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Major Lazer - Bubble Butt (feat. Bruno Mars, 2 Chainz, Tyga & Mystic) - Directed by Eric Wareheim The Best Ayahuasca Animations You Can Find Online (2008-2018) | Kahpi What are ayahuasca animations? Psychedelic luminaries such as Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary and John Lilly shared a vision. They understood the psychedelic experience through the use of metaphors and symbols, or a kind of “twisted language” to use a saying from the Yaminahua native ayahuasca drinkers of the Amazon rainforest. The computer metaphor has its limitations, just like the mechanical metaphors that were popular to think with during the industrial age had their limitations. The result can be nothing short of eye-bending, mind-candy that opens a portal of the soul through the interface of your screen. Artists and animators have been attracted to the vividness, beauty and complexity of ayahuasca visions. One limitation of using computer-based metaphors to understand reality and psychedelic experience comes from the objectivist stance on reality the metaphors imply. Our previous experiences and beliefs shape our psychedelic experiences. Or maybe culture is not so important.

Pezet - Supergirl (Auer Remix) Sex-terapi med Joan Ørting | Sex-terapi for åbne mikrofoner Comercial Galletas Quaker Colombia 2012 Birthday Episode: 12 Life Lessons I’ve Learned This Year by On Purpose with Jay Shetty What Life Would Be Like Without Cellphones

10 TED Talks That Will Transform How You Think TED talks include some of the most powerful and revolutionary ideas of the 21st century. It’s the kind of information that can absolutely shatter preconceived notions and transform how you think. And I mean that literally, this isn’t hype-time. It was nearly a decade ago today when I watched my first TED talk. It’s hard to remember who the speaker was, though, because I then proceeded to binge-watch TED talks for the next two days, consuming some twenty to thirty talks on various subjects (with necessary breaks in between on some of them that required me to put my brain back together afterward). I still live by many of the ideas I’ve initially learned from the TED talks I’ve listened to over the years today. 1. The idea of taking care of our mind like we do our body sounds simple enough, and yet few of us do it. 2. One of my favorite TED talks of all time, in this talk you’ll learn one of the most powerful lessons of all: good exists within us (all of us). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Do Not Touch untitled Don’t fear the weird 2016 Min rejse væk fra psykosen Hvad gør man, når man bliver forfulgt af mørke skygger og er bange for sit eget spejlbillede? Filmen er produceret af Mikkel S på Outsiderens Videoværksted. Fem små scener om ensomhed Manglende forståelse og frygt for hvad andre tænker får mange psykisk syge til at lukke sig inde med social angst, isolation og ensomhed. Terkel Winther sætter ord og billeder på psykosen og ensomheden på en rørende, ærlig og poetisk måde. Maria og Amalie Maria og hendes kæreste Amalie fortæller om, hvordan psykisk sygdom er en kæmpe udfordring i et forhold, men også hvordan kærligheden er en uvurderlig støtte i hverdagen og når man er indlagt. Sygt gode venner Hvordan reagerer man, når ens bedste ven pludselig bliver indlagt på en lukket afdeling med diagnosen skizofreni? Videoreportage fra weird-festivalen Don’t fear the weird-festivalen blev et af Cinematekets mest succesfulde arrangementer i 2016. Vælg en anden kategori af videoer: Med egne ord
