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Free Address Book Script ( PHP + MySQL )

Free Address Book Script ( PHP + MySQL )
Ver 1.18 ( Security patch applied ) This is a free Address Book PHP script with a MySQL database. This script allows users to search, view, add, edit, and delete address entries from a web browser. Each user can have a different login username. It's very easy to add/remove fields to/from the script. In fact, I've seen others using this script to store something totally different from addresses. You can customize Address Book Script online and/or manually. To manually customize it, please see Customization Quick Guide. To customize online, use Address Book Builder, which guides you through the steps of building a custom version of Address Book Script. Ajax Fileup Addon for Address Book Script Monday, August 12, 2013 Address Book Script: Converting a Text Field to a Date Field To convert a text field to a date field, open web/codelib/asc/df.fl. The following example is a typical text field definition: (example) Edit the value of XA_CLASS and XA_SEARCH, and add XA_FORMAT line like shown below: <? Top

Foros - Java - RE:Agregar Imagen al JPanel (Danilo Juvinao) - La Web del Programador import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JPanel; /** * * @author Edwin Bismark Reyes Rodríguez */ public class JEImagePanel extends JPanel{ private Image image = null; private Icon icon; /** Creates a new instance of JEImagePanel */ public JEImagePanel() { protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 =(Graphics2D) g; if(getImage()! public Image getImage() { return image; } public void setImage(Image image) { this.image = image; } public Icon getIcon() { return icon; } public void setIcon(Icon icon){ this.icon=icon; setImage(((ImageIcon)icon).getImage()); } }

Web standards checklist Date: 13 August 2004 Author: Russ Weakley Web standards – more than just ‘table-free sites’ The term web standards can mean different things to different people. For some, it is ‘table-free sites‘, for others it is ‘using valid code‘. However, web standards are much broader than that. A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, user-friendly URLs etc). In other words, a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly. About the checklist This is not an uber-checklist. to show the breadth of web standardsas a handy tool for developers during the production phase of websitesas an aid for developers who are interested in moving towards web standards The checklist 1. 1.1 Does the site use a correct Doctype? More: 1.2 Does the site use a Character set? Character encodings W3C Link checker

9 Tips For Working with MySQL Databases MySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS) around, with over 6 million installations. It’s a fantastic choice for any new developer, because of its open source nature, wide support and abundance of tutorials available on the subject. Here are some great tips and tools (beside phpMyAdmin) to improve your MySQL coding, and to help you save time. Installing SQL If you’re a newbie to the server side coding arena, don’t worry. Mac only PHP, SQL & Apache Installer Windows, Linux & Mac installer A windows only LAMP installer MySQL Server 5.1 If you just want MySQL server, and like using command line then this might suit you. For info on how to install and work with the MySQL server, check this NetTuts tutorial: Everything You Need to Get Started With MySQL. SQL Tips 1- Optimize your code Imagine if you have 100 records, 10 columns.Your working with a database of your clients details, and need to select their name, phone number and address. SELECT * FROM clients;

Why You Haven't Learned How to Code Yet Over the past year there’s been unprecedented enthusiasm for learning to code. From NY Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s pledge to the White House’s national summer effort, programming has never been such a valuable career move and somehow it has even managed become a bit trendy, too (depending on your geographical location). With all this new energy comes initiatives like Code Year, which lets anyone pledge to learn to code with weekly tutorials via Codecademy. So maybe you signed up, or perhaps you did some research on your own, but here we are and you still can’t code… If this situation applies to you, know that you’re not alone. It’s tough work, but don’t get discouraged. OMG choices!? If you’ve never written a single line of code, the odds are you’re having trouble deciding where to start. Of course there are plenty of other options as well. From an artistic or design perspective, you might want to look into Processing, which is a visual programming language created to help teach coding.

TUTORIAL: How to install PHP and MySQL on IIS With the apparent increase of interest in individuals desiring to install PHP and MySQL on computers running Windows operating systems, I thought it would be beneficial to provide a set of instructions to help make this process as easy as possible. In this article, I’ll be providing some basics of IIS installation and then move to the installation of PHP and MySQL. Some essentials you will need to get started:IIS (preferably IIS 5 or IIS 6)The PHP windows installer file The PHP binaries fileThe MySQL Windows installation file(links will be provided for the downloads shortly). Optional:phpMyAdminMySQL Administrator Let’s get started. Some things to know about IIS. If you haven’t already done so begin by installing IIS. It really shouldn’t matter whether you install PHP first or MySQL first. To test your PHP installation copy the following into a file and save it as info.php in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ . Then go to your web browser and type: . mysql>

7 Ways to Learn to Code Right Now for Free Learning to code is one of the most powerful and satisfying things you can ever do. If you’re a designer, learning to code can help you understand what you’re creating for, and if you’re looking to build a startup from scratch, being a technical founder can make things exponentially easier for you. No matter why you want learn, the only thing you really need is curiosity. 1. Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. ➤ Processing (Reference, Tutorials, Wiki, Forum, Inspiration) 2. Codecademy bills itself as “the easiest way to learn how to code,” and thanks to this startup, learning to code online has never been so accessible. ➤ Codecademy 3. Bloc, a new educational startup, makes it easy for you to start writing in Ruby. But what makes Bloc different from the likes of Codecademy? ➤ Bloc 4. Sometimes there’s nothing better than “bumping elbows” with peers. ➤ Meetup, Hackathons 5. 6. 7. I know.

Top 20+ MySQL Best Practices Database operations often tend to be the main bottleneck for most web applications today. It's not only the DBA's (database administrators) that have to worry about these performance issues. We as programmers need to do our part by structuring tables properly, writing optimized queries and better code. Before we start, be aware that you can find a ton of useful MySQL scripts and utilities on Envato Market. Most MySQL servers have query caching enabled. The main problem is, it is so easy and hidden from the programmer, most of us tend to ignore it. The reason query cache does not work in the first line is the usage of the CURDATE() function. Using the EXPLAIN keyword can give you insight on what MySQL is doing to execute your query. The results of an EXPLAIN query will show you which indexes are being utilized, how the table is being scanned and sorted etc... Take a SELECT query (preferably a complex one, with joins), and add the keyword EXPLAIN in front of it. From MySQL docs:

5 Ways to Start Learning How to Code Right Now Learning to code is one of the most powerful and satisfying things you can ever do. If you’re a designer, learning to code can help you understand what you’re creating for, and if you’re looking to build a startup from scratch, being a technical founder can make things exponentially easier for you. No matter why you want to learn, the only thing you really need is curiosity. iTunes U Apple just recently made some dramatic changes to iTunes U, and Stanford’s set of videos is quite an impressive offering. ➤ iTunes U Kids Ruby We wrote about Kids Ruby this past December and honestly, you’ve got to start them young, right? Now, if you’re not a kid, this software might still be really helpful for you. ➤ Kids Ruby Mozilla’s Developer Network Mozilla’s Developer Network is a combination of a slick-looking directory and an impressive set of tutorials and demos.You may also want to check out Google’s own Code University. ➤ Mozilla’s Developer Network and Google’s Code University Net Tuts+

How to Change MySQL root password on Windows Description Use these instructions if you need change the root password for MySQL on Windows or if you need to add additional new users with general or specific limitations. Setting a root password for MySQL Start your command line by going to the Start Menu > Run and typing cmd (or type command if you are using an older version of windows) Change directory to where you installed mysql to: C:\> cd C:\mysql\bin Switch to mysql command line: C:\mysql\bin> mysql -u root mysql Then set a default password: mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('newpass'); where "newpass" is the password you want to use Adding more users

Codecademy Labs PHP 5 MySQL Database Singleton Today I pushed the source code to a MySQL "singleton pattern" database class into a git repository. This post will explain the history of this code, how it can be used, and how you can help make it better. I have gotten a lot of feedback on a very old PHP database class I wrote for PHP4 back in 2004. This is actually 2 PHP 5 classes: MySqlDatabase is the MySQL database singleton and MySqlResultSet is an iterable object representing a MySQL result set. Get the code from the git repository Features The PHP5 MySQL database classes are designed to simplify the most common tasks associated with interfacing with MySQL. Works with default spl_autoload() function Singleton design pattern Shortcut methods for common SELECT queries Iterable result set object for SELECT queries Import local SQL files Autoloading These classes are named such that they will work with the default spl_autoload() function in PHP5. spl_autoload_register(); include_once('mysqldatabase.php');include_once('mysqlresultset.php');

HTML / PHP/ CSS Tutorials Learn HTML This HTML Tutorial will give you an easy, yet thorough and correct introduction on how to make websites. The tutorial starts from scratch and requires absolutely no prior knowledge of programming. Start learning HTML or Start learning HTML5 Learn CSS This CSS Tutorial will get you started with CSS in just a few minutes. Start learning CSS Learn PHP This PHP Tutorial will give you an easy, yet thorough and accurate introduction to PHP. Start learning PHP SQL Server Database Access with IIS Use ASP and ADO to access your database Most Web applications built for the Internet or corporate intranets and extranets require a database for data storage and retrieval. Microsoft SQL Server is a fantastic database server for Web-based applications. Let's look at how to configure a Data Source Name (DSN) and use it with ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to access a database from an Active Server Pages (ASP) file. Using ADO to Access SQL Server Data Dynamically ADO is a powerful and easy-to-use object model that software developers can use to access data. You can use ADO to access many sources of data, not just SQL Server. Creating a DSN Developers most commonly use ADO with a DSN in ASP files. To create a DSN that connects to your SQL Server PUBS database, in Windows NT, access the Control Panel ODBC Data Sources applet; in Windows 2000, access the Control Panel Administrative Tools applet, then double-click Data Sources (odbc). Now, name your DSN pubs. Click Next. Just the Tip of the Iceberg
