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Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch Mario tout de go | Carnet de bord Free Technology for Teachers The Fischbowl Top 100 Education Blogs Education blogs are becoming a means for educators, students, and education administrators to interact more effectively than ever before. They are also a great resource for those searching for the best online education programs to jumpstart their teaching careers. Technorati currently tracks 63.1 million blogs. Please note that this is by no means an exhaustive list of all of the great education blogs out there. Blog Topics E-Learning | Education News | Education Policy | Internet Culture | Learning | Library and Research | Specialty | Teaching | Technology E-Learning Technology-assisted learning and online learning are topics discussed in these blogs. Education News This blog is a good starting point to read more about the latest news in the world of education as well current happenings at the best online colleges. This Week in Education Education Policy These are blogs written by activists who are looking to reform our school system or education in general. Internet Culture Learning Specialty

Productive Web Apps | Web Apps to help you at work and play 2¢ Worth Listen A few weeks ago I worked and attended North Carolina's ISTE affiliate conference. I opened the NCTIES conference with a breakfast keynote address and Marc Prensky closed it with a luncheon keynote the next day. Sadly, I missed the second day of the conference. I would first offer some constructive criticism to NCTIES , and to all such ed-tech conferences across the nation and around the world. You do a fabulous job of offering dynamic learning experiences for teachers who are new to teaching or new to utilizing contemporary information and communication technologies in their classrooms. The only idea I can think of is to have one or two session rooms devoted to unconference topics. Now to the surprises It was in the student showcase, a part of most ed-tech conferences that I often miss, using it as an opportunity to visit the exhibitors or dash up to my room for something or other. “No software. After my hesitation, she continued, “..the game master.” And then, 1 Warlick, David.

Beth’s Thoughts on Technology in the Classroom — This blog focuses on education, technology and learning. It has been one heck of a roller coaster start to the school year. Lots of new tech to deploy, PD to develop not to mention new state standards to integrate and the likely hood of licensing changes. It is a lot to take in. But October is here and things tend to get into a rhythm and it is time to connect with others and indulge in some personal learning. I look forward to attending MassCUE our stated premier conference in technology and learning. As many of you know Pokemon Go was all the rage the last few weeks. It will be interesting to see how Niantic responds to this. As noted in the article about Pokemon revenue the game was beginning to lose players. UPDATE: Pokemongo support has posted a fix for some users, though not sure how this helps those who only have one gmail account and still have issues. This June the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education formally adopted new Digital Literacy and Computer Science Curriculum Frameworks. Other resources?
