store to make it easier for developers of all ages to share their games, applications, tools and tutorials with the rest of the community. The Pi Store will, we hope, become a one-stop shop for all your Raspberry Pi needs; it’s also an easier way into the Raspberry Pi experience for total beginners, who will find everything they need to get going in one place, for free. The store runs as an X application under Raspbian, and allows users to download content, and to upload their own content for moderation and release. At launch, we have 23 free titles in the store, ranging from utilities like LibreOffice and Asterisk to classic games like Freeciv and OpenTTD and Raspberry Pi exclusive Iridium Rising. We also have one piece of commercial content: the excellent Storm in a Teacup from Cobra Mobile.

With Raspberry Pi and Cotton Candy, Linux Launches a Revolution All the world may be agog over Microsoft's Windows 8 previews this week, but at the same time a quiet revolution is taking place. It's powered by Linux, it costs a fraction of Windows' price, and its first tangible evidence is now available in not just one but two “sweet” forms: Raspberry Pi and Cotton Candy. Like the idea of freedom from the upgrade treadmill and a price that won't put you behind on your rent? Then you may want to check out this new category of computing devices. The Raspberry Pi There's been talk about the ARM-based, education-focused $25 Raspberry Pi for quite some time already, but this week the diminutive device made its official debut. That's been nothing if not exciting to watch, particularly because the launch was so successful that it brought the UK-based project's site to its knees amid overwhelming demand. Premier Farnell and RS Components have both signed up as licensed manufacturers of the devices, the first run of which apparently sold out within an hour or so.

Cómo hacer visible lo invisible: así es el mapa más completo hasta la fecha de la materia oscura, uno de los grandes misterios del Universo Derechos de autor de la imagen DES El mapa que ves en la imagen arriba es absolutamente excepcional. Para elaborarlo fue preciso fotografiar 26 millones de galaxias, y en su creación trabajaron cerca de 400 investigadores de más de 20 instituciones en siete países. El mapa muestra la distribución de uno de los componentes más misteriosos del universo, la materia oscura. Y es el más completo divulgado hasta el momento sobre este fenómeno. Pero, ¿qué es la materia oscura y en qué se diferencia de la energía oscura? Y si la materia oscura no puede observarse, ¿cómo lograron los científicos hacer un mapa de su distribución? "Uno de los mayores misterios" El mapa fue creado por el proyecto internacional denominado Dark Energy Survey, DES, literalmente Cartografiado de la Energía Oscura. El tipo de materia que conocemos, desde nosotros mismos hasta las galaxias, constituye sólo cerca del 4% del Universo, según teorías actuales. Materia oscura Energía oscura "Una de las cámaras digitales más potentes"

Pi Crust breakout board makes it easy to get peripherals on Raspberry Pi Joe Walnes, a Chicago-based hacker and maker, has just released a design for what he has dubbed the Pi Crust: a very cheap new hardware add-on for the Raspberry Pi. The breakout board, which debuted on Wednesday, is meant to make it easier to tack various hardware peripherals onto the cheap computer, and it does so in an compact design. The new board only adds 2mm of height to the existing Raspberry Pi. As Walnes lays out on his site, there are various well-labelled pins, including GPIO, I2C, SPI, UART, and power. "This makes it so you can connect things directly to a Raspberry Pi. Expanding access to the Raspberry Pi's General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins is probably one of the most important aspects of this add-on—Arduinos, for example, use GPIOs to read from various environmental sensors. "However all the different signals are grouped together, which makes them hard to connect to. Walnes isn’t selling the Pi Crust; he's just making the design specification available.

Configurer la Raspberry sans écran François, Si vous avez accès à votre routeur, vous pouvez utiliser votre routeur pour trouver l'adresse IP de votre RPi, qui devrait être acquis via DHCP. Vous pouvez ensuite SSH à l'aide d'un programme appelé PuTTY. Cela vous permet d'obtenir une fenêtre de console et vous pouvez commencer à configurer le serveur VNC pour exécuter au démarrage. Ensuite, vous pouvez utiliser VNC pour accéder à l'interface graphique de votre RPi. Quant à la carte mémoire, ne vous inquiétez pas à propos de ce que vous voyez dans Windows. Amusez-vous! PS: j'ai utilisé Google Translate pour prendre votre message du français à l'anglais, puis d'écrire cette réponse. There are 10 types of people in this world.

Tutorial Raspberry Pi - 5. Crea un transmisor de radio FM - Geeky Theory ¡Hola a todos! Hoy os traemos, como cada martes, un nuevo tutorial de Raspberry Pi. No es un código que haya hecho, pero veo necesario dedicarle un artículo en Geeky Theory. Tras este tutorial, sabremos cómo crear un transmisor de radio FM basado en Raspberry Pi. Si recordáis, hace tiempo escribimos un artículo sobre cómo transmitir código Morse por radio AM con Arduino: TX AM con Arduino. Los archivos que vamos a necesitar para este tutorial, los podéis descargar desde este enlace: PiFM.tar.gz Utilizaremos como antena un cable de aproximadamente 20 cm para tener algo de cobertura, el cual conectaremos al pin GPIO 4, que es el pin de reloj (CLK). Las señales de reloj se usan para proporcionar un pulso que puede sincronizar varias partes de un sistema que lleva a cabo acciones que tienen una relación temporal entre ellas. GPCLK0 (GPIO 4 y pin número 7), es un reloj de propósito general capaz de crear una señal de pulsos cuadrados hasta una frecuencia máxima de 75 MHz. 1. 2. 3. 4. ls 5. sudo .

Sneak Peek: Adafruit Raspberry Pi WebIDE September 19, 2012 AT 2:14 pm We love the Raspberry Pi. This tiny computer has so much potential for makers, and it is offered at an extremely reasonable price. The one thing we didn’t like about the Pi is how inaccesible it is to those who are new to Linux. As the name suggests, the Raspberry Pi WebIDE is entirely web based. We have also included a built-in terminal so you can listen to, and talk directly with your Raspberry Pi. We have so many cool things planned for the WebIDE, and expect to have plenty of updates (especially at the beginning). Like I said, this is just a sneak peek, and covers only a few of it’s many features. Stay tuned to the Adafruit blog for more updates. Related Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.

Spark Linux Tablet Up for Pre-Order, Dev Discusses Economics of Project The upstart Spark Linux tablet is up for pre-order at for a target price tag of 200 euros (about $263 USD). You can indicate how many tablets you’re interested in, and your priority number will ensure you’re among the first to receive yours. The Spark folks are hoping to get a strong sense of device demand before the tablet launches. Developer Aaron Seigo also posted a new blog today discussing the financial aspect of the project. Overall, the idea is to put money that comes in back into the project and to Free Software (especially those around open devices) in general. “Where these funds will be targeted will depend on what needs doing, what needs supporting the most and how successful the products are in the market,” said Siego in the post. Seigo notes that part of that will be investing in partnerships with other people and companies that can create software and technologies that enhance Spark.

Raspberry Pi as an FM Transmitter This morning I was lazily browsing Reddit when I came across a project by the Imperial College Robotics Society in the UK. It’s code and instructions for using the Raspberry Pi as a low-power mono FM transmitter. When I saw how easy it looked to do, I ran over to my Pi, downloaded the code, and got it running within a matter of minutes (see video above). One of the best parts about this project is that you don’t need much hardware besides the Pi itself. Programming Raspberry Pi Nearly all of the fuss about the low-cost Raspberry Pi computer's hardware has died down and we finally have some details of its software that is easy enough for the rest of us to follow. So what can you do with it out of the box? Dr Eben Upton, founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation, has just posted some easy-to-follow details of how to get started programming the Raspberry Pi. It was initially a webinar but if you missed it then you can download the information as a PDF - but be warned there is some strange formatting and repetitions due to the change in presentation format. The first half or so of the presentation is about unboxing and getting started, so the emphasis on hardware hasn't entirely evaporated. Once we do get to the software details then things are much more interesting. The good news is that the boot image contains a program editor, JOE, which features syntax highlighting for Python and C. Notice that this criticism by no means implies that the Raspberry Pi is a failure.

raspberry-pi:preparer-carte-sd Commencez par télécharger l'image de Rasbian à partir du site officiel de Raspberry, nous allons prendre la dernière version en date à savoir celle du 2012-07-15. Décompressez ensuite votre archive, vous allez obtenir le fichier : 2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img Conntectez votre carte SD dans un lecteur de carte approprié puis allez dans le poste de travail pour récupérer la lettre du lecteur. Dans mon cas j'ai bien une carte SD d'approximativement 8 Go de connecté à la lettre J: Téléchargez l'utilitaire : Win32DiskImager et décompressez l'archive. Faites un clique droit sur l'icone Win32DiskImager.exe et choisissez : Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur Parcourrez votre ordinateur jusqu'à l'emplacement du fichier : 2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img puis cliquez sur enregistrer . Verifiez que dans Device la lettre du lecteur trouvé dans le poste de travail ( J: pour l'exemple) puis cliquez sur : Write Cliquez sur ensuite sur Yes et patientez le temps de l'écriture sur votre carte SD. df -h /! Linux :

Homematic Funkmodul inkl. RTC Echtzeituhr für Raspberry Pi (Fertiggerät) ⋆ Der beliebte Minicomputer Raspberry Pi bildet, ausgestattet mit diesem Funkmodul und der Software RaspberryMatic eine vollwertige Homematic Zentrale mit Leistungsreserven für komplexe Hausautomationssysteme. Dieses Modul ist offiziell nur als Bausatz erhältlich. Hier bekommen Sie ein fertig gelötetes Modul inkl. RTC Echtzeituhr fertig zum aufstecken auf ihren Raspberry Pi. Das RTC speichert die Uhrzeit und gibt diese nach einem Stromausfall o.Ä. direkt an die RaspberryMatic zurück. Die Offenlegung der CCU2-Software zur Open-Source-Software mit offenen Schnittstellen (HM-OCCU-SDK) macht es möglich, auch andere Hardwareplattformen als die CCU2 als Homematic Zentrale zu nutzen. Neben diesem Modul benötigen Sie noch einen Raspberry Pi 2B/3 sowie eine SD-Karte mit RaspberryMatic-Betriebssystem.
