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Net Campagne : howto -, blog politique Soutenez moi un peu (oups) [dons] Voila un appel à don, j’en fait régulièrement. Vu que je ne re-trouve pas de travail, que les promesses de contrat des uns sont du vent et ne parlons pas des arnaques sur projets.. (more…) arnaque, arnaques, ASS, Blog, blogs, blogueurs, comm, complot, con, cons, contrat, CTU, Euro, GUE, lit, MES, moi, moi je, newsletter, PPE, projet, promesse, promesses, PS, pub, rance, réseau, son, travail, UE, us Hollande : 89% de Sarkozy un petit calcul s’impose , au sujet de la dette. D’après son projet de 2012 , le nain pestilentiel Sarkozy proposait de réduire la dette en faisant un total de 75 Milliards d’euros d’économies d’ici 2016 soit en 4 années pleines. et rajouter 40 Milliards d’impôts nouveaux pour arriver a l’équilibre budgétaire en 2016. Je pose : 75 / 4 = 18,75 Milliards par an. François Hollande propose de réaliser 50 milliards d’économies en 3 années pleines. Je pose : 50 / 3 = 16,67 Milliards par an Au secours: On se croirait en septembre 2007. (more…)

NXPowerLite | Download the fully functional, free trial version Enter your email address to download a free 14-day trial today. Request a free trial on up to 50 machines today, and see what NXPowerLite can do for your business. A dedicated contact Prioritised support Deployment guides Volume pricing and purchasing support Fully compatible with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010. NXPowerLite Desktop Edition is compatible with PCs running Microsoft Windows 2000 or later. Microsoft Office integration requires Office 2002-2010 (32-bit). Some of our happy customers "Our experience with NXPowerLite has been a resounding success. - The Marketing Store

Facebook Demographics Facebook Demographics French - Français Facebook et le ciblage publicitaire / comportemental...Facebook : statistiques fin octobre 2007... Facebook Demographics today (on October 20th, 2007 10:00 a.m. See also Facebook for ad targeting (french post easily understandable, all graphics) and Who needs Google? Données statistiques communiquées par Facebook via la page Flyers Pro, compilées ce matin, samedi 20 octobre à 11h (via Nick O'Neill) Au niveau de la répartition géographique, avec 36 165 000 d'utilisateurs, les 7 pays de langue anglaise s'accaparent 86% du total : États-Unis (+55% des utilisateurs anglophones, 47,45% de l'ensemble !) Certaines absences m'étonnent : la Belgique, par exemple, ce qui m'amène à penser que dans le cas de la "France" le calcul de Facebook est linguistique plutôt que géographique (contrairement au Canada), les pays lusophones (apparemment tous sur Orkut), ou encore la sous-représentation des utilisateurs et pays hispanophones.

CD (Certificate of Deposit) Rates, Money Market Rates, High Inte Pleins de chiffres sur le marché du Search Engine Marketing - [1 Lors d’un cours sur le Search Engine Marketing (SEM) donné aux étudiants Services et réseaux de communication de Bordeaux, j’ai eu l’occasion de me pencher sur les derniers chiffres du marché du SEM que je vous livre ici. Un grand MERCI à Mathieu Llorens pour la mise en relation avec Pierre Lacrampe (le responsable dynamique du département SeRéCom) et aux étudiants SRC curieux que j’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer. En résumé, le marché du Search Engine Marketing (Référencement Naturel + Liens sponsorisés) est devenu aux fils des années la locomotive de la publicité en ligne dont le SEM représente déjà 40% des dépenses tant aux U.S, qu’en Europe. La publicité en ligne progresse quant à elle de plus de 70% en France en 2005 et on peut estimer le marché français 2005 du Search Engine Marketing à plus ou moins 300 millions d’€. N’hésitez à m’indiquer d’autres études sur le marché du Search Engine Marketing notamment en France et en Europe. Les sources de trafic et d’audience d’un site web

Welcome to! Search Results Powered by OXiDE search TechCrunch Pitch! in London - The Wrap Last week TechCrunch UK held the first TechCrunch Pitch! event in London. The idea came about for this after I went to a number of demo and pitch events in the UK and other European countries and realized that too many startups were not actually getting to the point in their pitch to the audience and potential investors. This event stripped the whole thing back to basics. I thought at first that we would only have UK companies wanting to come, but pretty soon it became obvious that startups from other European countries were prepared to fly in. On board as our resident Simon Cowell critic, we had Doug Richard, the UK-based Californian technology entrepreneur, who shot to fame here as the toughest Dragon, on the BBC’s Dragons Den TV series. At the end, the feedback was that everyone liked the fast pace and the slightly “punk” atmosphere. In the meantime, please check out the video and pictures kindly recorded by Moblog on our TechCrunch UK account, set up specially for the event. – Realtime Search for the Realtime Web A few weeks ago, a small team from @WalmartLabs visited the offices of OneRiot in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. OneRiot has developed some pretty nifty technology that analyzes social media signals from popular networks like Twitter and Facebook to deliver ads that are relevant to consumers’ interests. As our teams debated the finer points of Big Data, Fast Data, and machine learning technologies, it became clear to us that we could find no better colleagues than the guys at OneRiot. As a part of Walmart, we're continuing to work with the intensity of a technology startup. Today I’m pumped to share the news that, within 30 days of that first meeting, we have closed a transaction to acquire the key assets of OneRiot. As I have written before, here at @WalmartLabs we’re doing some amazingly interesting and impactful work at the intersection of social, mobile, and retail. It gives me great pleasure to welcome Tobias Peggs and the OneRiot team to @WalmartLabs!

La Charte Néthique - WikiNethique Un article de WikiNethique. Je suis alle9 ouvrir du livre. Je ne dissope que de l'essentiel de l'ide9ologie allemande (ES, 1982). Je vous suis. Explaining OpenSocial to your Executives There’s so many people talking at the developer, strategist, and marketing level, I’m going to take it up for another audience, feel free to repurpose this content any way you want. You: A web decision maker As a Web Strategist, you are someone who is partially or wholly responsible for the long-term direction of your website, or the website of your client(s). You have to explain the announcement to your boss (or you are the boss), I’m going to help. [Using portable applications, companies can now efficiently extend their website experience to existing communities on popular social networks] Terms Social Network: An existing network or community where people of similar interest share. Situation: Nov 1st the “OpenSocial” is announced Decisions are made on communities where trusted members share as a result, savvy companies go where their market is. We’ve hit a milestone on how the web is becoming amorphous, data is about to be shared easily and quickly in a fluid way. What is Open Social?
